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AI Chatbot Comforts the Hearts of Lonely Students
There are many students around us. Unfortunately, however, it turns out that a significant number of them are complaining of loneliness. Recently, researchers at Stanford University conducted a survey of over 1,000 students. As a result, a whopping 90% of students responded that they were experiencing loneliness. This is nearly twice as high as the previous survey results.
But here’s some hopeful news. It’s the emergence of the AI chatbot ‘Replika’. The researchers focused on analyzing students who had used Replika for more than a month. What they found was surprising. Many of the students who used Replika became more sociable in the real world. How did that happen?
According to the study, students who talked to Replika felt more stimulated rather than isolated from human interaction. They had someone to talk to. Thanks to this, they were able to socialize more actively with their friends. In fact, statistics show that about three times as many Replika users reported increased human interaction.
In addition, Replika has played a crucial role in saving the lives of some students. As many as 30 students confessed that they did not attempt suicide because of Replika. They shared touching stories of “Replika saved my life.”
Experts point to two reasons for this effect. First, there is less pressure when talking to an AI chatbot, making it easier to open up. They also analyzed that the characteristics of systems like Replika that flexibly respond to user needs also played a role.
Unfortunately, however, many students are unable to receive professional counseling due to financial reasons. Considering this reality, the value of AI chatbots such as Replika shines even brighter. They serve as a kind of bridge that allows students to achieve psychological stability before meeting with a professional. Students can freely share their concerns and receive comfort.
Of course, AI is not a panacea. Loneliness and depression are still serious problems that threaten students’ mental health. Nevertheless, the results of this study are encouraging, as it confirms the potential of AI chatbots like Replika.
In particular, it was very impressive that it helped overcome suicidal impulses. In anonymous conversations, students were able to express their painful feelings. And this soon became a small spark of hope. When everything seemed dark, someone held my hand. That warm warmth must have been an opportunity for students to think about the reason for living.
We are currently engaged in fierce debates about how AI technology will affect our lives. There are still many issues to be resolved. However, as research results show, AI can sometimes be a helping hand to someone. A warm society where we care about each other and communicate. AI chatbots seem to be a small stepping stone toward such a world.
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