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100 Years of EdTech Project: Designing the Future of Education
• A vision from education and technology innovators looking toward 2074
• Predict what education will look like in 50 years through 8 future scenarios
• Present solutions from the perspectives of policy, innovation, resources and social capital
• Envisioning the future of education and technology that maximizes the potential of all learners
• Emphasize the importance of designing future education using collective intelligence
Introduction: The Future of Education Looking Ahead 100 Years Ago
The 100 Years EdTech Project started from the premise that education and technology are key partners for human prosperity. The project aims to build on the past 50 years of experience and look ahead to the next 50 years, developing innovative approaches through collaboration with various stakeholders and shaping learning for the next century.
Held in Scottsdale, Arizona, February 28-March 1, 2024, the Design Summit brought together 185 participants from more than 60 institutions, including college and school leaders, faculty, educators, students, technology experts, and futurists. Across generations, from 18 to 75+, they mapped out a blueprint for the future of education, centered around the question, “What will the world look like in 2074?”
8 Future Scenarios
Project participants detailed eight potential scenarios for 2074:
Climate Change and the Role of Education
Culturally Responsive AI Curriculum
Genetically engineered humans
Education in the Post-Truth Era
Interspecies communication
Extended Reality and Historical Revisionism
Mental Health in the Digital Age
Trauma Awareness Education and Learning
For each scenario, participants presented solutions from the perspectives of policy, innovation, resource needs, and social capital.
Climate Change and the Role of Education
This scenario presents a new model where schools and universities serve as community connection centers during climate disasters. These centers function beyond simple disaster shelters and serve as spaces for education and training on community safety and sustainability.
Proposed solutions include developing comprehensive climate education curricula, introducing immersive learning tools such as virtual reality simulations, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, and building partnerships with environmental organizations.
Culturally Responsive AI Curriculum
Participants proposed the creation of the AI Ethics and Learning Alliance (AELA), an organization that aims to promote ethical development and community governance of AI solutions to create equitable learning opportunities.
Proposed solutions include mandating the integration of AI modules into curricula, testing AI algorithms for bias, and funding research into culturally inclusive AI technologies.
Genetically engineered humans
This scenario depicts a future where the diversity of human abilities is expanded by the widespread use of genetic engineering technology. To address this, the concept of 'pluriversity' was proposed. This is an open learning platform that provides education tailored to the abilities and interests of individuals.
Proposed solutions include developing ethical and unbiased learning pathway assessment models, building universally accessible, pluralistic universities, and global collaboration on cutting-edge research.
Education in the Post-Truth Era
This scenario points out the risk of social division and fragmentation of shared truth due to AI. In response, it suggests strengthening education on ethics, critical thinking, and logic, and the concept of ‘Flexiversity’.
Proposed solutions include introducing media literacy and critical thinking courses, developing misinformation detection algorithms, and providing media literacy training for educators.
Interspecies communication
In this future, neural network technology has been developed to enable communication between all species. This has led to a world where human domination of the Earth is no longer valid, and a world where policies are jointly established through interspecies summits.
Proposed solutions include establishing protocols for interspecies communication and cooperation, developing translation software for effective communication with animals, and funding interspecies communication research.
Extended Reality and Historical Revisionism
This scenario warns of the dangers of extended reality (XR) technology being manipulated for bias and political agendas. In response, an international code of ethics for XR has been proposed.
Proposed solutions include establishing guidelines for historical accuracy and ethical representation of XR experiences, introducing peer review mechanisms and fact-checking algorithms, and investing in digital preservation efforts.
Mental Health in the Digital Age
This scenario suggests an approach based on community engagement and support to address digital addiction. Initiatives such as the What Works Clearinghouse and World Wise are suggested.
Proposed solutions include providing comprehensive mental health education and support services in schools, integrating digital wellbeing tools, and providing mental health training for educators.
Trauma Awareness Education and Learning
In this scenario, the importance of trauma-aware education is highlighted in response to the increasing trauma caused by global instability and technological revolution. A perspective that sees health and well-being as key elements of cognitive development is presented.
Proposed solutions include mandating trauma awareness training for educators, implementing trauma-sensitive teaching practices, and hiring trauma experts.
Strategy for the future
The 100 Year EdTech Project envisions that over the next 50 years, technology will make education fully accessible, inclusive, and transformative for all humanity. To this end, the project has adopted a unified statement of purpose through its ‘Manifesto’:
“We are committed to creating a future where education and technology unleash the potential of all learners to transform their lives and the world. In doing so, we embrace innovation that elevates our collective humanity and protects our environment.”
To realize this manifesto, the project emphasizes the importance of fostering deeper futures thinking among educators, policymakers, and learners, so that more perspectives can be involved in imagining and planning future scenarios.
The project also proposed eight strategies to instill deeper futures thinking in education:
'Future Literacy' education that fosters the ability to predict, imagine, and explore future possibilities
Promoting interdisciplinary collaboration to comprehensively address future challenges
Prioritizing long-term thinking in education
Incorporating scenario planning exercises to develop strategic thinking and adaptability
Providing experiential learning through field trips, simulations, projects, etc.
Improving future thinking skills by utilizing new technologies such as VR, AI, and data analysis
Foster empathy and understanding of global challenges through exposure to diverse perspectives
Creating a lifelong learning culture that can adapt and thrive in a changing world
Conclusion: The Future We Are Creating
The 100 Year EdTech Project reminds us that we are responsible for the future we create. We are the ones who create the technologies and education systems we introduce to the world. Over the next 50 years, we must constantly ask ourselves important questions and find examples that illuminate the path to a positive future.
The eight thought-provoking questions posed by the project are:
Will technology in the next 50 years open access to knowledge and learning for all, or will it worsen inequality in access to education?
Will technology in the next 50 years advance critical thinking, or will it contribute to misinformation and alternative truths?
Will the technology of the next 50 years foster empathy and understanding between individuals and communities, or will it cause friction and division?
Will the technology of the next 50 years support fairness, inclusion, and equity, or will it perpetuate bias and inequality?
Will technology of the next 50 years create community and foster connection, or will it contribute to social exclusion?
Will the technology of the next 50 years promote positive physical and mental health outcomes, or will it reinforce disease and deteriorate personal well-being?
Will the technology of the next 50 years make our natural resources sustainable and help us become better co-inhabitants of the planet, or will it perpetuate human supremacy?
Will the next 50 years of technology accelerate human capabilities and innovation, or will it tie us to old ways of working and living?
These are the key questions that we must continually consider as we design and implement future education and technology. Through this, we must strive to ensure that technological advancements go beyond simply increasing efficiency or economic benefits, and contribute to the overall quality of human life and sustainable development.
The significance of the 100-year edutech project
This project goes beyond simply predicting the future, and emphasizes the importance of actively designing and creating the future we want. Here are some of the key implications of this project:
Presenting a long-term vision : By looking ahead 50 years and exploring the direction of development in education and technology, we pursue fundamental and sustainable changes that go beyond short-term solutions.
Multidisciplinary approach : Experts from diverse fields such as education, technology, policy, and sociology collaborate to find comprehensive solutions to complex future challenges.
Designing an Inclusive Future : By gathering input from participants of diverse ages and backgrounds, we envision a more inclusive and equitable future education system.
Ethical Considerations : We pursue human-centered technological development by predicting and preparing for ethical issues that arise from technological development.
Action-oriented approach : We pursue real change by going beyond mere outlooks and presenting specific policies and innovation plans.
Future tasks and prospects
The 100 Years of EdTech Project has laid out a blueprint for the future of education, but there are still many challenges to be overcome to make it a reality. Some key areas we should focus on in the future are:
Closing the technology gap : We need policies and infrastructure to ensure that advanced educational technologies are available equitably to all learners.
Strengthening educator capacity : It is important to develop and retrain educators to adapt to and effectively utilize the rapidly changing technological environment.
Developing Ethical AI : As the use of AI in education expands, continued research and regulation are needed to develop AI systems that are fair and unbiased.
Strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration : To address complex future challenges, we must further strengthen collaboration across diverse fields, including education, technology, policy, and sociology.
Continuous Future Exploration : To respond to a rapidly changing world, these long-term perspective projects need to be undertaken and updated periodically.
In conclusion, the 100-Year EduTech Project presents us with the possibilities and challenges of future education, and at the same time reminds us that we can actively design and create that future. We hope that the vision and strategies presented by this project will serve as a compass for future education policy and technology development, and contribute to creating a future where all learners can fully realize their potential.
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