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The Road to Better Habits: "The Road to Better Habits" by Darius Foroux
• Decide on valuable habits
• Form one habit at a time
• Quit all bad habits at once
• Set your goals very low
• Track your progress
• Dealing with setbacks
• Embracing a new lifestyle
Deciding on a valuable habit
Darius Foroux recommends that the first step in habit formation is to ask yourself the question, **"Will this habit improve the quality of my life?"** Not all habits have a positive impact on our lives, so we need to choose habits that truly align with our goals and values.
Foroux gives the following as examples of valuable habits:
Work out
Set daily priorities
7-8 hours of sleep
Gratitude practice
Money Management
Form one habit at a time
The book suggests focusing on one habit in each area of your life (career, health, learning, finances, relationships), because trying to change too many things at once can lead to failure. For example, it is better to set specific, actionable goals, such as walking 30 minutes a day for health or reading 10 pages a day for learning.
Break all your bad habits at once
Foroux argues that the most effective way to break all your bad habits at once is to keep one bad habit, because it’s easy to fall back into another bad habit. For example, if you’re trying to quit drinking alcohol but at the same time continue to eat unhealthy foods, you might end up thinking, “This burger goes well with beer.”
Bad habits to break, according to Foroux:
Ignoring health
Unnecessary confirmation
No goal
Accept unconditionally
Rely solely on memory
Ignore personal training
Lack of concentration
Set your goals very low
The book cites James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” and explains that the first two minutes of a new habit should be very easy . This is to lower the barrier to entry and increase the likelihood of continued practice. For example:
Read one page of a book every day
Meditate for 2 minutes
Exercise for 1 minute
Track your progress
Foroux recommends tracking your habit formation progress consistently . This is important for building internal accountability and maintaining momentum. He offers the following advice:
Always track your habits. Don't miss a single day.
Don't track too many habits. Focus on the most important ones.
Make tracking easy. Use an app like Coach.me or Way of Life.
Dealing with Retreat
Regression is inevitable during the habit formation process. Foroux advises dealing with these situations as follows:
Don't resist, just accept it . It's okay to take a break.
Think back to your past successes . Get motivated by thinking about moments when you were successful before.
Focus on the effort rather than the result . Quoting Michael Jordan, he emphasizes the importance of daily effort.
Plan your day carefully . Plan your daily activities in advance to achieve your goals.
Embracing a new lifestyle
Foroux explains that changing habits is like adopting a new way of life, which may be different from your conventional way of life, and emphasizes that you must focus on your own changes while respecting the choices of others.
Action Plan:
Clarify your goals and values, and make a list of habits that fit those goals.
From the list you created, choose one habit from each area and focus on developing it.
Identify your bad habits and be prepared to cut them out.
Make the initiation phase of your chosen habits very easy. Make it something you can do in less than 2 minutes.
Install a habit tracking app or keep a journal to record your daily progress.
Even if you experience setbacks, don't be discouraged; recall your past successes and start over.
Every morning, plan out your day and set aside time in advance to practice your habits.
Let people around you know about your new habit formation goal and ask for their support.
Review your habit formation process once a month and adjust your strategy if necessary.
Take time to praise and reward yourself for even small successes. This will help you stay motivated in the long run.
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