Snorkl: Instantly Analyze Student Thoughts with AI Hi, I’m John, one of the co-founders of Snorkel. I’m excited to share Snorkel with you. I’m a former high school math teacher and educational coach, and my co-founder Jeff is a former fifth grade teacher. We developed Snorkel to capture students’ thinking and use it for deeper learning. Snorkel allows students to record their thoughts on a digital whiteboard and receive instant, personalized feedback from AI. It also provides teachers with powerful insights into their students’ learning. Snorkel is a rich tool for formative assessment and student practice. Teachers pose questions on a digital whiteboard, and students can respond using a variety of tools. Students can draw, type, or upload images. We encourage students to explain their thinking beyond simply providing answers. This is good metacognition, helps develop language skills, and gives teachers powerful insight into students’ understanding. Once students submit their responses, the AI begins to analyze them. The AI analyzes both the student’s verbal explanation and the visual content shown on the whiteboard to provide feedback. The feedback includes whether the answer is correct or not, a 0-4 scale score for the strength of the explanation, and 2-3 personalized feedback items. On the teacher side, Snorkel leverages AI to provide rich insights. It automatically categorizes student responses as correct or incorrect, and labels them for the strength of the explanation. Teachers can review individual student responses and see AI feedback. Snorkel also records in over 50 languages, making it a powerful tool for supporting students in new countries. In addition to reviewing individual student work, Snorkel analyzes responses from the entire class to give teachers insight into trends. It highlights best practices to use in class, shows students’ most common errors and mistakes, and lets you instantly see who is making those errors, so you can identify students who need small group support. Snorkels can be used in a variety of subjects, including math, social studies, science, and English. There are many enriching activities that can be done with snorkels, such as having students read and respond to texts.
- 콘텐주콘