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Number, date, single select, button fields
A new way to collect and organize content published in Padlet.
Padlet is at its core a tool to help people collect and organize information. Previously, it was more suited to collecting and organizing free-form text, and had limitations in collecting structured data.
For example, a teacher planning a party needs to provide students with clear instructions for posting birthdays in a consistent format. If they deviate from these instructions, Padlet will have difficulty understanding and sorting them. If some students write the month as text, such as "May 7," and others write it as numbers, such as "5/7," Padlet will have difficulty interpreting them.
What are custom fields?
In January 2024, we introduced custom text fields, which are additional input fields that can be added to the post composer. Initially, we only allowed new custom text fields. The new custom fields allow you to perform data validation and custom formatting on your responses.
Number field
Custom number fields only accept numeric values. If you enter a non-numeric value, the field will reject it.
Numeric fields can also automatically format responses. If one contributor enters 1000 and another enters 1000.00, you can configure Padlet to display both values as 1,000.00.
You can also choose to automatically format your text to match your visitors' local format. With this option, visitors from the United States will see 1,000.00, while visitors from France will see 1.000,00.
Date field
A date field requires the publisher to select a date. You can use a field prompt to guide visitors to select a date.
Like number fields, date fields automatically format responses and provide formats tailored to individual visitors. In local formats, visitors in Europe will see the date first, while those in the United States will see the month first.
You can also add times to custom date fields, allowing for more specific input.
Single selection field
Single-select fields allow you to add multiple-choice questions to your post creator. When creating a new post, you can choose one of the preset options, and your selection will appear in the published post.

If you want to know whether your students prefer chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet cake, you can create a single choice field and let them choose the flavor.
Button field
The Button field asks publishers to add a link that will appear as a clickable button.
When setting up a button field, you can choose the text that will appear on the button to let your visitors know what type of link they should add.

If a teacher planning a birthday party wants to play their students’ favorite songs, they can add a button field called “Favorite song.” Students can post YouTube and Spotify links and click the button to make their day even more special.
Sortable by custom fields
Custom fields help you organize your Padlet because they ensure consistent data formatting. When you collect birthdays using a custom date field, you don’t have to worry about whether the day or the month comes first. You can always sort by date to plan your party in order.
The same principle applies to numeric fields and single-select fields. Sorting by single-select allows you to group posts by selection, while sorting by numeric fields allows you to sort your Padlet in numeric order.
Button fields do not allow sorting. Sorting URLs makes no sense, so buttons will all look the same on a given Padlet.
Simplify responses by combining custom fields and submission links
Submission links are shareable links that allow recipients to post your Padlet without first viewing it. When combined with custom fields, you can use submission links to create self-explanatory surveys that drive blind responses directly to your Padlet.
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