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CENTURY Changemakers: A Sustainable Future Led by Students in the AI Era
The CENTURY Changemakers Competition, co-hosted by CENTURY Tech and AI education expert Dan Fitzpatrick, is gaining attention in the education community. The competition is emerging as a platform to promote the development of innovative apps for students ages 9-18 to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Strategic significance of the competition
Develop global problem-solving skills : Participants develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by designing solutions to complex real-world problems.
Strengthening technological innovation capabilities : The app development process utilizing AI and cutting-edge technologies is expected to significantly improve students’ digital literacy and technology utilization skills.
Presenting a model for industry-academia cooperation : This competition, where the education community, technology industry, and international organizations collaborate, presents a new paradigm for future education.
Analysis of evaluation criteria
The expert panel of judges will focus on evaluating the following key elements:
Innovation : Creative solutions that go beyond conventional approaches
Feasibility : feasibility of implementation in technical and economic terms
Social Impact : Potential to contribute to achieving the SDGs
User Experience : Intuitive and effective interface design
Scalability : Applicability on a global scale
Expert advice
Students considering participation should note the following:
Thorough pre-research : A deep understanding of the selected SDG is essential.
Multidisciplinary approach : Integrating knowledge from various fields such as technology, social sciences, and environment.
User-centered design : Design that thoroughly considers the needs and environment of the target users.
Sustainable Business Model : Developing a Strategy for Long-Term Operation and Expansion
The CENTURY Changemakers Competition is more than just a student competition; it is a new model for global education innovation. It provides participants with real-world problem-solving experience while also providing a unique opportunity to develop core competencies required by future society. Educational institutions and policymakers should pay attention to the results of this competition and actively utilize them to develop innovative educational methodologies.
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