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Mizou: Why can't students create accounts?
Summary of Mizou student membership registration restrictions policy
Main reason: Compliance with privacy guidelines
Related guidelines:
FERPA (US Student Education Records Protection Act)
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)
GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation)
Whether GPT-4 is used:
The use of AI itself is not the main reason for the limitation.
Key Considerations:
The most important thing is how you handle your personal information.
Conclusion: Mizou's student membership restriction is not due to the use of AI (GPT-4),
This is to comply with our privacy guidelines.
First, let’s look at the FERPA, COPPA, and GDPR guidelines that Mizou complies with.
Summary of Key Privacy Laws
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
The U.S. Student Education Records Protection Act
Give parents access to their children's education records
For students over 18 years of age, transfer of rights to the individual
Restricting third-party disclosure of personal information of students by educational institutions
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)
The U.S. Online Privacy Protection Act for Children Under 13
Parental consent required when collecting personal information of children under 13 years of age
Applies to websites, apps, and online services aimed at children
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
European Union (EU) data protection law
Strict regulations on processing personal data of EU citizens
Emphasize transparency, purpose limitation, and data minimization of personal information processing
Violations can result in hefty fines
YouTube and TikTok have each been fined for violating the above guidelines.
YouTube to pay $170 million (KRW 2.38 trillion) for alleged COPPA violations
TikTok Pays $5.7 Million Fine for COPPA Violations
To summarize the three guidelines above briefly,
FERPA: Protection of U.S. Student Education Records, Ensuring Parent/Adult Student Access
COPPA: Parental Consent Required for Online Collection of Personal Information from Children Under 13 in the United States
GDPR: EU Citizens' Personal Data Processing Regulation, Demanding High Standards of Data Protection
Here we take a look at Mizou's personal information and student information.
Summary of Mizou Personal Information Processing and Student Information Management Policy
Minimize data collection:
Collect only the minimum student information necessary to provide educational services.
When participating in a chatbot, only limited information such as anonymous nickname, questions, and answers are collected.
Compliance with Personal Information Protection Laws:
Compliance with relevant laws and regulations such as FERPA, COPPA, GDPR, etc.
Parental consent required when collecting personal information of children under 13 years of age
Data usage restrictions:
The collected information is used only for the purpose of providing educational services.
No selling of student information, no use for targeted advertising
AI model training limitations:
AI models are not trained with collected user data
No sharing of user data when using OpenAI APIs
Data Access and Deletion:
Ensuring students/parents have the right to access, correct, and delete their data
Minimize data retention periods for purposes other than education
Security measures:
Implement technical security measures such as encryption and firewalls
Implement administrative security measures, such as limiting employee access to data.
Third-party sharing restrictions:
No sharing of information with third parties except as required by law or to provide services
Disclosure and periodic update of personal information processing policy
Advance notice of important changes
Then , you may be thinking, “ If I get consent from my parents to use the student’s personal information, I can have the student register as a member of Mizou and have the student create a chatbot himself?”
How Mizou is currently used:
Students access the teacher-created chatbot using URL/QR code
Easy to use by entering minimum information (nickname/name)
Similar to connecting to Zoom
Differences from membership registration:
Current: temporary access, minimal information collected
Sign up: Persistent account, more personal data processing
The way personal information is handled is completely different.
Legal Considerations:
Compliance required with FERPA, COPPA, GDPR, etc.
There is a possibility that these guidelines may be violated when registering as a member.
Regarding AI use:
The use of AI like GPT-4 itself is not the main problem
How you handle your personal information is a more important consideration
Mizou Headquarters entrance:
Current approach enables service delivery while complying with legal regulations
We take students' personal information seriously
Allowing membership registration may cause difficulties in complying with the Personal Information Protection Act
Providing services in compliance with current regulations
How personal information is handled is a key consideration
Maintain the current easy access method rather than membership registration
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