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AI Hacks YouTube? Revolutionary Technology Finds Hidden Moments in Videos!
We will introduce the process of developing a keyword search app in YouTube videos using Claude 3.5 and Cursor IDE. Efficient coding and fast problem solving are possible with the help of AI. Experience the practicality of AI tools firsthand with this project.
Start developing apps with AI
The goal of this project was to create an app that would transcribe the content of a YouTube video URL and allow users to search for keywords and jump directly to that part. During the development process, we used AI tools called Claude 3.5 and Cursor IDE.
Building the Frontend: React Meets AI
First, we built the front-end using React. With the help of Claude 3.5, we were able to quickly design the basic component structure and styling. We also easily improved the UI, such as applying a dark theme, using Cursor IDE.
Backend Development: Experience the Power of AI
AI’s true value is further demonstrated in backend development. AI’s advice has been a great help in implementing complex functions such as downloading YouTube videos, transcription, and text processing. In particular, AI’s help has been crucial in implementing the transcription function using OpenAI’s Whisper API.
A new paradigm for problem solving
AI played a big role in resolving many bugs and errors that occurred during the development process. Cursor IDE’s AI-based debugging function allowed us to quickly identify and fix problems in our code, which was much more efficient than traditional development methods.
Improving User Experience: The Fine Touch of AI
In order to improve the completeness of the app, we added detailed functions such as progress bars and improved search result display methods. AI suggestions were also very useful in this process. In particular, AI provided UI/UX improvement ideas that took user feedback into account, which helped us take the quality of the app to the next level.
Conclusion: AI, the new companion for development
Through this project, I have experienced first-hand how much AI tools can help throughout the development process. From writing code to debugging to improving UI/UX, AI’s advice and support have greatly improved the efficiency and quality of the project. In the future, AI will become an essential tool and companion for developers.
This project was a great opportunity to see the future of development with AI. This innovative app that finds the exact moment you want in a YouTube video is a great example of the power of AI. I expect to see more innovative projects using AI in the future.
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