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Perpleixty Meetup 24.09.05
Hat gift from Perplxity
Today I went to the Perplexity user meetup.
I didn't go there because it was special, but because I'm a pro user. When I got there and tried to sign up for the registration list, I found out that I was the second pro user to sign up.
Today's user meetup was hosted by a magazine company called The Milk.
To sum up today's meetup in one sentence, "Perplexity compensated for the time I was annoyed by the organizers?"
When Sam Altman from OpenAI visited Korea last time, he attended an event hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and there was a Q&A session.
Those who were given the opportunity to ask questions about something prepared a questionnaire and asked questions in English as if they knew they would be asked questions.
Today, I don't know what happened, but the representative who participated as a moderator gave the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A time. It was really coincidental.
You are good at asking long questions in English, and you are in a related industry, or by chance, you are a team leader that the CEO knows^^
I thought about it from a different perspective. What would it have been like if I were there? I think it would have been nice to see a familiar face among the many audience members. I also thought, what if it had been a private event where only their subscribers were invited?
After some unpleasant times, it was time for Perplexity users only. But at this time, many people left.
A full-fledged user meetup led by the lead in charge of Asia Pacific!
Before starting, he said that many of his enthusiastic fans asked him questions, so he prepared a gift.
And then suddenly my name was called.
I received a hat as a gift and took a commemorative photo with the CEO of Perplexity.
The overall event today is
It was conducted using Eventcat, which uses simultaneous interpretation technology, and it seems to have replaced about 95% of the work of simultaneous interpretation. At first, I thought it was XR AI, but it was called XL8. I had misheard it as ExcelPal.
However, XR AI Glass also has very good simultaneous interpretation capabilities.
Yesterday, Perplexity announced that it will provide SKT customers with the Pro version for free for one year.
I started using Perplxity shortly after it came out, and on August 5, 2023, when there was a 20% discount, I made my first payment and made another payment a while ago.
I have subscriptions to ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity, but the one I am most satisfied with and recommend the most to people is Perplexity. There are 9 people who have signed up for a paid membership through my referral link.
The reason I am satisfied is that it is fast. It's not that the speed is fast, but the response of the Perpelxity team is really fast.
The Perplxity profile came out a month earlier than the ChatGPT Intraction.
And every time AI companies announce a new model, we update the model on the same day.
First of all, I have already talked about how to use Perplexity elsewhere, and it is also on my YouTube channel and in my articles, so I will write it down briefly.
It's an extension.
With just the extension, you can summarize pages or search only the domain.
These days, I think Claude is better than ChatGPT at writing Korean text. The reason is that it searches appropriately even when you ask for different versions, but Claude does not have real-time Internet access.
However, Perplxity says that it is possible to use Claude 3.5 Sonnet.
If you ask for the source citation to be omitted, the numbers indicating the source will not be displayed.
With the latest information, content creation is very good. There are many other uses, but this is the end of it.
Perpexity's competitor?
There are many competitors. MS's Copilot, OpenAI's Serch GPT that will be released soon, Naver Cue in Korea, and Rutton. Rutton also supports search.
And the search king, Google's Gemini...
But I have a competitor in mind.
Right, https://www.solab.ai/ (Sorap)
At first I thought it was a new service from Perplxity.
The UI used to be very similar, but now it's a little different.
On the left is Perplexity, and on the right is Solab. Perplxity has the upper hand in terms of search ability, but Solab is not bad compared to other search AIs besides Perplxity. But why is this Solab so strong?
This is the collaboration feature. Perpelxity allows me to share what I searched for, and allows others to search for additional information from the shared link. However, additional searches are only visible to those who searched for them.
On the other hand, if you share Sorap, you can search together.
The people who participated as collaborators in the link I shared are listed like this. And the searches made can be seen by everyone who participated.
But my choice is Perplexity. Come to think of it, there was you.com before Perplexity.
Perplxity CEO says he always tries hard
I think that because we set new goals and work hard every day, Perplxity has become a dark horse in the search market and a competitor to Google.
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