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AI shakes up the world of work: The reality and future of automation
The impact of AI technology on the job market is becoming increasingly visible. With 30% of global workers concerned about their jobs being replaced by AI, the winds of change are already blowing in some occupations.
The current impact of AI can be summarized as follows:
Full-scale job replacement has not yet occurred
AI is not yet ready to completely replace most jobs
AI excels in certain task areas (e.g. customer support)
In the short term, AI will replace specific tasks, not entire jobs.
However, in some industries, the impact of AI is even more pronounced. For example, Klarna replaced 700 customer support staff with AI bots. In the freelance market, there are reports that repetitive writing and coding tasks have decreased by 30.4% and 20.6%, respectively, since the launch of ChatGPT.
Changes are also being felt in terms of compensation. Routine, low-value work is being paid less, and some creative jobs are also being affected by AI. The case of film concept artist Reid Southen shows the reduction in workload due to AI tools.
OpenAI CTO Mira Murati's remarks — "Some creative jobs may disappear, and maybe they should never have existed in the first place" — foreshadow the scale of the changes AI will bring and the resulting social controversy.
In the era of AI, we must develop new job skills and prepare appropriate social countermeasures. Coexistence with AI is becoming an inevitable reality, and preparation and adaptation to it are more important than ever.
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