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Bridgend AI Utilization Scale: Analysis of Step-by-Step Utilization of AI Technology
• The Bridgend AI Utilization Scale divides the scope of AI technology use into five levels.
• Presenting various levels of AI utilization plans from ‘No AI’ to ‘Unlimited’
• Step-by-step expansion of AI’s role from learning assistance to full-scale task performance
• Provide guidelines for establishing policies for the use of AI in education and work environments
• Predicting changes in the way humans and AI collaborate due to advancements in AI technology
'No AI' stage: Minimizing AI use
This step represents an approach that severely limits the use of AI technologies.
• Allowable uses of AI:
Only an auxiliary role that helps understanding of the learning topic is permitted.
• Limited use of AI:
All creative or analytical tasks, such as idea generation, structuring, and sentence editing, are limited to the human domain.
Even basic proofreading tasks like spelling, grammar, and punctuation checking will have to be done without AI assistance.
• Significance and limitations:
It can prioritize human ability and judgment and minimize dependence on AI.
However, failure to leverage the efficiency and accuracy of AI can lead to missed opportunities to improve work speed and quality.
'Planning' phase: Using AI for initial conception
At this stage, AI can be used to help in the early stages of the work.
• Allowable uses of AI:
In addition to learning assistance, AI can be used for brainstorming and idea generation.
You can ask AI for advice on the overall structure of your work and title suggestions.
• Limited use of AI:
Actual content creation or sentence-level editing is still not allowed.
Proofreading tasks such as spelling and grammar checking are also left to the human domain.
• Significance and limitations:
AI can help you generate more diverse ideas in the early conception stage.
However, there are still limitations in creating and editing specific content, which may prevent the full potential of AI from being utilized.
'Proofing' phase: Using AI for correction and improvement
At this stage, AI's role expands to correction and improvement.
• Allowable uses of AI:
In addition to the features of the previous step, spelling, grammar, and punctuation checking are available.
You can accept AI's correction suggestions at the individual sentence level.
• Limited use of AI:
Adding new information or organizing the overall content is still a human domain.
AI is not allowed to directly draft or make large-scale content edits.
• Significance and limitations:
It can greatly improve grammatical accuracy and sentence clarity.
However, there may still be limitations in creative content creation and in-depth analysis.
'Drafting' stage: Using AI to draft and supplement content
At this stage, AI's role expands to actual content creation.
• Allowable uses of AI:
AI can draft and add new information to existing content.
Users can work on drafts generated by AI.
• Limited use of AI:
The final decision and the judgment of important matters still rests with humans.
It is not recommended to rely entirely on AI for the entire task.
• Significance and limitations:
Work speed and efficiency can be greatly improved.
However, AI-generated content may require thorough review and revision, and human creativity and insight will still be important.
'Unlimited' stage: full use of AI
At this stage, there are no restrictions on the use of AI.
• Allowable uses of AI:
AI can be leveraged in every step and element of your work.
AI is involved in every process, from idea generation, drafting, content editing, to final review.
• Note:
Critical review of AI output and human final judgment become increasingly important.
Special attention must be paid to ethical considerations and maintaining creativity.
• Significance and potential impact:
The efficiency and quality of your work can be dramatically improved.
However, new challenges may emerge as human roles are redefined and reliance on AI increases.
The Bridgend AI Utilization Scale systematically demonstrates the progressive adoption and expansion of AI technology. It provides a useful framework for establishing and adjusting AI usage policies in various environments such as educational institutions, businesses, and research institutes. By understanding and appropriately utilizing the characteristics of each stage, organizations can maximize the benefits of AI technology while preserving human creativity, critical thinking, and ethical judgment.
As AI technology advances in the future, these utilization scales are expected to continue to evolve. In particular, if AI utilization at the 'Unlimited' stage becomes widespread, there may be extensive changes in the way humans and AI collaborate, the education system, and the job structure.
Therefore, organizations and individuals should keep an eye on the development of AI technology and seek a balanced approach that effectively utilizes it while maintaining the unique values and capabilities of humans. The Bridgend AI Utilization Scale can be an important guide in this process, and will help us continuously redefine and improve the way we work and learn with AI.
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