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The classroom revolution in the age of AI: Honest stories from European teachers
As AI enters the classroom, the educational field is changing rapidly. But what do teachers who are actually experiencing this change think? We recently conducted a survey of 1,754 teachers in five European countries to look into the current state of AI education.
"AI, can you help me with my class?"
Teachers in Greece, Ireland, and Armenia seem to have already made friends with AI. Most of them say they are using AI in their classes. Hungarian teachers, on the other hand, are still keeping their distance from AI. Less than half (48%) say they are using AI tools.
There are many reasons for using AI. They say it helps prepare lessons, engages students, or provides deeper lessons. One teacher said, “AI allows me to provide personalized learning materials to each student. It’s really revolutionary!”
"But AI, aren't you a bit dangerous?"
But there are also concerns about AI. The biggest concern is that students’ critical thinking skills may decline. In Latvia, a whopping 76% of teachers were concerned about this.
Another concern is privacy and misinformation. “There are cases where students are exposed to inaccurate information through AI and believe it. That’s really dangerous,” says one Irish teacher.
"Still, AI, we can go together"
Despite these concerns, teachers recognize the potential of AI. A majority of teachers expect AI to support their work, provide personalized learning experiences, and reduce administrative tasks.
But it takes preparation. In Ireland, a whopping 99% of teachers said they needed additional training in AI. “We need to learn to use AI properly, but it’s worth it,” says one Greek teacher.
What should we do going forward?
Expand AI training programs : We cannot ignore the enthusiasm of teachers who want to learn AI technologies. We need to provide various learning opportunities such as workshops, seminars, and online courses.
Develop AI ethics guidelines : We need clear standards for how to use AI responsibly, how to protect students’ privacy, etc.
Strengthening critical thinking skills : Critical thinking skills have become more important in the AI era. It is urgent to develop special programs to foster them.
Understanding AI Algorithms : It is important to understand how AI works, which is often considered a “black box.” This is when education on basic AI principles is needed.
AI can certainly be a game changer in education. But to realize its full potential, we all need to work together. It’s time for teachers, students, parents, and policymakers to come together and create a new way of teaching in the AI era. What do you think? Let’s draw the future of AI education together!
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