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The State of US Startup Investment in 2024: The Numbers You Need to Know
Based on Q2 2024 US startup investment data released by Carta, we take a look at the key trends in the current investment market.
1. From Seed to Series C: The Numbers of Startup Growth
Seed : Median enterprise value $15.0M, investment amount $3.5M
Series A : Enterprise value $40.0M, investment amount $10.1M
Series B : Enterprise value $116.3M, investment amount raised $22.7M
Series C : Enterprise value $214.8M, Investment amount raised $31.0M
2. 15x increase in corporate value: The gap between Seed and Series C
Comparing the median Seed stage value ($15.0M) to the median Series C stage value ($214.8M), there is a difference of approximately 14.3x, showing the rapid increase in valuation of successful startups.
3. Evolution of investment size: From $3.5M to $31M
From the average investment amount at the Seed stage ($3.5M) to the Series C stage ($31.0M), the investment size increases by approximately 8.9 times. You can see that startups’ demand for funding increases significantly at each stage.
4. The Secret of Dilution: Why is it the Lowest in Series C?
Seed: 20.5%
Series A: 19.8%
Series B: 14.0%
Series C: 11.1%
As the investment stage increases, the dilution rate tends to decrease, suggesting that later-stage startups can attract investment on more favorable terms.
5. Step-by-step polarization: The reality of the top 25% and the bottom 25%
There is a significant gap when comparing the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile at each stage. For example, at the Series C stage:
25th Percentile Enterprise Value: $115.2M
75th Percentile Enterprise Value: $438.8M
This shows that there are significant differences in performance and evaluation between startups even within the same stage.
6. 2024 Investment Trends According to 760 Startups
This data is based on an analysis of 760 major investment rounds. The sample size by stage is as follows:
Seeds: 291
Series A: 271 units
Series B: 143 units
Series C: 55 units
The decreasing sample size as we move into later stages reflects the natural structure of the startup ecosystem.
This data provides a good picture of the state of the US startup investment market in 2024. It can serve as an important benchmark for both founders and investors, but it is important to keep in mind that it can vary depending on the individual startup’s circumstances and market environment.
Source: Carta, "US Startup Fundraising Benchmarks", Q2 2024 data
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