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AI Guide Discussion Board
Create engaging discussion boards with AI.
Artificial intelligence is very useful as an auxiliary tool in the hands of students and teachers.
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AI can help create lessons and activities, but not on its own. AI should suggest ideas that can be rejected, modified, or approved by a skilled educator.
That's why we created an AI-guided discussion board. Here's how it works.
AI helps you find interesting discussion questions
You might wonder why we need AI to create a discussion board. Discussion boards seem simple. Add a question and let participants discuss. The quality is determined by the discussion.
But what determines the quality of a discussion? Discussions are built on the foundation provided by discussion questions, and this is where AI can help.
Consider two discussion questions:
How might establishing human settlements on other planets affect global cooperation and challenge our understanding of what it means to be human?
What are the pros and cons of sending people into space?
The first question stimulates imagination and invites participants to hypothesize about potential futures. The second question invites mechanical analysis and formulaic responses. While we can all tell the difference between good and bad discussion questions, creating good ones is deceptively difficult. This is where AI comes into play.
Co-creating discussion boards with AI
The first step is to add student and subject information. This data tells the AI what kind of materials and language to use.
The next step is to find questions with AI. This is where AI really comes into its own. AI provides endless suggestions in an editable text box, and it’s up to you to decide which ideas are useful.
You can keep regenerating until you get a suggestion you like. You can edit a good suggestion to make it a great suggestion, or you can write your own original idea. You have complete control. The role of AI is to provide you with an infinite number of ideas to build on.
After you’ve finalized your question, decide if the board is discussion or debate type and choose whether to add your first post. Once again, the AI will offer suggestions. You can accept them, ignore them, or modify them.
The final step is to share the discussion board with your students and watch them develop deeper understanding.
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