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World Snorkel Day: Exploring the Educational Uses of AI
*This is an English webinar. If you want Korean subtitles, please install the Immersive Translation Chrome extension.
Summary of all contents
Snorkel is a powerful tool that provides students with timely, personalized, and relevant feedback, making personalized learning accessible to teachers everywhere.
Using Snorkel for AI Literacy: Protocols and Feedback Strategies
📚 Educators Kate and Nicole introduce AI Edge Protocols , emphasizing the importance of feedback and AI literacy in the classroom .
🤖 Introducing two protocols: Cyber Sandwich for ELA and Truth Tracker for AI Literacy , both integrated with Snorkel for immediate AI feedback .
💡 Kate demonstrates the Cyber Sandwich protocol, where students read contrasting articles about AI, discuss them, and receive AI feedback on their notes and paragraphs .
💬 Nicole introduces the 'Truth Tracker' protocol, where students evaluate and question the credibility of online sources, and receive AI feedback on their lateral reading skills .
🎓 Educators highlight the benefits of AI feedback, including objectivity, exploratory insights, and targeted interventions, calling it a **“lifesaver for teachers”** and a **“differentiated journey”** for students.
🚢 Amanda Fox introduces the "SALE" acronym for creating snorkeling lessons: Take an existing lesson, tweak it with a remix, use graphics, and innovate something new .
📊 Shows how to find and modify existing lessons in the Snorkel library, such as activities on figurative language, and how to improve the lesson with additional guidance for students.
Improving Classroom Engagement and Learning with Snorkel AI
🎓 7th grade math teacher Emily Castano shares how she used Snorkel AI to transform her teaching practices in three key areas: traditional classrooms, blended learning, and building a critical-thinking classroom .
Emily found that in traditional classrooms, AI provided supportive feedback and asked questions to guide students, helping them better understand and retain math concepts.
🔄 In blended learning, Emily used Snorkel to provide immediate feedback to students working at different stations to ensure they understood the material and encouraged them to move forward when ready .
🏗 In building her thinking classroom, Emily used Snorkel to hold students accountable for their group work by having them work in groups and then individually explain math problems .
📊 Snorkel's AI grades students' work and explanations, providing instant feedback and encouraging accountability in group work .
🧠 Emily emphasized the importance of students discussing math problems with their peers, as NCTM reports that 74% of students feel more engaged and understand math content better when they can discuss problems with their peers .
🌟 Snorkel's features, such as the soon-to-be-released 'Snorkel Coach' chat function, have been well-received for their ability to assist students in problem-solving and explanation .
👩 Emily emphasized the importance of immediate feedback, deeper understanding, and increased engagement in improving students’ math learning experiences .
Enhance your language learning with snorkeling: differentiated tasks for different proficiency levels
🎓 Snorkel's differentiated tasks can meet a variety of language learning ability levels, from beginner to advanced .
🔤 Level 1 tasks focus on practicing basic vocabulary , with clear instructions and examples, making them ideal for beginners or light club activities.
🗣 Level 2 tasks include sentence writing and conversation practice, including partner-based conversations and specific grammar expectations for advanced learners .
🌍 Level 3 assignments emphasize culturally significant and real-world applications, such as comparing the painting styles of two artists in the target language.
📊 Adjusting your language settings and feedback language can improve the learning experience, especially for English language learners (ELs) and advanced language learners .
🎨 Incorporating visual aids and interactive whiteboard practice before recording will help students effectively plan and execute their responses.
🔗 The ability to **'layer previous applications'** by combining multiple language skills into a single task is recommended for advanced students.
🎯 "If you have advanced or advancing students, you'll want to provide direction in the language they're learning, not their native language ."
Innovative ideas for using snorkels in a variety of subject areas
📚 Kim shares how he applied eduprotocols like Sketch and Tell, Three Time Genre Challenge, and Bua Kucha to Snorkel , allowing students to draw, discuss, and write about prompts before receiving AI feedback .
Andrew highlights the power of Snorkel in his math pre-assessment to help students explain their thinking before class, informing differentiation strategies .
🔬 In the science field, Andrew suggests using Snorkel for activities like comparing habitats and presenting science fair ideas, leveraging its ability to analyze diagrams and images .
🎭 For ELA, Andrew recommends using Snorkel to retell stories, analyze graphic organizers, and discuss literary works .
🎓 Andrew emphasizes the importance of guided discourse in mathematics, where students can see and comment on each other's work to enhance problem-solving discussions .
🧠 Andrew warns of potential problems with AI's accuracy in math, especially when converting visual data like Amazon product prices into numbers .
👩 Andrew sees the potential of Snorkel as a ‘second teacher in the classroom’, providing students with additional feedback and supporting differentiated instruction.
🚀 Andrew highlights the value of Snorkel in helping teachers make student thinking visible, even when working with small groups, so that every student gets quality feedback .
Bringing Snorkeling to School: The Lighthouse Leader Pilot Program
🏫 Snorkel is a multimodal tool that provides immediate feedback on students’ thinking, allowing them to express their ideas through voice, text, and drawing .
🌍 The platform is used in thousands of schools across the country and around the world, and teachers are reporting increased student engagement and confidence .
🔒 Snorkel complies with COPPA and FERPA to ensure student data privacy and security.
🚀 The 'Lighthouse Leader' pilot program gives schools and districts unlimited access to Snorkel, including unlimited assignments and deployment support .
🎓 This program includes training and professional development resources, as well as ongoing support and exclusive pricing for the next school year .
📊 The platform can be used across all grade levels and content areas and supports formative assessments, exit tickets, rotations, and homework .
💬 The Snorkel team, comprised of former teachers, provides engaging PD sessions and webinars to support your implementation .
🌐 To apply for the pilot program or learn more about bringing Snorkel to your school, visit snorkel.app and sign up for a free account.
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