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A look inside the American education system and teachers’ minds after the pandemic
Children still struggle with learning gaps and mental health issues
Teacher satisfaction has hit rock bottom... It's the lowest it's ever been
Teachers: "We desperately need a flexible and efficient work environment"
The teachers' union has a weak presence these days... It is evaluated that it is not leading change.
Reading Science-Based Curriculum Is Growing, But Teacher Support Is Key
AI Education: Black Teachers Are Active, But Others Have Mixed Reactions
The pandemic may be over, but its shadow still looms large over the education sector.
A recent survey of teachers shows that students are still struggling with learning loss and mental health issues due to COVID-19. Seven out of 10 teachers said their children’s academic performance has fallen behind pre-pandemic levels, and 64% said their mental health has worsened. The aftereffects of the pandemic are taking a toll on students’ daily lives.
Teachers’ situation is also not easy. Satisfaction with the teaching profession has fallen to an all-time low. Only 16% of respondents said they would recommend teaching to others, which says it all. The workload is high, the treatment is poor, and there is a lack of social respect. The teachers’ grievances are reflected in the survey results. Interestingly, however, minority teachers such as black teachers did somewhat better. Their satisfaction with and outlook on teaching exceeded the overall average. The exact reason seems to require more research.
Teachers’ demands for a work environment are also noteworthy. There were many voices asking for a cooperative and flexible atmosphere, and strategic rather than uniform personnel placement. I think this is evidence that a change to an organizational culture that fits the new era is urgent.
On the other hand, there is a lot of trust in the teachers' union. The prevailing opinion is that the union is not meeting expectations even in basic issues such as wage and welfare improvement. Furthermore, there were many criticisms that the union is not playing a leading role in bringing about changes in the teaching profession. It is time to listen more to the voices of its members and actively take action for change.
Changes in educational content and methods are also detected. It is said that the introduction of textbooks based on reading science is expanding. However, what is truly important is training and support for teachers, and many people said that this is lacking. No matter how good a textbook is, it is only meaningful if teachers can use it effectively.
There seems to be a temperature difference among teachers regarding AI, a recent hot topic in the education world. It’s a half-expectation, half-concern atmosphere. Since it’s still an unfamiliar technology, it seems like more training is needed. What’s interesting is that teachers from minority groups, such as blacks, are more proactive about introducing AI.
The results of this survey show that the U.S. education sector faces many challenges in the post-corona era. These are tasks that will not be solved overnight, such as recovering from the decline in academic performance due to the pandemic, restoring respect for teachers, and creating a future-oriented educational environment.
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