Past lectures
AI Meets Education: A New Era of Student-Centered Learning with Snorkl
학생들의 생각을 살펴보세요. Snorkl
Introducing the ThingLink Certified Trainer Program
ThingLink 트레이너 웨비나
Create your own webpage in 1 hour (24.06.06)
슬래시페이지 웨비나
Creating 360 content with ThingLink
에듀테크 크리에이터 기초
Business Automation
업무 자동화 첫 걸음
What is Quizizz?
Quizizz 시작
AI로 수업하는 선생님이 되어보세요

Kami educators, we invite you to the new world of Kami!

Created by
  • 콘텐주
Start your school year off on a high note. Take an exclusive tour of the New World of Kami webinar, where you’ll get an in-depth look at our latest features:
Accessible Design
AI-based assessment tool
Intuitive Insights
We've got everything you need to succeed for every student. Start the new school year with endless possibilities!
You can participate at 5pm on August 29th, Korean time.
Registration and further information:
Register now and discover Kami's innovative educational tools. We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!