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Job Landscape in the AI Era: Disappearing Jobs, Rising Jobs
Research Summary
Jobs Replaceable by AI Decrease by 21% After ChatGPT Launch
Image-generating AI jobs to drop 17% after launch
The higher the interest in AI, the greater the job loss
The jobs that remain tend to be more complex and more expensive.
New Jobs Asking for “ChatGPT Skills”
The ability to collaborate with AI is expected to become important in the future job market.
Research Background
The online freelance market is undergoing a major transformation with the recent emergence of generative AI such as ChatGPT. Researchers from Harvard Business School and Imperial College London analyzed data from global freelance platforms to investigate the impact of AI on the labor market.
Job Changes After AI Introduction
According to our research, the number of jobs that are susceptible to AI replacement decreased by 21% in the eight months following ChatGPT’s launch . By occupation, the changes were as follows:
Writing-related jobs: 30.37% decrease
Software/App/Web Development: Down 20.62%
Engineering: 10.42% decrease
On the other hand, jobs that require a lot of manual work, such as data entry or video editing, have not changed much.
The impact of image generation AI
The impact of image generation AI was also significant. Graphic design and 3D modeling jobs decreased by 17.01% in the year following the launch of image generation AI such as DALL-E 2 and Midjourney . The details are as follows:
Graphic Design: 18.47% decrease
3D Modeling: 15.52% reduction
The correlation between AI interest and job losses
What’s interesting is that the higher the interest in ChatGPT, the greater the decline in jobs . The researchers analyzed Google search trends to measure interest in ChatGPT for each job category, and found that the higher the interest, the greater the decline in job demand.
Changes in the characteristics of remaining jobs
While the impact of AI has reduced the number of jobs, the jobs that remain have tended to become more complex and more rewarding:
Maximum budget for remaining jobs: 5.71% increase
Average number of bids per job: 8.57% increase
Number of skills required (an indicator of job complexity): 2.18% increase
This shows a change in which simple, repetitive tasks are replaced by AI, and humans are responsible for more high-level and complex tasks.
New Requirements in the AI Era
Since the launch of ChatGPT, job postings requiring “ChatGPT skills” have been on the rise. Jobs requiring ChatGPT skills have been growing at an average of 0.68 new jobs per week , with over 88% of them focused on software, app, and web development.
Long-term implications and implications
This study shows the short-term impact of AI on the online freelance market, but the long-term picture may be different: fewer jobs are easily replaced by AI, but new types of jobs that utilize AI are likely to emerge.
To cope with these changes, workers will need to develop the ability to collaborate with AI, and companies will need to develop strategies to effectively utilize AI . Policymakers will also need to develop education and reemployment support policies suited to the AI era.
This study provides data on the real impact of generative AI technologies on the online freelance market. AI technologies are reducing jobs in certain occupations while changing the nature of the jobs that remain. This suggests structural changes in the labor market, and presents new challenges and opportunities for individuals, businesses, and policymakers.
In the future, collaboration between AI and humans will become more important , and it seems necessary to prepare and adapt to this. Rather than simply fearing being replaced by AI, it will be important to find ways to create higher value by utilizing AI. The online freelance market is at the forefront of this change, and changes in this market will be an important indicator of changes in the entire labor market that will come in the future.
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