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All About Project Management Success Plans
The project management success plan is a comprehensive guide that helps you manage the entire process from project initiation to completion systematically and efficiently. This plan is largely composed of the following areas: project initiation, risk management, cost management, communication, WBS management, project planning, execution, tracking, timeline management, and quality management.
Project Start
Business Case: State the need for the project and its expected benefits.
Acceptance Criteria: Defining success criteria for project deliverables
Project Proposal: Describe the project in detail, including its outline, objectives, scope, schedule, and budget.
Project Charter: A document that formalizes project goals, responsibilities, and authorities.
Feasibility Study: Analyzing the Project's Feasibility and Effectiveness
Initial project risk assessment: Identify potential risk factors and develop response strategies
Risk Management
Incident Prioritization: Prioritize incidents based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence.
Cause/Effect Diagram: Visually analyze the causes and effects of risk factors
Issue Resolution Process: A systematic process for identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues that arise.
Risk Identification: Identify potential risk factors throughout the project.
Risk Register: Documentation of details about identified risk factors and response strategies.
Risk Management Plan: Establishing strategies and approaches to manage risk factors
Project Cost Management
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Analysis of expected benefits compared to project costs
Earned Value Template: Template for Calculating Expected Value for Project Investments
Project Budget Template: Template for creating a budget for each project cost item.
Cost Estimation: A reasonable estimate of the overall project and individual activity costs.
Project Cost Management Plan: Develop a plan for how costs will be tracked, controlled, and reported.
Communication Management
Communication Status Report: Regular reports on project progress
Process Improvement Plan: Develop a plan to improve your project processes.
Program Benefits Profile: Define the expected impacts and benefits the project will create.
Requirements Checklist: A checklist to check if project requirements have been met.
Communication Management Plan: Establishing an effective communication strategy with stakeholders
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Management
Checklist Template: Checklist of Checkpoints for WBS Development
WBS Plan (DOC+PDF): A plan documenting the detailed WBS structure and definition.
PMO WBS Template: A template that breaks down project management tasks into WBS
WBS Building Template: Template for defining the WBS hierarchy
Developing a project plan
SWOT Analysis Template: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis Template for Projects
Action Plan Template: Template for developing an action plan for each project activity
Tracking Spreadsheet: A spreadsheet for tracking project progress.
Gantt Chart Excel Template: Gantt Chart Template for Project Schedule Management
One-Page Project Summary: A summary document that provides an overview of the project and key information at a glance.
Project Execution
Execution Excel Template: Excel Template for Project Activity Execution Management
Requirements traceability: the activity of continuously tracking whether project requirements have been met.
SAP Implementation Planning: Developing a detailed plan for implementing your SAP system
Test Case Template: A template that defines test scenarios and procedures.
Test Coverage Documentation: Documentation of test coverage and depth.
Project Tracking
RACI Matrix Excel Template: Template for defining responsibilities and roles for project activities
Portfolio Dashboard: A dashboard for your overall project portfolio status
Gap Analysis: Analyzing the difference between plan and actual progress
Root Cause Analysis: Analysis to identify the root cause of a problem
RAID Log Excel: Log that records risks, assumptions, issues, dependencies, etc.
Project Timeline Management
Construction Schedule: Detailed work schedule planning for a construction project
Milestone Template: Template for defining and managing key project milestones
Production Schedule: Planning the release schedule for a product or service
Timesheet Tracking: Tool to track project members' work hours
Project Timeline: A visible timeline for the entire duration of the project.
Quality Control
Scalable Results Analysis: Evaluate the quality level of project deliverables and derive improvement measures
Control charts: charts for statistical control and monitoring of quality indicators.
Quality Log Guidance: Guidelines for Recording Quality-Related Issues and Actions
Quality Matrix: A matrix that defines quality requirements and evaluation criteria.
Quality Standards: Define the quality standards and regulations that apply to the project.
In this way, the project management success plan supports systematic and efficient project management by providing various activities, outputs, templates, and tools required throughout the entire project process. Effective use of this plan can increase the possibility of project success.
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