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New Companions in the Classroom: The Story of Coexistence between AI and Teachers
AI Enters the Classroom
"It's got my head spinning now." - Elementary school teacher
In October 2023, over 60 education professionals came together to host the UK’s first AI hackathon in education. Their goal was clear: to find ways to use AI to transform teachers’ daily lives, reduce their workload, and improve the quality of education.
Participants used the 'GPT-3.5' and 'GPT-4' models to explore the possibilities of AI in various areas, from lesson planning to student assessment and parent communication. The results were interesting. AI received high scores for generating effective questions and providing personalized feedback.
Between anticipation and concern
“I think I would end up going back over and reading their essays anyway to see if the AI was correct.” - Secondary school teacher
The research team went beyond the hackathon and conducted in-depth interviews with 12 teachers and nine students. The teachers’ responses were mixed: there was hope that AI would save time and enable consistent assessment, but there were also concerns.
Many teachers have expressed concerns that AI could replace their expertise or negatively impact their relationships with students, particularly the possibility that AI feedback might not adequately reflect the individual characteristics of individual students.
Students also showed mixed attitudes. While there were expectations that AI would be able to cover more learning content, there were also opinions that AI would have difficulty replacing the individual understanding and approach of teachers.
Mountains to climb, blank spaces to fill
It has also become clear that several challenges must be solved in order to introduce AI.
Teacher education: There is an urgent need to improve understanding and use of AI.
Establish guidelines: Clear guidelines and policies are needed for the use of AI.
System integration: Seamless integration of AI tools with existing school systems is important.
Data Security: Concerns about protecting student information must be addressed.
Improving infrastructure: The lack of digital infrastructure in some schools also needs to be addressed.
First step towards the future
This study shows both the potential and limitations of generative AI in the field of education. AI can be a powerful tool that reduces teachers’ workload and supports individualized learning. However, there are many challenges to be solved in the process, such as ensuring accuracy and reliability and establishing ethical guidelines.
Most importantly, AI should be recognized as a tool that complements teachers, not as a replacement. In the future, we should clarify the educational value of AI through more field experiments and research, and seek effective ways to utilize it.
The introduction of AI into the classroom does not change the nature of education. Rather, AI can open up opportunities for teachers to focus on more creative and individualized education. What we need now is an attitude to explore its possibilities with a balanced perspective, without fearing or blindly trusting AI.
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