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Experience management practice with AI! The moment your potential blossoms
An era of management training open to everyone with the latest AI technology
Practice problem solving and decision making in scenarios that are exactly like reality.
Provides personalized practice content and real-time coaching feedback
The barriers to education are expected to be lowered and the learning effect to be maximized.
A new wind is blowing in the global education world. Led by Harvard Business Publishing Education, innovative management practice education that incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) technology is receiving a lot of attention. The key is to provide students with a simulation training field similar to the actual business environment by utilizing cutting-edge AI models such as GPT-4.
For example, in a negotiation class, students become sellers and buyers and engage in fierce deal negotiations, and in an entrepreneurship class, they passionately pitch business ideas to investors. Scenarios that are perfect for each person’s capabilities and goals are created in real time, and one-on-one customized feedback is also provided through AI, as if a professional business coach were right next to them.
Of course, this is a change brought about by Harvard’s pioneering efforts, but the important thing is that this opportunity for AI-based practical learning is now open to all business students. This is because the development of AI technology has made it much easier to mass-produce high-quality, customized practice content, and anyone can access it without time or space constraints through the web and mobile devices.
In fact, AI-based education is spreading across a wide range of fields, from the world’s leading business schools to massive open online courses (MOOCs) and corporate training programs. This is an era where high-quality business education is no longer the exclusive domain of a few elite universities, but is open to anyone with passion.
This goes beyond simply applying the latest technology to education. It could be a major turning point in establishing learner-centered, practice-oriented, participatory education in the field of business administration, which has been dominated by theory-centered, instructor-led, spoon-fed education. Adding AI, a powerful tool, to this is expected to be of great help in maximizing the capabilities of individual learners.
How about becoming the protagonist of this new educational paradigm? Unleash your imagination, which was confined to the rigid theories in textbooks, with AI. As you develop insight and application skills in a virtual scenario armed with cases and data, you will soon find yourself with a business sense.
Of course, AI is not yet omnipotent. We also need more social consensus on ethical and legal issues. However, what is clear is that if you make good use of the AI technology that is already here with us, you can further enhance your potential and competitiveness. Why not experience this exciting opportunity yourself and imagine your future self?
Set sail on the sea of management with the sail of AI. Exciting moments of discovery and achievement await you.
#Practical management #AI-based learning #Management education innovation #Potential development #Future competitiveness
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