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Snorkl FAQ
1. What is Snorkl?
Snorkl is a platform where students can receive instant, personalized feedback on their responses to teacher questions or prompts. Students write their thoughts on a digital whiteboard, and AI instantly analyzes their verbal explanations and visual work.
2. What subjects can Snorkl be used for?
Snorkl is a versatile tool that can be used in all subjects. It is used from elementary school to university. It is particularly excellent in math and science, but it is also perfect for students at all levels of education to demonstrate and improve their understanding in a variety of areas, including language arts, social sciences, and foreign languages.
3. How do students log in?
Students log into Snorkl with their Google or Microsoft account. This method ensures the security of student accounts and eliminates the hassle of password management.
4. Can students change the feedback language?
Yes! Students can adjust the feedback language in the "Profile Settings" in the top right corner. Snorkl supports multiple languages, and students can receive feedback in the language they speak or the language chosen by the teacher.

5. What if the AI feedback doesn’t seem accurate?
We always recommend that teachers check the “Expected Answer” developed by the AI auto-fill tool. If there is an error in the expected answer, the AI may give incorrect feedback to all students. Use the “Rate this Feedback” tool to catch other mistakes and ensure improvement.
6. How do I add a co-teacher?
When you open a class, the teacher's name will appear under the class name. Click on your name to add a co-teacher. Co-teachers must have a Snorkl account before they can be added.

7. Can I edit an assignment after it has been assigned?
Yes, when you assign an activity to a class, a unique copy is created for that class. Adjusting the version in the library will not change the assigned copy, but you can always edit the assigned copy in the "Settings" tab when viewing the assignment.
8. Can I delete or download my responses?
Yes, when viewing a student submission in the teacher view, click on the three dots in the upper right corner. This will give you the option to "Download" or "Delete" the response.
9. How is Snorkl different from other AI tools?
Snorkl focuses on emphasizing the power of student voice and putting teachers at the center of the learning process. By analyzing students’ explanations, Snorkl can provide deeper insights than traditional text-based tools. Teachers can tailor the focus of AI to specific educational goals, making Snorkl an innovative partner in effective education.
10. How can I experience Snorkl?
Teachers and school leaders can try Snorkl by creating a free account. With a free account, teachers can try Snorkl with their students and experience its impact. If you are interested in running a school or district-wide pilot, you can learn more about our Lighthouse Leaders program on our " Plans " page.
11. How does Snorkl protect student data?
Ensuring the safety and security of student data is a top priority at Snorkl, and we are proud to be iKeepSafe certified. Snorkl adheres to strict data protection protocols to keep all student information safe and confidential. We never sell student data to outside parties, and data is never shared with AI in a way that compromises student privacy. For more information, see our "Trust & Safety" page.
12. Will Snorkl’s AI tools replace teachers?
Absolutely not. At Snorkl, we believe that teachers play an irreplaceable and central role in the educational process. Our AI tools are designed to support and enhance the work of educators, not replace them.
13. How can teachers integrate this product into their lessons?
Sharing a Snorkl assignment is as easy as pasting a link into your LMS or posting a join code on your classroom whiteboard. The roster is automatically populated when students log in. This process easily integrates with your existing LMS, ensuring a smooth experience to get started.
14. Does Snorkl have pre-made content?
Yes! At Snorkl, we believe that quality content enriches learning. To ease the burden on teachers, we provide a variety of carefully designed and standards-aligned materials. Teachers can also easily integrate their own curriculum and materials into Snorkl assignments, creating a customized learning experience that meets the specific needs of their classroom.
15. What languages does Snorkl support?
Snorkl supports many languages. Supported languages include Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.
16. Why is the company name 'Snorkl'?
“Snorkl is inspired by the snorkel, a symbol of simplicity and discovery. Growing up in San Diego, I used a snorkel to explore the underwater world and discover sights not normally seen. Similarly, Snorkl aims to provide learners and teachers with a simple tool that opens up new educational possibilities.” - Jeff, Co-Founder & CEO
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