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Become a Quizizz Education Innovator and Unlock Premium Features!
Introducing the 'Quizizz Game Changer' certification program for teachers who have mastered the basics of how to effectively utilize the Quizizz platform! Quizizz Game Changer is an honorary title given to teachers who strive to maximize the use of Quizizz activities to motivate their students.
Becoming a Quizizz Game Changer gives you the following perks:
Awarded Game Changer Digital Badge and Certificate
Invitation-only events and collaboration opportunities
Premium monthly newsletter and preview of new features
Unlock premium school plan features like interactive videos
Become a Quizizz Game Changer with these easy steps!
Take part in the Game Changer Challenge.
If you score 80% or higher, you will automatically be issued a certificate and badge.
The assignments will take you between 15 and 30 minutes, and this short investment of time will turn you into an honorable Quizizz Game Changer.
Teachers who want to provide more effective and dynamic classes to their students, please don’t hesitate and take on the challenge. Become a Game Changer who leads the innovation of education with Quizizz!
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