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How to use and utilize Snorkl

Snorkl 101 Webinar: Innovation in AI-Based Education Platforms
• Express students’ thoughts in a variety of ways and provide immediate AI feedback • Accommodate multilingual learners with support for over 40 languages • Can be used in all subjects including math, science, language, and social studies • Provides automated analysis and insights for teachers • Basic features available with a free account • Data privacy certified and available across all 50 states A student-centered, interactive learning environment Snorkl is inspired by the power of simple tools like snorkeling. Students can express their ideas in a variety of ways, including drawing, typing, and uploading images on a digital whiteboard. In particular, they can use the voice recording function to explain their solution process and receive immediate AI feedback. Smart analytics tools for teachers Teachers can see the learning status of the entire class at a glance. AI automatically classifies and grades student responses, identifies common error patterns, and identifies students who need customized instruction. Teachers can also use activities from existing libraries or create their own learning activities. Utilization by various subjects • Mathematics: Explain and visualize the problem-solving process • English: Reading comprehension and reading fluency assessment • Foreign language: pronunciation, intonation, grammar feedback • Science: Analyzing experimental data and explaining phenomena Get started You can get started by creating a free account at We recommend starting with the 'Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich' activity in the 'Getting Started' section to get started on the platform. This activity requires a bit of detailed explanation and will give you an experience with the core features of the platform. Future development direction Snorkl is expanding its curriculum partnerships, starting with Jump Math. It is also developing new features, including writing-focused assignments and multi-whiteboard activities. It is also continuously improving the accuracy of pronunciation and grammar feedback, especially in language learning.
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Snorkl: Instantly Analyze Student Thoughts with AI Hi, I’m John, one of the co-founders of Snorkel. I’m excited to share Snorkel with you. I’m a former high school math teacher and educational coach, and my co-founder Jeff is a former fifth grade teacher. We developed Snorkel to capture students’ thinking and use it for deeper learning. Snorkel allows students to record their thoughts on a digital whiteboard and receive instant, personalized feedback from AI. It also provides teachers with powerful insights into their students’ learning. Snorkel is a rich tool for formative assessment and student practice. Teachers pose questions on a digital whiteboard, and students can respond using a variety of tools. Students can draw, type, or upload images. We encourage students to explain their thinking beyond simply providing answers. This is good metacognition, helps develop language skills, and gives teachers powerful insight into students’ understanding. Once students submit their responses, the AI begins to analyze them. The AI analyzes both the student’s verbal explanation and the visual content shown on the whiteboard to provide feedback. The feedback includes whether the answer is correct or not, a 0-4 scale score for the strength of the explanation, and 2-3 personalized feedback items. On the teacher side, Snorkel leverages AI to provide rich insights. It automatically categorizes student responses as correct or incorrect, and labels them for the strength of the explanation. Teachers can review individual student responses and see AI feedback. Snorkel also records in over 50 languages, making it a powerful tool for supporting students in new countries. In addition to reviewing individual student work, Snorkel analyzes responses from the entire class to give teachers insight into trends. It highlights best practices to use in class, shows students’ most common errors and mistakes, and lets you instantly see who is making those errors, so you can identify students who need small group support. Snorkels can be used in a variety of subjects, including math, social studies, science, and English. There are many enriching activities that can be done with snorkels, such as having students read and respond to texts.
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Snorkl FAQ
1. What is Snorkl? Snorkl is a platform where students can receive instant, personalized feedback on their responses to teacher questions or prompts. Students write their thoughts on a digital whiteboard, and AI instantly analyzes their verbal explanations and visual work. 2. What subjects can Snorkl be used for? Snorkl is a versatile tool that can be used in all subjects. It is used from elementary school to university. It is particularly excellent in math and science, but it is also perfect for students at all levels of education to demonstrate and improve their understanding in a variety of areas, including language arts, social sciences, and foreign languages. 3. How do students log in? Students log into Snorkl with their Google or Microsoft account. This method ensures the security of student accounts and eliminates the hassle of password management. 4. Can students change the feedback language? Yes! Students can adjust the feedback language in the "Profile Settings" in the top right corner. Snorkl supports multiple languages, and students can receive feedback in the language they speak or the language chosen by the teacher. 5. What if the AI feedback doesn’t seem accurate? We always recommend that teachers check the “Expected Answer” developed by the AI auto-fill tool. If there is an error in the expected answer, the AI may give incorrect feedback to all students. Use the “Rate this Feedback” tool to catch other mistakes and ensure improvement. 6. How do I add a co-teacher? When you open a class, the teacher's name will appear under the class name. Click on your name to add a co-teacher. Co-teachers must have a Snorkl account before they can be added. 7. Can I edit an assignment after it has been assigned? Yes, when you assign an activity to a class, a unique copy is created for that class. Adjusting the version in the library will not change the assigned copy, but you can always edit the assigned copy in the "Settings" tab when viewing the assignment. 8. Can I delete or download my responses? Yes, when viewing a student submission in the teacher view, click on the three dots in the upper right corner. This will give you the option to "Download" or "Delete" the response. 9. How is Snorkl different from other AI tools? Snorkl focuses on emphasizing the power of student voice and putting teachers at the center of the learning process. By analyzing students’ explanations, Snorkl can provide deeper insights than traditional text-based tools. Teachers can tailor the focus of AI to specific educational goals, making Snorkl an innovative partner in effective education. 10. How can I experience Snorkl? Teachers and school leaders can try Snorkl by creating a free account. With a free account, teachers can try Snorkl with their students and experience its impact. If you are interested in running a school or district-wide pilot, you can learn more about our Lighthouse Leaders program on our " Plans " page. 11. How does Snorkl protect student data?
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Transforming Math Classrooms with Snorkl: A Case Study of Improving Mathematical Communication Skills for ELL Students Key takeaways: • Target audience: ELL (English Language Learners) students in grades 4-5 from Hispanic backgrounds • Tools: Snorkl - AI-based voice recording and feedback platform • Effects: Improved mathematical reasoning skills, improved English communication skills, increased math confidence • Methods: Structured problem-solving approach, scripting, peer feedback, repeated practice Background on the introduction of Snorkl Marcela Gomez, a teacher in Houston, Texas, found that her ELL students understood math concepts but had difficulty effectively explaining the process. Snorkl was introduced as a tool to bridge this gap. Lesson structure using Snorkl Record your problem-solving process: Students voice-record themselves solving math problems step-by-step. AI Feedback: Snorkl provides instant feedback. Refine and Retry: Students refine their explanations based on feedback and re-record. Effective Implementation Strategies Clear instructions: Encourage detailed explanations using the “as if explaining to a blind person” approach Structured response: Read the problem → Explain the situation → Explain the solution process → Provide an answer Scripting: Writing down your mathematical thinking process before recording. Peer Assessment: Students review scripts and exchange feedback with each other. Consistent practice: 45-minute Snorkl sessions twice a week Notable achievements Improved mathematical reasoning skills: Students’ explanations of problem-solving processes become clearer and more logical. Improving English Language Skills: A Significant Number of Students Improve Their Scores on the TELPAS Test Increased math confidence: A significant increase in confidence, especially for students who previously struggled Increased motivation to learn: Students voluntarily request more practice with math problems
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World Snorkl Day: Innovation Slam - Innovative Uses of Snorkl
In this session, five educators shared innovative ways they use Snorkl. 1. Kim - Combining Edgy Protocols and Snorkl Kim presented a way to combine a learning framework called Edgy Protocols with Snorkl: Sketch and Tell: Students draw a picture, explain it to Snorkl, and then get feedback. Three Time Genre Challenge: Write from one source in three different genres or perspectives and get feedback with Snorkl. Bua Cucha: Students answer questions about the book, provide evidence, practice orally with Snorkl, and then write. 2. Andrew Davies - Using Snorkl in Primary Schools Andrew shared a number of ideas for using Snorkl in elementary schools: Individualized Feedback: Provide AI feedback to other students while the teacher is teaching in small groups. Language Arts (ELA): Suggested story retelling activities using story arcs. Mathematics: Use as a pre-assessment tool to gain a deeper understanding of students' understanding. Science: Use it to compare different habitats and prepare for science fair projects. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Use daily journals to monitor students' emotions. 3. Eric - Teacher Training and Fluency Assessment Eric shared two main ideas: AI Misuse Prevention Training: Suggesting how to use Snorkl to increase verbal assessments and reduce potential cheating. Assessing Reading Fluency: Demonstrates a new way to assess students' reading fluency using Snorkl. 4. Lisa Black - Using Snorkl from a Student Perspective Lisa, an online Earth Science teacher, shared how she uses Snorkl from a student perspective: Interactive activity: Demonstrated an activity to share and persuade opinions on 'How to get into water'.
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Snorkl: An Innovative Voice Interaction Tool for Social Studies
Introduction Christy Cloud is a veteran teacher with 24 years of experience, 21 of whom have taught social studies. She shares how she uses Snorkl to improve her social studies lessons. Using the Snorkl library Achieve your social studies goals using the 'Reading and Language Arts' section in the Snorkl library. Example of a 5th grade 'Informational Text Reading' activity: 'Breakfast around the world' activity Modify library activity Add activities to your personal library Edit instructions directly on the whiteboard (e.g. add "Underline all country names") Modify expected answers and assign activities Create a new Snorkl activity Click 'Create Activity' in 'My Library' Enter a title (e.g. "Middle East Government") Add images or text to your whiteboard AI Feedback Settings (Select Subject and Grade) Generate expected answers using the 'Auto-fill with AI' feature Innovative use of multiple choice problems Ask students to choose an answer and explain why Understanding students' thought processes through voice recordings Smashing Apps with Canva Choose a social studies worksheet template from Canva (e.g. Write country names by continent)
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Snorkl: An innovative voice interaction tool for foreign language education
Introduction Bla is a Technology Integration Specialist at Northern Lee High School District with over 10 years of experience as a middle and high school English teacher. She currently serves as the Foreign Language Club Advisor, exploring a variety of languages with her students, including Japanese, French, Italian, and Spanish. Drawing on her experience using Snorkl in foreign language instruction, Bla shares her tips for using the tool effectively. Key elements of effective language learning Contextualization : Bla emphasizes the importance of learning language in real-world situations. Snorkl allows you to simulate real-world situations, such as ordering at a restaurant. Engaging and Fun : It’s important to encourage active student participation. Snorkl increases student engagement through features like the interactive whiteboard. Cultural Insights : Language learning goes beyond just learning vocabulary and grammar to understanding cultural nuances. Snorkl allows you to engage in culturally relevant activities, such as comparing artwork. Continuous Practice : Snorkl provides immediate feedback and gives students the opportunity to practice as many times as they want. Accuracy and Fluency : Through continuous feedback, students can improve the accuracy of their pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary use, while simultaneously improving fluency. Level-based approach to foreign language classes using Snorkl Level 1: Beginner Example: Learning Japanese Numbers 1-10 Characteristic: Provide clear instructions in English Focus on practicing basic vocabulary Active use of visual aids (e.g. matching animal pictures with numbers) Short recordings of less than 30 seconds are recommended. Tip: When setting AI feedback, adjust it to elementary school level to provide simpler and clearer feedback. Level 1.5: Beginner-Intermediate Example: Ordering at a restaurant in Spanish Characteristic:
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Snorkl: A Revolutionary Voice Interaction Tool for ELA Education
Introduction Amanda Fox, an ELA (English Language Arts) teacher, shares a variety of teaching activities and strategies using Snorkl, an AI-powered teaching tool that can be used effectively to assess students’ writing and comprehension skills, especially in ELA classes. Snorkl's main advantages Ensure objectivity : Reduce teacher bias by providing consistent feedback. Personalized Insights : Analyze the performance of individual students and entire classes. Save time : Provide quick feedback on 125 students' work. Personalized Scaffolding : Giving Students the ‘Oxygen’ They Need Personalized Learning : AI enables truly personalized learning. SALE Strategy: How to Use Snorkl Amanda presents SALE strategies to effectively leverage Snorkl: S elect existing lessons: Select existing lessons in the Snorkl library A djust with remixes: Improving existing material with modern technology I nnovate new creations: Develop new lessons to meet specific needs L everage graphics: Using graphics for multimodal learning Examples of using Snorkl Leverage existing lessons : Select the 'Understanding Metaphors' lesson from the Snorkl library Adjusting Classes : Adding Highlights to Existing Classes Developing a new lesson : Creating a 'Stranger Things' themed semantic shading activity Leverage Graphics : Integrate graphics created with Canva into Snorkl DIVE STRATEGY: Designing New Snorkl Activities
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Snorkl: A revolutionary voice interaction tool for math education
Introduction Emily Castano has been a 7th grade math teacher at Chipa Junior Senior High School outside of Akan, Ohio for 7 years. She discovered and began using Snorkl in November 2022, especially in preparation for and reviewing state tests. Emily says Snorkl has allowed her to significantly improve her traditional classroom teaching, blended learning, and “Mathematically Thinking Classroom” approaches. Three Key Teaching Techniques Using Snorkl 1. Improving traditional classroom teaching In traditional lecture-style classes, feedback can only be received from one student at a time, making it difficult to get feedback from all 15-25 students. In addition, there was a problem that the learning content was not transferred to the students' long-term memory. Snorkl provides the following features to solve these problems: Provide students with opportunities to verbally explain and justify their mathematical ideas. Provides individual support and immediate feedback Facilitating the transfer to long-term memory Emily cites research from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) that shows that when students are able to verbally express and justify their mathematical ideas, they achieve deeper understanding and long-term success. 2. Improve blended learning In blended learning environments, there were issues such as difficulty for one teacher to support multiple students at the same time, lack of immediate feedback, and limited opportunities for high-performing students to develop. Snorkl provides the following solutions to overcome these limitations: Provide immediate feedback to all students simultaneously You can check students' understanding in real time. Providing additional challenges for top students Emily cites a study from the Journal of Educational Psychology that found that students who received immediate feedback were 20 percent more successful on future tasks than those who didn't. 3. Improving the ‘Mathematical Thinking Classroom’ Approach Emily highly values the book "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics" and uses the ideas from the book in conjunction with Snorkl. The approach involves dividing students into random groups and having them solve high-quality problems in a vertical, non-permanent workspace, such as a whiteboard. However, in group activities, lack of individual student responsibility and unbalanced participation within the group can be problems. Snorkl provides the following methods to solve these problems:
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Snorkl: An Innovative Voice Interaction Tool for Science Education
Highlights: Snorkl is a new educational tool that enhances students’ science learning through voice interaction. Contributes to improving student engagement, promoting deeper understanding, and developing critical thinking skills Providing a personalized learning experience that combines AI feedback and teacher intervention It can be applied to various subjects, and is especially effective in mathematics and science education. Enhance creativity and collaboration through integration with other educational apps Text: Introducing Snorkl Alyssa Fabian (aka Farmer Fobs) introduces the innovative educational tool Snorkl in her presentation “World Snorkl Day: Snorkl + Science.” After discovering the tool on social media, Alyssa immediately began implementing it in her classroom. Alyssa's Background: Social Media Accounts: @Farmer_fobs (Twitter, Instagram) I started making videos about using edutech about 5 months ago. Snorkl's main advantages Snorkl greatly enhances learning through voice and interaction. Here are three key benefits that Alyssa highlights: Increased engagement and motivation Students participate with their own voices Experience a feeling of value and connection Increased enthusiasm for active attitude and conversation Promoting deeper understanding Improve your memory through interaction
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Getting started with Snorkl
Snorkl is an innovative educational tool that uses AI to analyze students’ voices and digital work in real time. It was created by a math teacher and accurately reflects the needs of the field. Students receive immediate feedback, and teachers can easily understand each student’s level of understanding. Now is the time to apply Snorkl to your class! Below, we will explain in detail everything from membership registration to usage. Connect to Snorkl. Click Sign Up to sign up. Sign in with your Google or MS account. Email or other SSO logins are not currently supported. When asked whether you are a teacher or a student, select Teacher. Once registration is complete, you will be taken to the teacher screen. Home: This is the main screen of the teacher dashboard. Classes: My Classes You can view Snorkl templates created by other educators. Click Create Class to create your own class. Click Create Class to create your own class. You will be prompted to name the class and select a color. It is okay to write the name in Korean. Create an assignment in the created class. Click Assign Activity to create the assignment. A template provided by Snorkl will appear, but let's click on My Library to create our own task. Go to My Library and click on Create Activity. Write a title and question for the assignment. Title: Title of the assignment Whiteboards: Title of the assignment Whiteboards: Add questions and students answer on these whiteboards.
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