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Create a Kami assignment in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Integration
With Kami’s Microsoft Teams integration, you can:
Create a Kami assignment within Microsoft Teams.
Create a Kami shared file within your team in Microsoft Teams.
Provide feedback and grading using all Kami tools.
Sync feedback or grading comments in real time.
Automatically save files to OneDrive.
✏️ Who can use Kami’s Microsoft Teams integration?
This feature is available to users on a Kami teacher, school, or district plan. You must also be a Microsoft Teams user.
Add the Kami app to Microsoft Teams
Teachers will need to install the Kami app to perform Kami-related tasks in Microsoft Teams:
Click the Apps button.
Type Kami in the search box.
On the right side, you will see the option to select the Kami app.
Install the Kami app by following the instructions.
Create an assignment using the Kami app
Create assignments for your team
You need to create an assignment for a specific team. After selecting the team, do the following:
Click the Assignments button > Select the Create button > Click the Assignments button that appears.
Add Kami task
The next step is to use the Kami app to add the files you want to this assignment:
Click the App button below.
When you select that button, a pop-up will appear where you can search for the app you want to use. Type Kami in the search box at the top and select the Kami app.

Kami's assignment setting
After you select the Kami app, you will see the option to add files.
You can choose one of the following:
Select OneDrive files
Creating an empty file in Kami
Select a template from the Kami library
✏️ What are Control Features?
Control Features allow you to select or deselect tools for students to use for specific assignments. If you want to learn more about Control Features, see this help article.
When you click the Save button, your assignment will appear as shown below.
Finally, once you have your assignment ready, click the Assign button to distribute it to your students.
Duplicate the assignment
You can duplicate any assignment in Microsoft Teams, and Kami assignments are no exception. Here’s how to duplicate it to another team:
First, go to the task you want to duplicate and click on the three dots on the right side of the task. This will bring up a menu where you can select Duplicate.
When you select Duplicate, a list of other teams will appear. Select the team you want to duplicate the assignment to and click Next.
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