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Deepfakes and Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities
This paper explores the threats and benefits of deepfakes in higher education. After reviewing 182 peer-reviewed papers, we identified three major trends: detection methods, malicious uses, and potential benefits. While research on deepfakes in higher education is lacking, we propose ways to reduce the risks and make this technology more useful in education. Our research agenda seeks to explore a comprehensive approach to deepfakes.
The emergence of deepfakes
Deepfake technology is shaking up higher education.
First introduced in 2017, this technology uses artificial intelligence to create manipulated video, audio, and images. It has now become easy for anyone to create one, thanks to open-source applications such as FakeApp and DeepFaceLab.
The dangers facing higher education
According to a study by Roe, Perkins, and Furze (2024), deepfakes pose several risks to college campuses.
The Evolution of Cyberbullying
Distribution of inappropriate videos with photoshopped faces of students or faculty members
Serious threat to the victim's mental health and future career
A new form of academic misconduct
Manipulation of research data or experimental results
Possibility of falsifying interview or survey responses
Declining trust in universities
Damage to reputation caused by fake video posing as university official
A blow to the core asset of higher education institutions: trust.
Response Strategy
To combat these risks, the researchers suggest the following strategies:
Establishing clear policies
Establishing guidelines and penalties for deepfake-related activities
Strict regulations on cyberbullying, academic misconduct, etc.
Strengthening media literacy education
Training for students and faculty to improve deepfake detection skills
Comprehensive training covering technical, ethical and legal aspects
Develop a crisis management plan
Establishing a systematic response plan to prepare for a crisis caused by deepfakes
Minimize damage with rapid response
Seeking positive ways to utilize it
Reenactment of a lecture by a historical figure
Exploring educational possibilities, such as producing multilingual educational materials
Future research directions
Research on deepfakes and higher education is still in its early stages. Future research is needed in the following areas:
Educational Uses of Deepfakes
Analysis of the effectiveness of universities’ deepfake response policies
Study on the impact on academic integrity
Application of Deepfake Identification Technology in the Education Sector
Deepfake technology presents both new challenges and opportunities for higher education.
This study explores the potential impact of deepfakes on higher education and suggests strategies to address them, but it’s an area that still needs much research.
Going forward, collaboration between educational institutions, researchers, and policymakers will be critical. It’s time to work together to find ways to maximize the educational value of deepfakes while minimizing their risks.
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