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AI replaces teachers? No, it makes them super teachers!
Monica Burns' revised edition of 'EdTech Essentials' presents educational innovation in the AI era. It introduces 12 key strategies for using AI to prepare classes, assess students, and personalize learning, providing practical guidance for both teachers and students.
New Education Strategy in the AI Era
How should teachers respond in the face of the wave of new educational technology? The revised edition of 'EdTech Essentials' provides an answer to this question. Author Monica Burns details how teachers can effectively use technology to enhance students' learning experiences through 12 educational strategies for the AI era.
Navigating Digital Spaces: Essential 21st Century Skills
The first strategy is effective navigation of online spaces. Teachers should understand the various types of digital content and model them for students. For example, students can be taught digital literacy by thinking about the elements they should pay attention to when opening a web page and explaining them out loud.
AI, the new companion of teachers
The second strategy is to use AI to generate ideas and resources. AI chatbots can be used to create differentiated learning materials or find cross-curricular connections, which can improve teachers’ work efficiency. This allows teachers to provide more students with personalized learning experiences.
The Evaluation Revolution: Real-Time, Personalized, and Efficient
The third strategy is to modernize assessment methods. Assessment using digital tools provides students with more choices, streamlines teachers’ workflows, and enables real-time feedback. This improves the quality of formative assessment and allows teachers to take appropriate action more quickly.
Integrating Digital Skills: Learning Beyond Tools
The fourth strategy is transfer of skills between digital spaces. It is important to help students apply the skills they have learned in one digital tool to another. This improves students’ digital literacy and problem-solving skills.
Beyond saving time: The true value of AI
Burns emphasizes that AI tools should focus on how teachers can use that time more valuable than simply saving them time. For example, the time saved by AI can be invested in one-on-one interactions with students or small group activities.
A new mindset in the AI era
This book emphasizes the importance of a ‘mindset’ suitable for the AI era. Students must develop the ability to critically evaluate AI-generated content, and teachers must understand the possibilities and limitations of AI tools and learn how to appropriately integrate them into their classes.
AI Literacy for Every Educator
Burns argues that all educators should have at least a basic understanding and experience with AI tools, so that they have a foundation for making informed decisions and engaging in meaningful conversations, rather than blindly accepting AI.
Conclusion: Future Education with AI
The revised edition of 'EdTech Essentials' provides a practical guide to educational innovation in the AI era. This book is expected to play a key role in helping teachers effectively utilize new technologies to enhance students' learning experiences and equip them with the skills needed for the future society.
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