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Guide to The Back-To-School AI Webinar
Register now: https://hz03lw7mbb2.typeform.com/to/ufAsvREV When? September 19, 2024 UK: 16:00 New York: 11:00 California: 08:00 Korea: 00:00 (September 20, 2024) What you can get: Clear guidance on how to get started using AI effectively (or how to guide your colleagues) Useful prompt tips for tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini Insights into AI education tools that are gaining attention around the world More with special guests We hope for your active participation!
AI Opening the Future of Education: Possibilities and Challenges
AI Enters the Classroom "It's got my head spinning now." - A quote from an elementary school teacher In the fall of 2023, the UK Department for Education and AI company Faculty embarked on an ambitious project. The goal was clear: to develop AI tools that could transform teachers’ daily lives, reducing their workload while improving the quality of education. The research team created an AI tool that assesses fourth-grade students’ English writing and provides them with personalized feedback. The tool combines LanguageTool, an open-source spell checker, with OpenAI’s GPT model to find students’ errors and generate curriculum-specific feedback. The Power of Technology Meets Education During the development of the AI tool, the research team made several interesting discoveries: Synergy of rule-based + AI-based approaches: Error detection accuracy, which was 33% when only LanguageTool was used, improved to 92% after adding GPT. Surprising Fundamentals of AI: Providing additional training instructions to the GPT model did not significantly improve the quality of the feedback, suggesting that the model was already well-trained on training data. Potential for personalized assignments: AI could analyze each student’s error patterns to generate individualized practice problems. Teachers' Voices “I think I would end up going back over and reading their essays anyway to see if the AI was correct.” - Words from a secondary school teacher Teachers’ reactions to AI tools were mixed: many were positive about the time savings and consistent assessment potential, but there were also concerns. Key Feedback: It is questionable whether AI can properly understand the characteristics of individual students. Concerns about the impact on teacher-student relationships Concerns that over-reliance on AI could weaken teachers’ expertise Mountains to climb, blank spaces to fill For practical adoption of AI tools, several challenges must be addressed: Data Security: Thorough anonymization procedures are needed to protect student privacy Intellectual Property Rights: Establishing Clear Consent Procedures for Using Student Writing Teacher Education: Developing a Systematic Training Program for Using AI Tools
New Companions in the Classroom: The Story of Coexistence between AI and Teachers
AI Enters the Classroom "It's got my head spinning now." - Elementary school teacher In October 2023, over 60 education professionals came together to host the UK’s first AI hackathon in education. Their goal was clear: to find ways to use AI to transform teachers’ daily lives, reduce their workload, and improve the quality of education. Participants used the 'GPT-3.5' and 'GPT-4' models to explore the possibilities of AI in various areas, from lesson planning to student assessment and parent communication. The results were interesting. AI received high scores for generating effective questions and providing personalized feedback. Between anticipation and concern “I think I would end up going back over and reading their essays anyway to see if the AI was correct.” - Secondary school teacher The research team went beyond the hackathon and conducted in-depth interviews with 12 teachers and nine students. The teachers’ responses were mixed: there was hope that AI would save time and enable consistent assessment, but there were also concerns. Many teachers have expressed concerns that AI could replace their expertise or negatively impact their relationships with students, particularly the possibility that AI feedback might not adequately reflect the individual characteristics of individual students. Students also showed mixed attitudes. While there were expectations that AI would be able to cover more learning content, there were also opinions that AI would have difficulty replacing the individual understanding and approach of teachers. Mountains to climb, blank spaces to fill It has also become clear that several challenges must be solved in order to introduce AI. Teacher education: There is an urgent need to improve understanding and use of AI. Establish guidelines: Clear guidelines and policies are needed for the use of AI. System integration: Seamless integration of AI tools with existing school systems is important. Data Security: Concerns about protecting student information must be addressed. Improving infrastructure: The lack of digital infrastructure in some schools also needs to be addressed. First step towards the future This study shows both the potential and limitations of generative AI in the field of education. AI can be a powerful tool that reduces teachers’ workload and supports individualized learning. However, there are many challenges to be solved in the process, such as ensuring accuracy and reliability and establishing ethical guidelines. Most importantly, AI should be recognized as a tool that complements teachers, not as a replacement. In the future, we should clarify the educational value of AI through more field experiments and research, and seek effective ways to utilize it. The introduction of AI into the classroom does not change the nature of education. Rather, AI can open up opportunities for teachers to focus on more creative and individualized education. What we need now is an attitude to explore its possibilities with a balanced perspective, without fearing or blindly trusting AI.
The Importance of Creativity in Education: Canva Report Summary
Key findings Creativity emerges as a key competency in the workplace Awareness of the creative skills deficit among college graduates Educators' Challenges in Integrating Creativity Increasing demand for creativity in the AI era The need to improve creativity education Details The Importance of Creativity 85% of recruiters expect creativity to become more important in the AI era 81% of recent graduates see creativity as an important factor when seeking employment 75% of recruiters consider creativity a key hiring criterion The gap between education and practice 69% of recent graduates feel their education prepared them for the workplace, Only 38% of educators and 56% of recruiters agree More than half of graduates responded that they would have liked to have developed stronger creative skills during their course Challenges in the field of education 36% of educators face time shortage issues 34% pointed out the inadequacy of the current curriculum 32% experienced funding and resource shortages AI and Creativity
🚀 Transforming Education in the Age of AI: A Comprehensive Analysis of UNESCO’s Teacher AI Competency Framework
📚 Framework Purpose and Background (p.13-15) The AI Competency Framework for Teachers developed by UNESCO is the first global version that defines the competencies teachers need to ethically and effectively use AI in education. Developed as part of the Claude 3 family of models published in 2024, the framework aims to: Emphasize the importance of developing teachers’ AI capabilities Provide guidance for designing teacher education programs Complementing and expanding the 2018 UNESCO ICT Competency Framework This framework recognizes the significant impact of AI on education and reflects the reality that the teacher-student relationship is changing to a teacher-AI-student dynamic. It also considers the potential risks that AI may bring (e.g., threats to human agency, worsening climate change, data privacy violations, and deepening inequality), and helps teachers recognize and respond to these issues. 💡 Key Principles of the Framework (p.16-20) Ensuring an Inclusive Digital Future (p.16) Deconstructing AI Hype Understanding the threats inherent in AI design Ensuring the priority of human and social values Using AI to develop human capabilities Human-Centered AI Approach (p.17) Strengthening the use of human responsibility by teachers Promoting Inclusion Recognition of users’ right to explainability of AI tools Understanding and monitoring the impact of human control on AI Protecting Teachers’ Rights and Redefining Their Roles (p.18) Recognizing the centrality of teacher-learner interaction Providing legal safeguards to protect teachers' rights Continuous redefinition of teacher roles and required competencies
AI Prompts for Students: A Guide to Improving Learning
This guide provides a variety of prompts to help students effectively use AI in their learning process. Each prompt is designed to meet a specific learning objective and aims to improve student understanding and increase learning efficiency. Understanding Generative AI Generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT, Google Gemini) is a tool that generates text based on user input. To use it effectively, you need to understand the characteristics and limitations of AI. AI can make mistakes, so always be critical and verify information. AI Ethics Guidelines You must comply with the regulations of your school or university when using AI. Refer to the Bridgend AI Usage Scale to select the appropriate level of AI usage: ⛔ No AI used 💭 Use AI in the planning phase 📖 Use AI in the correction stage 📝 Use AI to draft drafts 💫 Unlimited AI usage AI prompts for learning 1. Simulate the role of a confused student Prompt: "You are a confused student studying [subject name] [course level]. Explain [topic] with some deliberate errors. Help me find and correct the errors." 2. 3 Truths 2 Lies Game Prompt: "You are an expert in [subject name]. Give me a mix of three facts and two false statements about [topic]. Help me identify and correct the false statements." 3. Role of expert coach Prompt: "You are a [subject name] expert coach. Ask me deeper questions to help me understand [topic]. Based on my answers, ask follow-up questions or clarify concepts." AI prompts to prepare for assignments 1. Support for task structuring Prompt: "Please suggest a structure and outline for a [topic] assignment for [assignment type]. Please also suggest key points to be covered in each section."
AI in Education: A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers and Students
Key Summary • Introduction to the definition of generative AI and how to use it for educational purposes • Provide guidelines on the scope of AI use and reference methods • Provide examples of AI usage prompts for teachers • Suggest script prompts for students to use AI • Explain how to create scenarios linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ethical issues Text Generative AI: Potential and Limitations as an Educational Tool Generative AI is a form of AI that mimics creativity, and examples include ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and SnapchatAI. These AI tools can generate text or images based on user prompts. However, the information provided by AI may contain errors or biases, so critical thinking and verification are required. Designing and Using Effective Prompts You can personalize the prompts provided and apply them to different AI tools. Each AI has its own unique conversational style and knowledge base, so it’s important to try out different tools and choose the one that best suits your training goals. Ethical Considerations and Guidelines for the Use of AI Students’ use of AI must comply with age restrictions and institutional policies. It is important to set clear boundaries in assessments and assignments and to be transparent about the level of AI use. The proposed AI usage scale can be a useful tool for this. AI Utilization Strategies for Teachers You can use AI to create offline assignments for your students, such as generating sample answers for students to review and provide feedback on, or creating content for comparative analysis. Student-Centered AI Interaction Design Provide scripted prompts for students to interact directly with the AI. For example, the AI could act as a confused student, play a game of “3 Truths and 2 Lies,” or act as an expert coach. Using AI to Explore SDGs and Ethical Issues Using AI, you can generate problem scenarios that are linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or ethical issues, allowing students to discuss real-world problems and find solutions. AI has potential as an educational aid, but its use requires careful approach and ethical considerations. Explore how to use AI effectively and responsibly to improve the quality of education through this guide.
Ofsted in the UK drastically overhauls school assessment system
The UK's education watchdog, Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills), has made a major overhaul to its school rating system. The changes will take effect immediately, and the main changes are as follows: Major changes Single Rating Abolition: The overall ratings such as 'Outstanding', 'Good', 'Requires Improvement', and 'Inadequate' will be abolished. Maintain detailed assessment: Assessments in specific areas such as quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management will continue. New reporting system: A new ‘report card’ system for parents will be introduced from September 2025. Background of change The main trigger for this reorganisation was the tragic death of headteacher Ruth Perry in 2023. Perry died after suffering from extreme stress following an Ofsted inspection. Future plans Establish school improvement teams in every region Mental health training for Ofsted inspectors 3 September 2024: Ofsted's independent review of its response to the Ruth Perry case is due to be published Reactions from all walks of life Education: Generally positive response Principal Perry Family: Welcome the Change Opposition party criticizes, saying it goes against the interests of parents and students This change will be interesting to see how the UK's school assessment system evolves and what impact it will have on education. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4gv0ydj62no
Classrooms in the AI Age: Revolution or Disaster?
• Two-faced impact of introducing AI into the educational field Positive aspects: Increased learning efficiency, increased possibilities for personalized education Negative aspects: Concerns about students’ weakening critical thinking skills, problems with excessive reliance on AI • The need to reconsider the nature of education has emerged. Emphasize the role of education beyond simple knowledge transfer The importance of developing the ability to deal with uncertainty and creative problem-solving skills • Seeking new ways of teaching Suggestions for strengthening writing activities in the classroom The need for education on the ability to critically use AI Improving language skills and thinking ability through encouraging reading of various genres • Highlighting the importance of language skills Emphasizes the perspective that recognizes language as a 'tool of thought' The claim that diverse writing and reading experiences contribute to improved AI utilization capabilities • Concerns about over-reliance on AI Possibility of students' real-world problem-solving skills being impaired Neglect of the learning process due to AI-dependent output generation • Raising questions about the uniform expressions created by AI Concerns about standardizing the way students with diverse cultural backgrounds and personalities express themselves The importance of maintaining one's own unique way of thinking and expressing oneself • Key opinions from experts Spencer Weinrick (Harvard): Points out the duality of AI, emphasizes the importance of strengthening language abilities
Canva AI Revolutionizes the Classroom: Lesson Preparation in 10 Minutes - AI Educational Tools: Key to Innovation or New Challenges?
https://youtu.be/w_RuM_sllV4?si=-kSzrLtyg5svudbd Summation: Canva Education Launches Free AI Tools for K-12 Teachers and Students AI-based tools drastically reduce lesson preparation time and improve content quality Students can also create creative projects with AI support Introducing AI into the educational field, raising its potential and challenges at the same time AI, the new assistant in the classroom Canva Education’s recently released AI-based educational tools are revolutionizing the education industry. These innovative tools are drastically reducing teachers’ lesson preparation time and enriching students’ learning experiences. Magic Design: A Revolution in Presentation Canva's 'Magic Design' feature is a great help to teachers. It generates a complete presentation with just a few simple prompts, which greatly reduces the time required to prepare lessons. This tool automatically includes relevant images, graphics, and text, greatly improving the efficiency of teachers' work. Magic Light: AI-Suggested Personalized Lesson Plans The 'Magic Light' feature supports lesson planning and content creation. From generating project-based learning ideas to custom learning plans for individual students, AI assists teachers in their work. This allows teachers to design more creative and personalized lessons. Magic Studio: AI tools that unleash students’ creativity Students are now able to benefit from AI through the ‘Magic Studio’ feature. With AI’s help in a variety of creative activities such as image creation, video editing, and writing, the quality of students’ projects is noticeably improving. The potential and challenges of AI educational tools Canva's AI educational tools clearly have great potential. However, some are concerned that increasing reliance on AI could hinder the development of students' basic abilities. Education experts emphasize that it is important to use AI as an auxiliary tool while developing teachers' expertise and students' unique creativity. Conclusion: The Future of Education with AI Canva’s AI educational tools are opening up new possibilities in the classroom. It will be interesting to see how these tools, which increase teachers’ work efficiency and help students express themselves creatively, will be utilized and developed in the educational field in the future. Through the harmonious collaboration of AI and human educators, we will be able to provide a richer and more personalized learning experience. The future of education is now being redrawn with AI.
AI replaces teachers? No, it makes them super teachers!
Monica Burns' revised edition of 'EdTech Essentials' presents educational innovation in the AI era. It introduces 12 key strategies for using AI to prepare classes, assess students, and personalize learning, providing practical guidance for both teachers and students. New Education Strategy in the AI Era How should teachers respond in the face of the wave of new educational technology? The revised edition of 'EdTech Essentials' provides an answer to this question. Author Monica Burns details how teachers can effectively use technology to enhance students' learning experiences through 12 educational strategies for the AI era. Navigating Digital Spaces: Essential 21st Century Skills The first strategy is effective navigation of online spaces. Teachers should understand the various types of digital content and model them for students. For example, students can be taught digital literacy by thinking about the elements they should pay attention to when opening a web page and explaining them out loud. AI, the new companion of teachers The second strategy is to use AI to generate ideas and resources. AI chatbots can be used to create differentiated learning materials or find cross-curricular connections, which can improve teachers’ work efficiency. This allows teachers to provide more students with personalized learning experiences. The Evaluation Revolution: Real-Time, Personalized, and Efficient The third strategy is to modernize assessment methods. Assessment using digital tools provides students with more choices, streamlines teachers’ workflows, and enables real-time feedback. This improves the quality of formative assessment and allows teachers to take appropriate action more quickly. Integrating Digital Skills: Learning Beyond Tools The fourth strategy is transfer of skills between digital spaces. It is important to help students apply the skills they have learned in one digital tool to another. This improves students’ digital literacy and problem-solving skills. Beyond saving time: The true value of AI Burns emphasizes that AI tools should focus on how teachers can use that time more valuable than simply saving them time. For example, the time saved by AI can be invested in one-on-one interactions with students or small group activities. A new mindset in the AI era This book emphasizes the importance of a ‘mindset’ suitable for the AI era. Students must develop the ability to critically evaluate AI-generated content, and teachers must understand the possibilities and limitations of AI tools and learn how to appropriately integrate them into their classes. AI Literacy for Every Educator Burns argues that all educators should have at least a basic understanding and experience with AI tools, so that they have a foundation for making informed decisions and engaging in meaningful conversations, rather than blindly accepting AI. Conclusion: Future Education with AI The revised edition of 'EdTech Essentials' provides a practical guide to educational innovation in the AI era. This book is expected to play a key role in helping teachers effectively utilize new technologies to enhance students' learning experiences and equip them with the skills needed for the future society.
The Truth About EdTech: Are Kids Really Learning?
Summation EdTech experts offer practical advice on balancing immersion and learning effectiveness, and the importance of quality control when developing digital content for children. https://youtu.be/fD9bCyOaIGU?si=5CP-KQNgPZ6-C_cw The recent 'EdTech Mondays Nigeria' podcast delves into the impact of educational technology (EdTech) on learning outcomes. This episode features Cynthia, Learning and Development Manager at Kunda Kids, who shares valuable insights from her experience developing literacy products for children ages 4-10. Cynthia introduced Kunda Kids as a company that produces educational content in various forms, including mobile apps, published books, and animated series. Their content is particularly focused on reflecting African culture and empowering African children to be the protagonists of their own stories. One of the biggest challenges in developing educational digital content is maintaining children’s engagement while achieving real learning outcomes. Cynthia details the approach Kunda Kids takes to strike this balance. They don’t just pursue fun, they measure and evaluate the impact on children’s learning at every moment. What is particularly noteworthy is that Kunda Kids collaborates with parents, teachers, and educational experts from the early stages of product development. This allows them to create content that is appropriate for the child’s developmental stage and ensures effectiveness in real-world educational settings. Cynthia also mentioned the problem of addiction caused by excessive screen time. Kunda Kids has included features in the app to encourage breaks after a certain amount of time of use to prevent this, and also provides activities away from the screen. This is an important part of bridging digital learning with real-world experiences. There was also advice for parents. Cynthia emphasized that parents should set clear learning goals for their children according to their developmental stage and choose EdTech tools that match those goals. She also advised parents to avoid platforms that are simply for fun and choose products that allow them to see real learning outcomes. Finally, Cynthia had an important message for EdTech developers. She emphasized the importance of engaging and testing directly with children in the target age group. She said that understanding the language and interests of Gen Z and Gen Alpha in particular is key to developing effective educational content. This episode highlighted the potential of EdTech, but also the need for a careful approach to leveraging it properly. Technology is a powerful tool for transforming education, but to maximize its effectiveness, pedagogical principles and the real needs of children must always be kept top of mind, which was the central message of the discussion.
Chicago Public Schools Adopts AI: A Roadmap for Ethical Innovation in Education
CPS Releases Comprehensive AI Guidebook for 2024-2025 School Year Focus on privacy, security, and responsible use of generative AI tools Provide clear guidelines for students, educators, and administrators Approved AI tools will be listed in the Ed Tech catalog Planning professional development opportunities to support implementation Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is taking a bold step into the future of education with the release of a new AI guidebook. This comprehensive document outlines the district’s vision for integrating generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) into classrooms and administrative processes while balancing innovation, ethical considerations, and student safety. Scheduled to be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year, the guidebook provides a clear roadmap for students, educators, administrators, and IT staff on how to responsibly utilize AI technologies within the CPS ecosystem. Background and goals of AI adoption CPS recognizes that GenAI tools offer unprecedented opportunities to enhance classroom interactions, personalize learning experiences, and foster innovation. The introduction of these technologies is expected to play a critical role in preparing students to adapt to the rapidly changing technological environment and be competitive in the future job market. However, CPS is also aware of the potential challenges that these technologies can pose. Key concerns include privacy violations, data security, maintaining academic integrity, and bias in AI systems. The guidebook provides specific guidance to address these issues. Key contents of the guidebook 1. Privacy and Security All stakeholders should be careful not to enter personally identifiable information or confidential information into GenAI tools. This includes personal information of students, families, and staff, as well as proprietary information of CPS. The guidebook emphasizes that it is important to assume that any information shared in GenAI applications will be used to train models and may be made available in the public domain. Additionally, all AI interactions must be traceable and accountable. This requires maintaining detailed records of when and how GenAI tools are used in educational and administrative contexts. 2. Instructions for Students Students must use only CPS-approved GenAI tools and must have permission from their teacher to use AI in their assignments. This is to ensure that students learn how to use AI technology responsibly while maintaining educational integrity. When using AI-generated content, you must clearly state that fact and specify how you used it. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and will be handled on a case-by-case basis according to individual school policies. The guidebook also includes suggestions for how students can use AI creatively and productively, such as using AI as a brainstorming partner or using AI to generate timelines and to-do lists for group projects. 3. Guidelines for Educators Teachers should be models of ethical and responsible use of AI, by appropriately citing or disclosing their use of AI and ensuring that the content they create is appropriate for educational purposes. The guidebook provides concrete examples of how teachers can integrate AI into their lessons. For example, elementary schools can use AI to create personalized math problems tailored to students’ unique needs and interests. Middle schools can use AI to conduct virtual experiments, and high schools can use AI to independently conduct in-depth research projects. CPS will provide ongoing professional development opportunities for staff beginning in the summer of 2024 and continuing through the 2024-2025 school year. These include optional workshops, digital resources, and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
AI Risk Database: The Essential Reference for Using AI in Education
Outline The AI Risk Database is an essential reference for the safe and effective use of AI in education. This database systematically categorizes and analyzes over 700 AI-related risks, making it an important tool for teachers and students to understand and prepare for potential risks of AI technology. Given the rapidly developing impact of AI technology on education, the importance of this comprehensive risk analysis data is growing. Key Components AI Risk Database : Over 700 risk insights extracted from 43 existing frameworks Includes detailed descriptions, sources, and relevant examples for each risk. Causal Taxonomy : Entity: Human vs AI system Intent: Intentional vs. Unintentional Timing: Pre-distribution vs. post-distribution Domain Taxonomy : AI risk classification into 7 major areas and 23 sub-areas Provides educational implications for each area Utilization in the education field Utilization for teachers Development of AI Ethics Education Curriculum : Designing practical and specific AI ethics lessons using a variety of risk cases from the database Provide students with opportunities to think critically about the potential risks and implications of AI. Example: When designing a lesson on the topic of “AI bias,” use the database’s discrimination-related cases to select topics for discussion. Choosing and Evaluating AI Tools :
Get ready for the new school year with innovative EdTech tools
Key Points How to use Adobe Express and Magic School AI Benefits of using both tools together Effective Flipped Learning Using Padlet Implementing Differential Learning with Diffit Text As we enter the new school year, we're introducing some innovative EdTech tools that will benefit both teachers and students. Adobe Express Adobe Express gives educators the ability to instantly create lesson ideas and visuals, and support multiple languages. Adobe's Education Resources page ( edex.adobe.com/challenges) offers a variety of creative challenges and implementations to help you save time preparing lessons and increase student engagement. Magic School AI Magic School AI, which recently raised $2.4 million, uses artificial intelligence to reduce teachers’ workloads and create personalized learning materials. The tool is expected to be a major help in solving the problem of teacher burnout. Benefits of integrated use Adobe Express and Magic School AI together help you efficiently create a variety of educational materials, including creating visual summaries, creating personalized reading materials, creating audio-based animations, and creating multimedia presentations. This improves the quality of your classes and enriches the learning experience for your students. Padlet Padlet is an excellent alternative tool for flipped learning. It offers a variety of board formats, flexible sharing settings, video recording and commenting functions, and AI-powered content generation. In particular, the video commenting function and AI-powered content generation greatly increase student engagement and greatly improve teacher work efficiency. Diffit Diffit is a tool that makes it easy to implement differentiated learning. It allows you to adjust text or video to the level of your students, and organize learning content to meet specific skills or standards. It also automatically generates a variety of learning activities to save teachers time preparing lessons. These EdTech tools can help teachers be more effective and provide students with a more personalized learning experience. Create more creative and effective classes with these innovative tools for the new school year. Increasing creativity in the classroom will lead to improved well-being for both teachers and students. See you again https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/console/apollox/mainEvent?simulive=y&eventid=4655908&sessionid=1&username=&partnerref=&format=fhvideo1&mobile=&flashsupportedmobiledevice=&helpcenter=&key=E6ADDCD202AAB71F6ED378FEA115B033&newConsole=true&nxChe=true&newTabCon=true&consoleEarEventConsole=false&consoleEarCloudApi=false&text_language_id=en&playerwidth=748&playerheight=526&eventuserid=696935485&contenttype=A&mediametricsessionid=600218156&mediametricid=6555286&usercd=696935485&mode=launch
Transforming the Classroom with AI: One Teacher’s Success Story Using EnlightenAI
Summation Sean Galvin: 6th grade world geography teacher at Marshall Middle School in Michigan EnlightenAI introduction significantly improves educational effectiveness Significantly reduce assignment grading and feedback time Improving student engagement and learning quality Teacher evaluations rise from “effective” to “very effective” Achieving balance between work and personal life Meet EnlightenAI In October 2023, Sean Galvin was feeling limited in his teaching style. He was a decent teacher, rated as “effective,” but he was having trouble putting in the time and effort needed to become a truly outstanding teacher. Balancing his career and home life was a huge challenge, especially as a father of three young children. Sean stumbled upon EnlightenAI by chance and realized that the tool could solve his biggest problem: grading and feedback. The integration with Google Classroom was especially important to him. The emergence of AI assistants Sean started using EnlightenAI to grade open-ended questions on current events every Friday. Previously, grading and providing feedback on 90+ assignments took at least 3 hours, sometimes with delays of up to several weeks. After using EnlightenAI, Sean was able to set up the tool in about 10 minutes of learning time, and was able to provide consistent quality grading and feedback on every assignment the same day. It was like having an intelligent and conscientious teaching assistant on hand to help with the assignments. Improve learning effectiveness Since the introduction of EnlightenAI, Sean has integrated more digital writing assignments into his curriculum. Students have begun to put more effort into their assignments as they receive quick and in-depth feedback. High-performing students have developed deeper understanding and writing skills, while struggling students have been able to grow through specific feedback. These changes have raised Sean's teacher evaluation rating from "effective" to "highly effective." In addition, he is able to complete school work on time and spend more time with his children. Looking forward to the future Sean believes that the various features provided by EnlightenAI can make teaching more sustainable and attractive. He plans to further enhance the learning experience for students by utilizing new tools such as the “instant feedback” feature in the future. For Sean, AI is now more than just a tool; it’s a solid team of teaching assistants who help him with grading, planning, accountability, and more. This allows him to have deeper interactions with his students, live a more balanced life, and become a truly effective educator both in and out of the classroom. Sean’s experience is a great example of how AI can bring about revolutionary changes in the field of education. His story is an inspiration to many teachers and provides a positive outlook on the educational use of AI technology.
The Role of Generative AI in Higher Education: The ChatGPT Effect
Advances in artificial intelligence: Advances in AI technology are revolutionizing the field of education, with generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) playing a key role in higher education in particular. The Impact of ChatGPT: ChatGPT is changing the way we teach and learn, opening up new opportunities for educators and students. The importance of AI literacy: It is essential that educators and students develop the ability to understand and utilize AI. Changing Curriculum Design and Assessment: GenAI is reimagining curriculum design and assessment methods to improve the quality of education. Policy and Ethical Considerations: Emphasizes the importance of ethical issues and policy formulation with the introduction of AI technologies. Looking to the Future: Predictions on the potential impact and future direction of AI technology in education. Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education Artificial intelligence (AI) is already driving innovation in various industries, and its importance is growing in the field of education. In higher education in particular, the advancement of AI technology is improving the quality of education and providing new learning opportunities for educators and students. At the center of this change is generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), which is changing the paradigm of education. The Influence of ChatGPT ChatGPT is a particularly notable tool among AI technologies, and is being used for various educational purposes based on its natural language processing capabilities. ChatGPT provides real-time answers to students’ questions and improves learning efficiency by providing personalized learning materials. These functions are particularly effective in online education environments and complement traditional classroom instruction. The Importance of AI Literacy As AI technology becomes more deeply embedded in education, it is essential that both educators and students have the ability to understand and utilize AI. AI literacy goes beyond simply being able to use the technology; it includes understanding how AI works and the ethical issues. This allows students to critically evaluate AI tools and use them creatively. Therefore, educational institutions should develop educational programs to enhance AI literacy. Changes in curriculum design and assessment GenAI is also bringing about revolutionary changes in curriculum design and assessment methods. Traditional assessment methods have focused on measuring students’ knowledge acquisition, but with the help of AI, more diverse and creative assessment methods can be applied. For example, AI can analyze students’ learning data to provide personalized feedback and track their learning progress in real time. These functions promote students’ self-directed learning and contribute to improving the quality of education. Policy and Ethical Considerations As the educational use of AI technology expands, ethical issues and the importance of policy making are emerging. AI can raise various ethical issues regarding privacy, data use, and storage. Therefore, educational institutions should establish clear policies for the use of AI and provide education and training to comply with them. In addition, efforts are needed to ensure fairness and transparency of AI. Future outlook AI technology will continue to bring about continuous changes in the field of education. In particular, GenAI is expected to play an important role in various areas such as the creation of educational content, learning analysis, and providing personalized learning experiences. Continuous research and innovation are necessary to positively develop the impact of AI technology on education. Educators and policymakers should predict the direction of AI technology development and develop strategies to effectively integrate it into the education system. Conclusion The introduction of generative AI in higher education is becoming a key element in improving the quality of education and providing new learning opportunities. Tools like ChatGPT are accelerating innovation in education, enabling better learning experiences for both educators and students. By strengthening AI literacy and establishing policies that consider ethical issues, we will be able to fully utilize the potential of AI technology. We look forward to the positive impact that AI technology will have on education in the future, and hope that continued research and development will continue.
Italy’s AI Education Innovation: A Key to the National Strategy 2024-2026
• Strengthening AI education for all citizens, from elementary, middle, and high school to college and working adults • Emphasizes multidisciplinary approach and ethical AI development • Promoting practical AI education through industry-academia cooperation • Goal of enhancing national competitiveness by improving AI literacy The education sector occupies a key position in the 2024-2026 National AI Strategy announced by the Italian government. The strategy aims to train the talents needed in the AI era and increase the understanding of AI among all citizens. Let’s take a closer look at the main contents. Introduction of AI education in elementary, middle, and high schools The Italian government plans to gradually introduce basic AI education from elementary school to high school, a measure to increase understanding and familiarity with AI from an early age. • Development of customized AI curriculum by age group: For elementary school students, we provide basic AI concepts and simple coding education, for middle school students, we provide AI application cases and basic machine learning concepts, and for high school students, we provide more advanced AI algorithms and project-based learning. • Operate AI education programs for teachers: We operate intensive training programs to help teachers effectively teach AI. We provide various forms of education, such as AI boot camps during summer vacations, online courses, and workshops. • Encourage real-world AI project-based learning: Emphasize project-based learning so that students can apply AI to solve real-world problems. For example, work on a project that uses AI to solve a problem in your community, or create art using AI. Expanding university AI education and multidisciplinary approaches Universities are significantly expanding AI-related education while emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach. This is a result of recognizing that AI is not just a technical issue, but is also related to various fields such as society, ethics, and economics. • Expanding AI major and minor courses: In addition to existing computer engineering and data science departments, we will establish a new AI-specialized department. In addition, we will expand the base of AI education by allowing students from other majors to choose AI as a minor. • Strengthening AI convergence education in conjunction with humanities, social sciences, etc.: We open convergence subjects such as AI and philosophy, AI and psychology, and AI and economics to help students gain a multifaceted understanding of AI. Through this, students can deeply explore not only the technical aspects of AI but also its social and ethical implications. • Mandatory courses on AI ethics, social impact of AI, etc.: All AI-related majors will be required to take courses on AI ethics and social impact. This will help foster responsible AI developers and users. AI retraining program for workers In order to respond to the rapidly changing labor market, we are implementing AI retraining programs for workers. This is an important strategy to adapt to changes in jobs due to AI and create new opportunities. • Providing customized AI utilization education by industry: We provide AI utilization education that suits the characteristics of each industry, such as manufacturing, service, and finance. For example, we provide education on quality control and predictive maintenance using AI to manufacturing workers, and education on AI-based risk analysis and customer service improvement to finance workers. • Support for self-directed AI learning through online platforms: We will build an online AI learning platform operated by the government to support workers to learn AI at their own pace, anytime and anywhere. The platform provides courses of varying difficulty, from beginner to advanced. • Operate career counseling services to prepare for job changes due to AI: We provide personalized career counseling services to prepare for the changing work environment due to AI. Through this, workers can receive specific advice on how to develop their careers. Strengthening AI ethics and social impact education We foster a culture of responsible AI development and use by strengthening education on the ethical aspects and social impacts of AI. This is to minimize the negative effects that technological advancements may bring and to ensure that AI has a positive impact on society. • Develop and disseminate AI ethics guidelines: Government, academia, and industry collaborate to develop AI ethics guidelines and disseminate them to educational settings and businesses. These guidelines present ethical principles to be considered in the development and use of AI. • Support research on the socio-economic impacts of AI: Support interdisciplinary research on the impacts of AI on employment, economic inequality, social structures, etc. The results of these studies will serve as important references for policymakers and educators.
Webinar Guide to the Latest EdTech Tools for the New School Year 2024 (Eng)
As innovation in education technology continues, educators are using new tools and methods to enhance the learning experience. On August 15, the Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) will host a webinar titled “Back to School Edtech Tools.” This webinar will introduce the latest edtech tools that educators need as they prepare for the new school year. Webinar Details Date : Thursday, August 15, 2024 Time : 5:00 AM (KST) Duration : 1 hour 15 minutes How to participate : Online webinar Key Contents This webinar will introduce various edtech tools that can be used in educational settings. In particular, we will look at how the latest tools utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) can increase teacher work efficiency and increase student participation. Key tools to be introduced: Adobe Express Book Creator (Tools for Schools) Canva Difference for Teachers Google Gemini Padlet MagicSchool AI Suno SchoolAI Expert Panel This webinar will be hosted by leading experts in the edtech field: Holly Clark
Canva Embraces AI Wizard Leonardo: A Revolution in Creativity Begins
• Canva acquires cutting-edge AI image creation platform Leonardo • Leonardo's technology that turns imagination into reality evolves with Canva • Breaking down creative barriers with AI and opening up new horizons of expression • A tool that amplifies creativity for everyone, from professionals to students. Leonardo AI: Alchemist of Imagination Leonardo AI is a magical platform that turns thoughts into images: Drawing with words: Express complex ideas in sentences and immediately realize them in images Professional results: Create professional-quality images easily for anyone Personalized AI: AI models that learn your unique style All-round creative tools: Create a variety of visual content, from art to game graphics Intuitive to use: Anyone can master it without complex technical knowledge Canva’s ambition: Opening new horizons in creativity with AI Canva envisions these changes with Leonardo: Converging Technologies : Bringing Leonardo’s AI Magic to Canva’s Convenient Platform Popularizing Creativity : Putting Expert Skills at Everyone’s Fingertips Transforming Industries : Bringing AI Creation to Marketing, Education, Game Development, and More Respect for individuality : AI learns and implements your unique style Maximizing Efficiency : Shortening Creation Time with AI Drafts From the classroom to the workshop: How AI is changing the landscape of creation and learning Revolutionary changes expected from this integration: Students: Visualize complex concepts to make them easier to understand and remember.
List of AI tools that open the future of education
“ A List of Generative AI Tools for Educators, ” created by Denny Hammond and Craig Kenner , two education technology experts , has been released. This Google Spreadsheet features a variety of AI tools that can be used immediately in the classroom . You’ll find tools to support every aspect of education, from grading homework to designing creative lessons . Of particular note is the openness of this material . It is released under a Creative Commons license , allowing educators to freely share and modify it. This is a move that can be seen as promoting the development of the entire education community. AI technology has the potential to fundamentally change the way we teach. It opens up the possibility of introducing vivid virtual experiences to history classes , complex experiments to science classes , and creative collaborations with AI to literature classes . This list of tools will go beyond a simple introduction to technology and serve as a compass to open new horizons in education . Interested educators can access the resources through the links below. Join us on this exciting journey where AI and education meet.
Become an EnlightenAI Ambassador!
EnlightenAI is an AI platform that transforms the grading, feedback, and retraining process for teachers. An AI grading assistant that learns and adapts to each teacher’s unique style and expectations, suggesting grades and feedback that meet specific criteria. This tool saves teachers time, improves the quality of feedback, and helps maintain consistent grading with incredible accuracy. EnlightenAI is already being used in classrooms across the country, and many teachers are praising its impact and time-savings. Now we need your help to take EnlightenAI to the next level. We are recruiting 10 educators to become EnlightenAI Ambassadors who will transform the grading and feedback process, provide critical insights, and promote EnlightenAI within their respective education communities. Ambassador's main activities: Complete Weekly Assignments: Participate in and complete weekly assignments provided by your Ambassador Team Leader. Attend weekly meetings: Participate in weekly meetings to share insights and experiences. Feature Testing and Implementation: Use EnlightenAI features with students in your school setting and provide hands-on feedback. Share Feedback: Provide detailed feedback about your experience to help us improve our products. Promote EnlightenAI: Share and promote EnlightenAI within the education community. Social Media Activity: Promote EnlightenAI on social media platforms in an authentic way. Join the Ambassador Slack Community: Connect with the EnlightenAI team and other Ambassadors. Participate in community activities: Increase engagement by participating in community activities such as webinars and events. 1:1 Meetings: Have a 1:1 session with the EnlightenAI team to discuss your ideas in more depth, if needed. Time and Rewards: Time required: 5 hours per week Compensation: $150 per week (about 200,000 won) Additional activities: Ambassador and EnlightenAI Email Response Participate in the survey Join and support the growth of the EnlightenAI Community Facebook group Period of activity:
Report on the relationship between age of first smartphone ownership and mental health in adolescence
I. Research Background and Purpose A recent trend of worsening mental health among young people around the world has been observed. This trend seems to have started between 2010 and 2014, coinciding with the spread of smartphones. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the age of first smartphone ownership on the mental health of young people aged 18-24, and to determine the cumulative effect of smartphone use. II. Research Methods • Subjects: 27,969 adults aged 18-24 (17,406 women, 10,050 men) • Period: January - April 2023 • Coverage: 41 countries (North America, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, South Asia, Africa) • Assessment tool: Mental Health Quotient (MHQ) ◦ A comprehensive mental health assessment tool consisting of 47 items ◦ Assess mental function in 6 dimensions (Mood & Outlook, Social Self, Adaptability & Resilience, Drive & Motivation, Cognition, Mind-Body Connection) • Additional questions: Age of first smartphone ownership, experience of childhood trauma III. Main findings A. Overall Mental Health: ◦ The older the age of first smartphone ownership, the higher the MHQ score ◦ Greater impact on women: - 74% mental health issues at age 6 vs 46% at age 18 - Negative average MHQ score at age 6 (indicates serious mental health problems) ◦ Slightly less impact on men: - 42% when owned by 6 year olds vs 36% when owned by 18 year olds - MHQ scores 20-25 points higher than women in all age groups B. Areas that showed the greatest improvement: ① Social Self: ◦ Includes self-image, self-confidence, ability to form and maintain interpersonal relationships, and ability to cooperate. ◦ For women, the score increased by about 50 points from age 6 to 18 (16% improvement) ◦ For men, an increase of about 25 points ② Mood & Outlook: ◦ Significant improvements observed in both women and men ③ Adaptability & Resilience: ◦ Significant improvement in women, no significant change in men C. Issues with the greatest decrease: ① Suicidal thoughts: ◦ Female: 5.8 points when owned at age 6 → 3.6 points when owned at age 18 ◦ Male: 4.1 points when owned at age 6 → 3.2 points when owned at age 18 ② Aggression toward others ③ Feeling separated from reality ④ Hallucinations (for women) ⑤ Addiction (for women) IV. Analysis and Interpretation A. The importance of social interaction: ◦ Reduced face-to-face interaction due to smartphone use (estimated at 1,000-2,000 hours per year) ◦ Virtual interactions do not adequately replace the development of real social skills ◦ Reduced opportunities for learning through multiple sensory modalities, such as facial expressions, body language, vocal tone, touch, and smell. B. Gender differences: ◦ Women are more sensitive to the age of smartphone use ◦ Possible causes: Differences in online activity patterns (women prefer social media, men prefer games), differences in interpersonal functioning, biological factors, etc. ◦ Further research is needed to determine the exact cause. C. Long-term effects: ◦ Early smartphone use may have lasting effects on mental health in adulthood ◦ Possible negative impact on the development of social skills and emotional stability ◦ Association with serious mental health problems, such as suicidal thoughts, aggression, and detachment from reality D. Relationship with childhood trauma: ◦ The relationship between smartphone ownership age and mental health remains even in the absence of trauma ◦ This suggests that the influence of smartphones may be independent of other factors. V. Limitations of the Study • Shows correlation but difficult to prove causation • Difficulties in conducting long-term experimental studies due to ethical issues • Further analysis is needed on country-specific and cultural differences. • Does not distinguish between the influence of smartphones and tablets • Limitations of self-report questionnaires (distortion of memory, subjectivity, etc.) VI. Conclusion and Suggestions The results of this study strongly suggest that delaying smartphone use in children and adolescents may have positive effects on mental health, particularly in the development of social skills and emotional stability. Therefore, I make the following suggestions: ① Parents and educators should carefully consider the timing of children’s smartphone use. ② Activities that can supplement face-to-face social interaction when using smartphones should be encouraged. ③ Policymakers should reexamine guidelines regarding children and adolescents’ use of digital devices. ④ Additional long-term studies are needed to better understand the long-term effects of smartphone use. ⑤ A customized approach that takes into account gender differences may be necessary. ⑥ We must strengthen digital literacy education to enable children and adolescents to use technology in a healthy way. Based on these findings, we emphasize the need for a balanced approach to the use of digital devices for the healthy development of children and adolescents. While recognizing the benefits of smartphones, we must be careful not to let them replace important experiences and interactions in the real world.
Conker Offers 1-Year Free Trial for Google Trainers and Innovators
Conker, an AI-based quiz creation tool, has launched a special promotion for Google Trainers and Innovators, which will allow them to use the Pro version of Conker for free for one year. What is Conker? Conker is a standard-alignment quiz creation tool that leverages AI technology. Created by the developers of Mote, known for its voice memo and feedback tools, this platform makes quiz creation and management much more efficient for educators. Conker's main features are: AI-based automatic quiz generation Ability to create and edit custom quizzes Compliance with K-12 curriculum and educational standards such as NGSS, TEKS, etc. Integrate read-aloud functionality to support accessibility Support for various problem types Integration with Google Forms and Canvas LMS In particular, Conker is fully integrated with Google Forms, allowing users to create formative assessments in Forms in seconds. This will greatly increase the efficiency of Google trainers and innovators. Promotional Benefits The main benefits of the Conker Pro version offered through this promotion are as follows: Unlimited Quiz Sharing Unlimited response collection All question types available Up to 20 questions per quiz Reading material can contain up to 5000 words Normally, this Pro version costs $5.99 per month, but with this promotion, Google Trainers and Innovators can get it for free for one year. How do I apply? Applying for the promotion is simple. Google Trainers and Innovators can apply for this promotion by logging into their Google Trainer account and going to the GCT Perks section. This special offer page is only accessible to Google Trainers and Innovators.
Affinity to Offer Free to Education Users After Canva Merger
Recently, professional creative software suite Affinity joined online design platform Canva. As a result, Affinity announced that it will be available free of charge to non-profits as well as educational users, which is expected to greatly expand access to high-quality design tools. Key Contents Affinity has merged with Canva and will now be available for free to education users. It will be available free of charge to registered non-profit organizations, schools, and educational users. Interested organizations and individuals can sign up for a waiting list to be notified first when the service launches. Waitlist applications can be made at https://events.canva.com/edunfpwaitlist . Features of Affinity Cross-platform support available on Mac, PC, and iPad Provides a variety of functions including photo editing, illustration, graphic design, and page layout. Includes software such as Designer, Photo, Publisher, etc. with professional-level features Restrictions This free offer may not include optional add-ons. It may not be available for free in all countries at this time. The merger of Affinity and Canva is expected to bring about a major change in the design software industry, especially in the education sector, where these advanced tools will be available for free, which is expected to greatly help students improve their creative skills. This move will help educational institutions and non-profits address the lack of access to high-quality design tools due to funding constraints. Affinity’s professional-grade features combined with Canva’s user-friendly platform will help more people create high-quality design work. If this policy is implemented, it is expected to greatly contribute to improving the quality of design education in educational settings and effective communication in non-profit organizations. This decision by Affinity and Canva is evaluated as a precedent for practicing social responsibility in the software industry.
Quizizz's YouTube Quiz Restrictions: Copyright Considerations, Not Technical Issues?
It doesn't seem like technical issues are the reason Quizizz no longer allows you to create quizzes on YouTube Recently, Quizizz has limited the ability to create quizzes using YouTube videos. It is important to note that the reason for this change may not be a simple technical issue. In this article, we will look at Quizizz’s change, the status of other edtech platforms, and the impact of this change on the industry. Quizizz's latest change: YouTube quiz creation restrictions Looking at Quizizz's recent changes, it seems more likely that other factors than technical issues were at play: AI Quiz Creation Restrictions : When you try to create an AI quiz with a YouTube video, you will see the message "Cannot generate questions. Generate with AI only works for videos owned by you." AI Certification Exam Changes : As of July 15, 2023, YouTube content has also been removed from the Quizizz AI Certification exam. This suggests that Quizizz may be completely revisiting its YouTube-related features. Owned content-centric : Currently, AI quiz generation is only possible for videos that users own. This change appears to be a cautious approach by Quizizz to copyright issues, as it may have decided that creating quizzes using YouTube videos could potentially infringe copyright. Quizizz's future direction It is still unclear whether this change by Quizizz is temporary or a long-term policy change. Possible scenarios going forward include: Maintain Current Policy : We can continue our current policy of only allowing quiz creation based on user-owned videos. Restore functionality : We have found a solution to the copyright issue so that we can allow quiz creation for all YouTube videos like before. Partial Restoration : You can take an intermediate approach that only allows quiz creation for YouTube videos that meet certain conditions. This decision by Quizizz could have major implications for the edtech industry as a whole, so it's worth keeping a close eye on any future developments. Current status of other edtech platforms Interestingly, not all edtech platforms are taking the same approach as Quizizz: Brisk Teaching, Magic School AI : These platforms still offer content generation capabilities using external content. Different Approaches : Each company appears to be taking a different approach, depending on their interpretation of the law and their risk assessment.
Bill Gates' AI Education Frontiers: A Glimpse into the Future of the Classroom
Key Contents Bill Gates visits New Jersey elementary school experimenting with AI-powered education Introducing creative AI use cases for teachers Mention the current limitations and need for improvement of AI education tools AI is expected to be a game changer in education Emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all students benefit from AI education A Glimpse into the Future: From World Expos to AI Classrooms When I was a kid, my parents took me to the Seattle World's Fair. It was amazing to see all this amazing technology that seemed like something straight out of a science fiction novel. I remember begging to go back several times during the six-month run of the fair, and every time I left the fair I felt like I had caught a glimpse of the future. That feeling came back to me recently as I walked out of a classroom in Newark, New Jersey. In May, I had the opportunity to visit First Avenue Elementary School, which is pioneering AI in the classroom. The Newark school district was piloting Khanmigo, an AI-based tutor and teacher support tool, and I was eager to see it for myself. I’ve written a lot about Kanmigo on this blog. It’s developed by Khan Academy, a great partner of the Gates Foundation. And I think Khan Academy founder Sal Khan is visionary in using the power of technology to help kids learn. (You can read my review of his new book, Brave New Words, here.) We’re still in the early days of using AI in the classroom, but what we saw in Newark showed the incredible potential of this technology. Creative classes with AI I’m impressed by how creatively teachers are using the tool. Leticia Colon, an eighth-grade algebra teacher, explained how she used AI to create problem sets about local heroes that her students would be interested in. In February, she worked with Kanmigo to create equations that included the workout routine of Newark boxer Shakur Stevenson, allowing students to practice their math skills while learning about a real-world role model. Cheryl Drakeford, a third-grade math and science teacher, talked about how she uses Kanmigo to create rubrics and lesson introductions for assignments. The technology gives her a draft, which she then adapts to fit her students. For example, the AI once suggested a generic story about a fruit stand, which she modified to include Pokémon cards and Roblox, which her students are passionate about. “Kanmigo gives me the blueprint, but I have to deliver it,” she said. Several teachers I met showed me how they could access each student’s dashboard to see a summary of their progress in a particular subject. They loved how it saved them a lot of time by being able to track their students’ progress quickly and easily. They were also excited about their students using Kanmigo as their personal tutor. The Present and Future of AI Education The technology is far from perfect. The students I spoke with generally liked using Kanmigo, but they struggled with pronouncing Hispanic names and complained that the only voice option was male. This clearly shows how much thought needs to be put into making the technology inclusive and engaging for all students. In an ideal world, the AI would know what students in Ms. Drakeford’s class were interested in, so she wouldn’t have to edit. And Ms. Colon said it took her several tries to get what she wanted.
Five Key Impacts of AI That Will Change the Future of Education
• The need for AI education and innovative changes • Realization of personalized learning • Evolution of the role of educators • Improved learning accessibility • Developing core competencies in the AI era When I first heard about the changes AI would bring to education, like many others, I was met with a mixture of skepticism and anticipation. However, after attending a recent educational technology conference and reading a variety of research results, I am now convinced that AI has the potential to revolutionize the future of education. First, AI enables truly personalized learning. Every learner has their own learning pace and style. AI-based learning platforms analyze each student’s level, preferences, and learning patterns to suggest an optimized learning path. For example, Khan Academy’s AI tutoring system analyzes students’ answers in real time to provide questions of appropriate difficulty and personalized explanations to help them understand concepts. Second, AI can greatly improve the efficiency of educators’ work. By letting AI handle routine grading and administrative tasks, educators can spend more time on meaningful interactions with students. For example, AI-based grading systems like Gradescope can quickly and consistently grade multiple-choice questions as well as open-ended responses, greatly reducing the workload of teachers. Third, AI dramatically improves accessibility to education. For students with special needs or language barriers, AI-based assistive tools open the door to learning. Tools like Microsoft’s Immersive Reader convert text to speech, translate in real time, and visualize sentence structure to help students who have difficulty reading. This is a major step toward the ideal of “education for all.” Fourth, AI helps develop core competencies essential for future societies. Digital literacy, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills are naturally fostered in the process of interacting with AI. For example, in project-based learning using AI, students experience the process of analyzing data, critically evaluating AI results, and coming up with creative solutions. Fifth, AI is revolutionizing learning analytics and feedback systems. AI-based learning analytics tools track and visualize students’ progress, strengths, and weaknesses in real time. This allows educators and parents to better understand and support students’ growth. For example, Carnegie Learning’s MATHia platform analyzes students’ problem-solving processes step by step, helping to accurately identify and correct conceptual errors. Of course, there are challenges in AI education that need to be approached with caution. Privacy protection, algorithmic bias, and ethical use are areas that need to be continuously monitored and improved. We must also be wary of over-relying on AI and diminishing the role of human educators. However, these challenges do not negate the value of AI education, but rather serve as reasons to use it more responsibly. Education policymakers around the world are already making efforts to integrate AI into their education systems. For example, Singapore is providing AI literacy education to all citizens through its 'AI for Everyone' program, and China has announced plans to include AI in its regular education curriculum. Korea also needs to actively establish policies and make investments to keep up with this global trend. AI is now an unstoppable trend in the education sector. Depending on how we respond and utilize it, it can be a threat or an amazing opportunity. I am confident that AI will be a great tool to maximize the potential of learners and create a better educational environment. When we imagine a new generation learning and growing with AI, the future looks bright. We hope that our learners will not fear AI, but rather grow with AI and lead the future. The role of all those interested in education is to develop educational methods suitable for this new era and guide them to use AI properly. If we work together, we will be able to successfully achieve an educational revolution in the AI era.
Immediate losses you will suffer if you don't receive AI training
• Reduced work efficiency • Increased inconvenience in daily life • Difficulty in social communication • Possibility of financial loss • Risk of personal information leakage As AI technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the lack of AI education poses a bigger problem than expected. Beyond missing out on potential future opportunities, there are real and clear losses waiting for us right now. What specific losses will we suffer if we do not receive AI education? Reduced work efficiency Many companies are already implementing business processes that utilize AI technology. For example: Using Chatbots in Customer Service Departments Use of AI-based data analytics tools by marketing teams If you don't know how to use these tools: The speed of work processing is slow. The quality of the results is poor. Your performance may be worse than your peers. Increased inconvenience in daily life AI technology is applied everywhere in our daily lives: Voice recognition assistant for smartphones Smart Home Devices AI-based translation app If you don't know the basic working principles and usage of these technologies: Even simple scheduling or information retrieval requires more time and effort. You may have trouble communicating when traveling abroad. Overall quality of life may be impaired Difficulty in social communication If you don't have a basic understanding of AI:
A Map Revolution Beyond Borders: Uncovering Hidden Worlds
The innovative features offered by Czech online map service mapy.cz are gaining attention. The service is attracting users' attention with features that differentiate it from existing map services. Key features of mapy.cz Excellent graphics and visibility Clean, pleasing graphics make the general map highly readable. Disclosure of hidden information We boldly display restricted areas and special area information that cannot be seen on domestic maps. This allows users to experience the joy of discovering new information. Global Coverage Provides world maps in the same quality, useful for world travel or exploring foreign regions. Different types of maps Provides detailed satellite maps with little masking, along with general maps. Practical features It has a variety of features including route planning, navigation, and offline use. Differences from domestic services While domestic services such as Kakao Map are optimized for use in Korea, mapy.cz provides a broader global perspective. In particular, mapy.cz allows you to view our country from a new perspective, as information restricted by domestic security policies can be found on mapy.cz. A map service that presents a new perspective Mapy.cz goes beyond the limitations of traditional map services and offers users a new perspective. By revealing information that is difficult to access in the country, it expands the possibilities of digital maps. Experts say that these services can contribute to promoting international understanding and cultural exchange. However, some are concerned about security issues due to the disclosure of detailed information. Mapy.cz is more than just a simple map; it is a window to a new way of looking at the world. It will be interesting to see how this service will change our perception of the world in the future. Below is a comparison of the DMZ area.
CENTURY Changemakers: A Sustainable Future Led by Students in the AI Era
Outline The CENTURY Changemakers Competition, co-hosted by CENTURY Tech and AI education expert Dan Fitzpatrick, is gaining attention in the education community. The competition is emerging as a platform to promote the development of innovative apps for students ages 9-18 to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Strategic significance of the competition Develop global problem-solving skills : Participants develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by designing solutions to complex real-world problems. Strengthening technological innovation capabilities : The app development process utilizing AI and cutting-edge technologies is expected to significantly improve students’ digital literacy and technology utilization skills. Presenting a model for industry-academia cooperation : This competition, where the education community, technology industry, and international organizations collaborate, presents a new paradigm for future education. Analysis of evaluation criteria The expert panel of judges will focus on evaluating the following key elements: Innovation : Creative solutions that go beyond conventional approaches Feasibility : feasibility of implementation in technical and economic terms Social Impact : Potential to contribute to achieving the SDGs User Experience : Intuitive and effective interface design Scalability : Applicability on a global scale Expert advice Students considering participation should note the following: Thorough pre-research : A deep understanding of the selected SDG is essential. Multidisciplinary approach : Integrating knowledge from various fields such as technology, social sciences, and environment. User-centered design : Design that thoroughly considers the needs and environment of the target users. Sustainable Business Model : Developing a Strategy for Long-Term Operation and Expansion Conclusion
Claude Projects: Leveraging AI Tools for Educational Innovation
Bullet Summary: • Introduction and Key Features of Claude Projects • Case studies in the education field • How to use and tips • Advantages and Considerations • Use of AI in elementary education • Future prospects for AI tools Text: About Claude Projects Claude Projects is a cutting-edge AI tool developed by Anthropic that offers powerful capabilities for a variety of fields, including education. It is based on the latest AI model, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and has shown performance that outperforms ChatGPT-4 in graduate-level reasoning. 1.1 Key Features The most unique feature of Claude Projects is that it allows you to build a custom knowledge base. You can upload documents of up to 500 pages to provide AI with background knowledge on a specific topic or project. This is a great help in a variety of education-related tasks such as curriculum planning, learning material development, and administrative work. Additionally, the ability to set custom instructions allows you to specify in detail the AI’s role, response tone, and how it will work. This ensures consistent AI responses throughout the project and better meets the needs of educators. The ability to save and manage project-specific conversation records is a great help in long-term project progress. You can easily refer to previous conversations, allowing for continuous work. 1.2 Fee System Claude Projects charges $23 per month for individual users and $36 per month per user for the team version (minimum 5 users). This is mid-priced compared to other AI tools, but reasonable considering the features and performance it offers. Use Cases in Education Claude Projects can be used in a variety of ways in the educational field. Let's look at some specific examples to see how they can be used. 2.1 Establishing a Unit Plan For example, in a geology unit, teachers can use Claude Projects to: A) Create a new project named “Geology Unit Plan”. b) Add content such as national curriculum documents, learning objectives documents, and students’ prior knowledge information. c) Provide AI with customized instructions, such as “You are a geology expert and a great teacher. Create learning materials that engage students.” d) Develop a 22-Hour unit outline, student project plans, earthquake data dashboards, etc. through conversations with AI. Through this process, teachers can develop more systematic and creative unit plans with the help of AI with rich background knowledge. 2.2 Developing Student Activities Claude Projects can also be used to develop a variety of learning activities: A) Create a project called “Developing Student Activities”. b) Add content such as curriculum documents, lists of learning objectives, examples of existing activities, etc. c) Set guidelines such as, “Please develop age-appropriate activities. Consider a variety of learning styles.” d) Get suggestions on activity ideas, how to adjust the difficulty, and how to assess them on specific topics through conversations with AI. This allows teachers to develop more diverse and effective learning activities and design customized activities that take into account the individual needs of students.
Free Diffit Guide for New Teachers
What is Diffit? “Just right” for every classroom. With Diffit, teachers get high-quality, student-specific materials for just about anything. Whether modifying existing content or creating activities from scratch, teachers save time while creating great, differentiated lessons. Check out a quick overview here or try it out for yourself here. What are these suggestions for new teachers? We want to help. As every educator knows: the first year of teaching is hard . That’s why we decided to provide a full, unlimited version of Diffit to teachers who are new to teaching. While we can’t help with all the challenges (and excitement!) of the first year, we can help teachers save a lot of time finding, editing, and preparing lesson materials. This allows teachers to have a better work-life balance and put more energy where it matters most: building relationships and enabling great classroom learning experiences.
Designing AI for Education: The Essential Guide for Developers
• Emphasize the importance of AI design that suits educational purposes • Need to provide evidence of rationality and impact • The importance of promoting equity and protecting civil rights • The need for safety and security • The importance of increasing transparency and building trust Designed for Education When developing AI for education , it is essential to understand the unique value and vision of education, because it is not simply about creating technology, but about shaping the future of students. Be sure to check out resources from federal, state, and local education agencies. They provide a voice in the field and can provide information that developers may miss. Resources from nonprofit organizations and industry associations are also very helpful. The most important thing is to continue to listen to educators. From the time you build your product until you release it, you need to keep asking teachers for their thoughts. Only by reflecting the real needs and concerns they feel in the field, can you create truly useful AI. The ethical aspect should never be forgotten. Concepts such as transparency, fairness, non-discrimination, privacy, and educational appropriateness should always be considered. Additionally, it is a good idea to apply the Human-Centered Design method, which is a method of designing products centered on the needs and experiences of users, and is especially important for educational AI. Provide evidence for rationality and impact Developers need to provide evidence that their product or service actually improves student outcomes . The Department of Education’s evidence framework is a good place to start, which outlines four levels of evidence. Strong evidence : Results obtained through rigorous study designs, including randomized controlled trials. Moderate level of evidence : Results obtained through quasi-experimental designs, etc. Promising evidence : Results from correlational studies, etc. Presenting a logical rationale : a rationale based on a well-designed logical model When you first start out, you can base your product on scientific theories, and then gradually build up more rigorous evidence. It’s also important to collect and analyze real-world usage data. Look at how your AI impacts a variety of students, especially those from underrepresented groups. Consider also assessing the long-term impact of AI on students’ academic achievements as well as their non-cognitive abilities (e.g., self-directed learning, collaboration, etc.). Promoting equity and protecting civil rights We need to be careful that AI doesn’t discriminate against certain groups, which is called algorithmic discrimination , and that it doesn’t create inequities in learning opportunities or resource distribution. You should also be aware of civil rights laws that apply to educational settings. It is important to design your AI to comply with these laws. For example, you need to make it accessible to students with disabilities. The data you use to train your AI is also important. If you use biased data, your AI can become biased as well. You should try to use data that can represent students from diverse backgrounds.
100 Years of EdTech Project: Designing the Future of Education
• A vision from education and technology innovators looking toward 2074 • Predict what education will look like in 50 years through 8 future scenarios • Present solutions from the perspectives of policy, innovation, resources and social capital • Envisioning the future of education and technology that maximizes the potential of all learners • Emphasize the importance of designing future education using collective intelligence Introduction: The Future of Education Looking Ahead 100 Years Ago The 100 Years EdTech Project started from the premise that education and technology are key partners for human prosperity. The project aims to build on the past 50 years of experience and look ahead to the next 50 years, developing innovative approaches through collaboration with various stakeholders and shaping learning for the next century. Held in Scottsdale, Arizona, February 28-March 1, 2024, the Design Summit brought together 185 participants from more than 60 institutions, including college and school leaders, faculty, educators, students, technology experts, and futurists. Across generations, from 18 to 75+, they mapped out a blueprint for the future of education, centered around the question, “What will the world look like in 2074?” 8 Future Scenarios Project participants detailed eight potential scenarios for 2074: Climate Change and the Role of Education Culturally Responsive AI Curriculum Genetically engineered humans Education in the Post-Truth Era Interspecies communication Extended Reality and Historical Revisionism Mental Health in the Digital Age Trauma Awareness Education and Learning For each scenario, participants presented solutions from the perspectives of policy, innovation, resource needs, and social capital. Climate Change and the Role of Education This scenario presents a new model where schools and universities serve as community connection centers during climate disasters. These centers function beyond simple disaster shelters and serve as spaces for education and training on community safety and sustainability. Proposed solutions include developing comprehensive climate education curricula, introducing immersive learning tools such as virtual reality simulations, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, and building partnerships with environmental organizations. Culturally Responsive AI Curriculum Participants proposed the creation of the AI Ethics and Learning Alliance (AELA), an organization that aims to promote ethical development and community governance of AI solutions to create equitable learning opportunities. Proposed solutions include mandating the integration of AI modules into curricula, testing AI algorithms for bias, and funding research into culturally inclusive AI technologies.