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Poe: A new playground for AI opens
Since ChatGPT surprised the world, AI technology has been rapidly changing our daily lives. In this wave of change, there is a new platform that is attracting attention. It is Poe. Poe, which has emerged as a next-generation AI platform along with Claude and Perplexity, what makes it special and what possibilities does it have?
Poe is a platform that makes AI technology easy for anyone to use. It brings together various AI models and provides unique functions that allow users to create their own AI. This service developed by Quora is showing new possibilities for AI by making AI technology easier and more fun to use. Now, let’s take a closer look at what Poe is, what features it has, and what changes it can bring to our daily lives.
Evolution of AI conversation platforms
First, let’s take a quick look at some of the AI platforms that are currently in the spotlight. This will help us better understand what sets Poe apart.
Claude: AI that values ethics
Claude is an AI chatbot created by Anthropic. It aims to be a safe and correct AI, and values accuracy and honesty. It can understand various information such as text, images, and sounds, and handles long content well. It is characterized by being honest about what it does not know.
Claude's key features include:
Providing ethical and safe responses
Capable of handling input in various formats
Large context window of 200,000 tokens
High accuracy and transparency
Perplexity: A new look at smart search
Perplexity is an AI-powered conversational search engine. It combines the strengths of a general search engine and an AI chatbot. It provides simple and accurate answers to questions and searches the Internet in real time to provide the latest information. Its main feature is that it uses multiple AI models to provide better results.
The main features of Perplexity are:
Real-time web search function
Utilize various AI models (GPT-4, Claude, Mistral Large, etc.)
Provide concise and relevant answers
Available in free and pro versions
Poe: A meeting place for AI models
Unlike these, Poe is a platform that allows you to use multiple AI models in one place. You can meet various AIs such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, and DALL-E in one place. In addition, there is a function that allows you to create your own AI bot. This is what makes Poe special.
Quora, Why Did You Create Poe?
Quora is famous for being a knowledge platform that shares questions and answers. So why did they suddenly create an AI platform? There are three main reasons why Quora developed Poe.
AI ecosystem integration : Quora wanted to improve the user experience by providing various AI models in one place. It was like gathering knowledge people in one place, so that various AI models could be met on one platform.
Creating an AI development environment : Poe provides AI developers with the opportunity to easily integrate their models and showcase them to users through APIs. This is like providing a new playground for AI developers.
Revolutionizing knowledge sharing : We wanted to create a more effective knowledge sharing platform by combining Quora’s massive question-answer database with AI. We created a new form of knowledge sharing by combining human knowledge with the power of AI.
With these goals, Poe is positioning itself as a comprehensive platform for the utilization and advancement of AI technology, beyond a simple AI chatbot platform.
What's special about Poe
Now, let's take a closer look at what makes Poe special.
1. A collection of various AI models
The biggest feature of Poe is that it can use multiple AI models in one place. You can use various AI models such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, DALL-E, etc. as if they were one team. This provides great benefits to users:
Compare different AI models: You can compare the answers of different AI models to the same question.
Select the best model for each task: You can select the model that is best suited for each task, such as writing, coding, or generating images.
Learning Opportunities: You can broaden your understanding of AI technology by experiencing various AI models.
2. User-driven AI development environment
Poe allows users to create and customize their own AI chatbots, which elevates Poe from a simple AI-using platform to an AI-creating platform.
Easy bot creation: Create your own AI bot with simple settings, without complex coding knowledge.
A variety of customization options: You can fine-tune your bot's personality, speech, expertise, and more.
Community Sharing: You can share your bots with the Poe community, allowing you to exchange ideas with other users.
This feature is especially useful for experts in specific fields, such as doctors creating medical consultation bots, chefs creating recipe recommendation bots, and teachers creating learning assistant bots.
3. Intuitive user interface
Poe is designed with user experience as a top priority:
Easy model switching: Easily switch to a different AI model even during a conversation.
Cross-platform support: Available on multiple platforms including iOS, Android, and web browsers.
Save conversation history: Easily find previous conversations, enabling continuous learning.
This user-friendly design makes it easy for even users unfamiliar with AI technology to utilize PoE.
4. AI-based search function
Poe goes beyond simple chatbots and also offers AI-based search capabilities:
Natural language search: Search using natural questions instead of complex search terms.
Real-time information updates: We search and provide the latest information in real time.
Understand context: Understand search intent accurately based on previous conversations.
This feature goes beyond the limitations of traditional search engines, more accurately identifying the user's intent and providing more relevant information.
Poe's Practical Uses
Poe can be used in a variety of fields. Let's look at some examples:
Education field
Creating a personal tutor bot for students
A learning aid that explains complex concepts easily.
Conversation Partners for Language Learning
Business field
Building a Customer Service Chatbot
Marketing content creation tools
Assist with data analysis and insight derivation
Creative field
Idea generator for writers
Image creation tool for artists
A composition aid for musicians
Technical field
Coding assistance tools for programmers
Technical documentation writing and summarization tool
Bug diagnosis and resolution assistance system
Medical field
Early Symptom Diagnosis Aid Tool
Medical Research Data Analysis Tool
Patient Education Material Generator
These diverse use cases demonstrate that Poe is a powerful tool that can be utilized in many ways beyond a simple AI chat platform.
Tips and Precautions for Using Poe
Here are some tips and caveats to help you use Poe more effectively:
Compare models : Ask the same questions to multiple AI models to understand their characteristics. This will help you find the best model for each task.
Provide context : Providing AI with enough context will help it get more accurate and useful answers. Try providing background information or specific requirements when asking questions.
Use feedback : If you are not satisfied with the AI’s answer, provide feedback. This helps the AI learn and improve.
Privacy : Poe cares about your privacy, but please be careful not to enter any sensitive personal information.
Recognize the limitations of AI : AI is a powerful tool, but it is not perfect. Important decisions should always be verified and not made solely on the advice of AI.
Continuous Learning : AI technology is evolving rapidly. Keep up with the latest trends by continuously exploring new features and models in Poe.
Poe's Limitations and Cautions
Despite the many advantages Poe offers, it has some limitations and caveats:
Accuracy issues : AI models can sometimes provide incorrect information or cause ‘hallucinations’. Important information should always be verified with other sources.
Bias : AI models can have certain biases depending on the training data. This can be especially noticeable on social and political topics, so caution is needed.
Ethical Considerations : The use of AI always requires ethical considerations. For example, using AI-generated content as your own could raise issues of plagiarism.
Over-reliance : AI is a powerful tool, but it cannot replace human creativity and critical thinking. We must be careful not to become over-reliant on AI.
Cost : Some of Poe’s advanced features are paid. You should choose the appropriate plan based on your usage purpose and budget.

Poe's vision for the future
Poe is continuously evolving and is expected to show even greater potential in the future:
Expanding AI models : More cutting-edge AI models are expected to be added to Poe, which will provide users with more choices.
Enhanced functionality : Current functionality will become more sophisticated and new functionality will be added. For example, more accurate image generation, more natural conversational ability, etc. may be improved.
Industry-specific bots : We are likely to see more AI bots developed specifically for specific industries, such as healthcare, law, and finance. This will be a huge help to professionals in each field.
Enhanced collaboration features : Collaboration features could be enhanced to allow multiple users to interact with the AI simultaneously, which would be useful for team projects or collaborative research.
Strengthening AI Ethics and Safety : As concerns grow over the ethical use and safety of AI, Poe is expected to put more effort into this area.
In closing: Poe, the AI Lab in Our Hands

As I looked into Poe, I realized that this is not just a simple AI chat app. Rather, it is like a small AI OTT that is in each of our hands.
It’s amazing to think about. Just a few years ago, cutting-edge AI technology was the exclusive domain of large corporations and research institutes. But now, we can test various AIs ourselves and even create our own AIs.

Of course, Poe is not perfect. The limitations and ethical issues of AI still remain as homework. However, it is certainly a great advancement that these tools allow us to understand and experience AI more closely.
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