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The Revolution in AI Search: Perplexity’s Guide to the Future of the Information Ecosystem
Key takeaways:
• 🤝 Perplexity Announces Revolutionary Publisher Revenue Sharing Program
• 🔍 Leading the paradigm shift in search with AI-based ‘answer engine’
• 💡 Increasing user curiosity is a key driver of business growth
• 🏃 Compete with giants at high speed and focus
• 📊 Rapid growth with over 250 million questions asked per month
• 🌐 Providing publishers with customized AI search solutions through API sharing
Innovative Combination of AI and Search: Perplexity's Challenge
In an interview with Perplexity’s Chief Business Officer Dmitry Shevelenko, we get a glimpse into the future of AI search. More than just a search engine, Perplexity is positioning itself as an “answer engine,” with the goal of providing direct and accurate answers to users’ questions.
Win-Win with Publishers: Innovative Business Models
Perplexity recently announced a revenue sharing program with publishers. This is a different approach from traditional search engines, and it creates a structure that recognizes and appropriately compensates the value of publishers’ content. Through this program, Perplexity shares a portion of its advertising revenue with publishers, and this is designed to be a sustainable model through multi-year contracts.
“Our success is impossible without the success of the journalism ecosystem,” Shevelenko stressed, making it clear that the program is not simply a defensive strategy, but a long-term, win-win strategy.
User-Centered Innovation: Fueling Curiosity
Perplexity’s secret to success is its focus on user curiosity. The way it accepts natural language questions rather than standard keyword searches has dramatically changed the way users ask questions. According to Shevelenko, the average question length on Perplexity is 10 words, compared to 2-3 words on traditional search engines.
This approach encourages users to ask more complex and in-depth questions, resulting in richer information exchanges.
Rapid Growth and Future Strategy: Speed and Focus
In the face of fierce competition from giants, Perplexity is armed with speed and focus. Under the philosophy of “improving 1% every day,” they focus on continuous product improvement. This strategy is producing noticeable results. In the past month, they have asked more than 250 million questions, which is already more than the number of questions asked in the entire past year.
Shevelenko expressed confidence that competitors' similar product launches "have the effect of increasing our traffic," and he defined Perplexity's core competencies as "speed and focus," which he said are helping to close the gap with the big boys.
Technological Innovation: API Sharing and Customized Solutions
Perplexity is sharing its API with publishers, giving them the opportunity to build their own AI search solutions, making it easy for publishers to implement customized AI search services based on their content.
A particularly notable feature is the ‘Generate Related Questions’ feature. Perplexity reports that 40% of questions lead to follow-up questions, enabling publishers to increase reader retention and drive deeper content exploration.
Ethical Considerations and Transparency
Perplexity also considers ethical aspects of AI technology use, particularly when it comes to copyright and attribution, Shevelenko said, acknowledging the importance of proper citation of original sources, although he noted that “there is no monopoly on facts in a democratic society.”
The company has recently improved its user interface to better cite sources and, in some cases, even mention individual reporters by name, showing a greater respect for journalistic practices.
Conclusion: The Future of AI-Based Information Ecosystems
Perplexity’s innovative approach vividly illustrates the future of AI and search. Their ultimate goal is to stimulate users’ curiosity and provide more accurate and useful answers.
“Our success is aligned with the rise of curiosity around the world,” Shevelenko said, emphasizing that Perplexity seeks to be a catalyst for knowledge and curiosity, rather than just a technology company.
The future of AI search is still uncertain, but Perplexity’s challenge is an interesting experiment that seeks to increase information accessibility and quality while also seeking to coexist with content creators. It will be interesting to see how this innovative model develops and changes the information ecosystem in the future.
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