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The State of the AI Revolution: How Are People Using Generative AI?
• Disclosure of analysis results on the use of generative AI
• Technical support and troubleshooting were the most used at 23%
• Content creation and editing followed at 22%
• Used in various fields such as personal and work life support, learning, and creation
• Acts as an important indicator of the future development direction of AI technology
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, generative AI is deeply penetrating our daily lives. Recently published analysis results provide interesting insights into how people are actually using generative AI. This data is expected to play an important role in understanding the current status of AI technology and predicting its future development direction.
According to the analysis results, the areas of use of generative AI can be largely divided into six topics. The highest proportion was 'technical support and troubleshooting', which recorded 23%. This suggests that many users are using AI to solve everyday technical problems or receive help.
The second highest proportion was 'content creation and editing', at 22%. This shows that AI is becoming an important tool in the creative process. AI is being used in various creative activities such as writing, editing, and idea generation.
'Support for personal and work life' ranked third at 17%, showing that AI is helping in various aspects of daily life beyond just being a technical tool. It was found that AI is being used for things like writing emails, preparing for meetings, and managing personal schedules.
The 'Learning and Education' category took up 15%, showing that AI is being used for personalized learning, explanation of complex concepts, and language learning. The 'Creativity and Leisure' category took up 13%, showing that AI is also being used for artistic creation and leisure activities.
Finally, the field of ‘Research, Analysis and Decision Making’ took up 10%, indicating that AI is being widely used in data analysis, decision support, and research activities.
It gets even more interesting when you look at the specific use cases. AI is being used in a variety of fields, from practical uses such as generating ideas, editing text, writing emails, writing Excel formulas, and sampling data, to creative writing, coding, translation, and music composition. This shows that AI technology is affecting almost every area of our lives.
These analysis results provide important implications for AI technology developers and companies. It will be possible to identify users’ real needs and develop functions and new services accordingly. It also raises the need to pay closer attention to AI ethics and safety issues.
In conclusion, this analysis clearly shows how deeply generative AI has penetrated our lives. AI is now moving beyond being a simple technical tool and becoming a companion in our daily lives. As AI technology develops and becomes more widespread, it will be interesting to see how our lives, work, and creative activities will change. At the same time, social discussions on the responsible use and development of AI technology should continue.
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