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Padlet July Update: Evolving Educational Tools with Automation, AI Voice, and Grade Management
Improving the safety net: Automated moderation of media comments
Automatically blocks inappropriate images, videos, and audio comments to ensure safe collaboration
Previously, you could add images, videos, and audio to posts, and you could comment on posts, but you couldn’t add these media types to comments. This year, we’re combining these features to now allow you to add media to comments.
Likewise, Safety Net previously moderated images, videos, and audio on posts, and moderated text comments. Now, with the addition of media comments, Safety Net has expanded. Safety Net will now moderate images, videos, and audio comments.
How the safety net works
Safety Net is our automated content moderation system. When automated moderation is enabled, Safety Net reviews posts and comments for inappropriate content. If inappropriate content is detected, it notifies Padlet administrators so they can decide whether to approve or reject.
When we launched Safety Net last year, we only moderated the text of posts. Since then, we’ve improved it to also moderate images, audio, and video in posts and comments.
Save time with automated arbitration
Before Safety Net, posts on Padlet either went live immediately or had to be manually approved by the Padlet owner. The former felt risky in certain environments, like middle school classrooms, and the latter was boring.
We know that Padlet users spend valuable time manually approving everything to keep Padlets safe in the classroom. Automated moderation is one way to save them a lot of time. Nearly 2.5 million Padlets have been moderated with Safety Net to date.
Use a safety net
To turn on automatic moderation, go to your Padlet settings. Under Content, go to Moderation and set it to Automatic. Now, all posts and comments on your Padlet will be automatically monitored. It’s that simple.
You can enable automatic moderation on web and mobile.
Safety Net is your classroom helper
Safety Net can make mistakes, and its standards may differ from yours. It may block posts that you consider safe and allow posts that you consider harmful. That’s why Safety Net doesn’t automatically remove flagged content. Ultimately, you decide whether content is safe for your community.
Automating Padlet
You can schedule a freeze or unfreeze of your padlet up to one year in advance.
You can post without visiting Padlet. You can post manually with a browser extension or systematically using the public API . You can also schedule posts. However, you must visit Padlet directly to change your settings.
We want to make it easier for Padlet users to send, receive, and process information on Padlet, so we're adding automation features.
The first version of Automation will allow you to schedule your Padlets to be frozen or unfrozen up to a year in advance.
How Automation Works
Automation has two components: triggers and actions. The trigger is what starts the automation, and the action is what happens as a result.
Our first set of automations is very simple. We have one trigger called time and two actions called freeze and unfreeze. So we can schedule the padlet to freeze, and we can schedule the padlet to unfreeze.
You can set it to automate and forget about it.
When you freeze a Padlet, no one can add, edit, or delete anything in it. If you want students to post to the Padlet by a certain time, you can freeze the Padlet to enforce a due date. Or, if you want students to post to the Padlet only after a certain date, you can freeze the Padlet when you create it and then unfreeze it later to start accepting submissions.
Without automation, you have to go back and forth to freeze and unfreeze your Padlet. If you prefer to manage your reminders and tasks with calendar notifications, sticky notes, and your iron-clad memory, we applaud you. If you don’t have spare brain cells like us, we recommend automation. This lets you schedule your Padlet to freeze from the moment you create it. One less reason to wake up in the middle of the night worrying about forgetting something important.
Accessing the Automation Panel
To add an automation to your Padlet, click the three dots to open the Additional Padlet Actions menu, then click Automation. Only Padlet administrators can schedule automations.
Automation is available on the web to all users.
Text-to-speech attachment feature
The “Speak for Me” feature lets you add AI-generated audio to your posts in over 40 languages.
O most beloved of creatures, you who study English pronunciation, I will teach you through my poems: corpses, legions, words, and more difficult pronunciations. - Gerard Nolst Trenité, "Chaos"
English is a funny language. Words that look the same are pronounced completely differently. For example, words like through, though, thorough, tough.
Our latest feature, Speak for Me, is a text-to-speech tool that takes the guesswork out of pronunciation.
How 'Speak for Me' Works
'Speak for Me' is a tool that converts text to speech. You can find it as an attachment option when you add a post. Add up to 1000 characters of text and it will create an audio recording.
Supports 47 text languages, including variations such as American, British, and Australian English. The tool can automatically detect the language you are using or you can select it manually.
Making collaboration and learning more accessible
Language shouldn’t be a barrier to collaboration and sharing good ideas. That’s why we translate our website and knowledge base into many languages.
'Speak for Me' is an extension of this idea. When our intern Brian was building this tool, multilingual support was a key criterion in choosing a text-to-speech model.
'Speak for me' can be useful for a variety of users. It is useful for anyone who wants to hear the correct pronunciation of a word. It is especially useful for second language learners who need audio support for their text. It is also valuable for teachers who want to share the correct pronunciation of vocabulary without having to record their own voice. It is also fun to play around with interesting language combinations (e.g. how Korean sounds with an Australian accent).
How to use 'Speak for Me'
Using 'Speak for Me' is simple. When adding a post to Padlet, mark all attachment types and click 'Speak for Me'. It's that easy to give your post a voice.
'Speak for Me' is immediately available to all users on the web.
Introducing the Report Card and Grade Transfer Features
Grade student posts in Padlet and sync grades to your LMS.
Grading is one of the largest out-of-class activities teachers spend time on. It is also an important way for students to receive personalized feedback.
At Padlet, we’re always looking for ways to make educators’ lives easier. Many teachers love using Padlet for assignments and grading activities, but transferring those grades to an external gradebook can be time-consuming.
So we're excited to introduce new report card and grade transfer features.
How the Report Card Works
The gradebook allows you to grade posts on Padlet. You can also provide written feedback to each student, and you can view posts grouped by student, providing a new and useful way to visualize submissions.
After grading a post in Padlet, you can download the grades and feedback as a CSV file. Teachers who use a Padlet for Schools account with learning management software (LMS) integration can automatically sync grades and feedback with their LMS.
More feedback in less time
Previously, teachers had to manually enter Padlet grades into their grading systems, a process that was time-consuming and error-prone. The Grade Transfer feature automates this process, allowing grades to move seamlessly from Padlet to the LMS where they are graded centrally.
Even if you have a school account with LMS integration, you can still benefit from the gradebook feature. The ability to group posts by student and download CSVs of grades and feedback can greatly simplify the grading process.
How to access your transcript
Report cards are available in Padlets created by teachers or administrators in Classroom or Padlet for Schools accounts.
To access your gradebook, click the three dots on your Padlet to open the More Actions menu, then click Gradebook. If your Padlet for Schools account has LMS integrations set up and you’ve added Padlet as an assignment to your LMS, you’ll see the Sync Grades option.
GIF showing how to access the transcript
Students can access their grades and feedback by opening their gradebook in Padlet. They can only see their own posts, grades, and feedback.
Report Card and Grade Transfer features are available immediately in the web version of Padlet.
Future plans
At Padlet, we strive to make collaboration and learning more accessible and efficient. With the Report Card and Grade Transfer features, we’re taking another step toward that goal, freeing up teachers to focus more time on what really matters: teaching.
The future plans for the report card are as follows:
Additional feedback options including images, videos, and GIFs
AI features that make grading more engaging and interactive for students
An AI grading assistant that helps you save time on written feedback. You can provide guidelines or upload a rubric for automated draft feedback.
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