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The magic of interactive online education: An exciting digital learning playground with Thinglink
• A learning experience that is pleasing to the eyes and ears with 360-degree multimedia
• A personalized educational journey that takes you on your own learning adventure
• Content evolution becoming smarter with big data
• Perfect fit with multiple learning platforms, easy to implement
• The door to knowledge opens anywhere as long as you have a smartphone
Boredom is Gone! A New World of Interactive Learning
"Another boring online lecture?" The days of sighing are over. There is no time to be bored in the new learning playground presented by Thinglink. As if you were in a wonderful science museum, you will find yourself accumulating deep knowledge as you click and explore here and there. Travel around the world with 360-degree videos and conduct science experiments in a virtual reality lab. As you solve quizzes, you will lose track of time. This is the magical learning experience presented by Thinglink.
A journey of knowledge that I choose to embark on
How frustrating is it when everyone is on the same bus, traveling at the same speed? Thinglink puts you in charge. With a cool feature called “branching scenarios,” you can design your own learning journey. A friend who is interested in history can dive into a deeper historical story, while a friend who loves science can dive into an exciting experiment. Just like reading a choose your own adventure book, a new world of knowledge will unfold depending on your choices.
AI teacher who gets smarter every day
Thinglink has a hidden secret weapon. It is a superpower analysis tool that utilizes big data! It carefully checks what content you like and what parts you have difficulty with to create a better learning experience. It is as if it reads your mind. The data collected in this way becomes a magic wand that continuously upgrades the content. More fun and effective learning awaits you tomorrow than today.
A versatile key that fits anywhere
Thinglink is like a Lego block. It fits into any learning system. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a school platform or a company education system. Implementing Thinglink is as easy as installing a new app. And as long as you have a smartphone, you can study anywhere, anytime. On the subway, in a cafe, or even sitting on a park bench. Forget about having to sit in a classroom or at a desk to study!
Learning in the digital age has become an exciting adventure. With Thinglink, you will realize how enjoyable it is to sail the ocean of knowledge. It is not simply memorizing information, but experiencing and exploring directly to build your own knowledge. If such fun learning experiences become part of our daily lives, wouldn’t we all be able to live as curious explorers for the rest of our lives? Let’s embark on an exciting learning journey with Thinglink. Now, your learning adventure begins with just one click!
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