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Designing AI for Education: The Essential Guide for Developers
• Emphasize the importance of AI design that suits educational purposes
• Need to provide evidence of rationality and impact
• The importance of promoting equity and protecting civil rights
• The need for safety and security
• The importance of increasing transparency and building trust
Designed for Education
When developing AI for education , it is essential to understand the unique value and vision of education, because it is not simply about creating technology, but about shaping the future of students.
Be sure to check out resources from federal, state, and local education agencies. They provide a voice in the field and can provide information that developers may miss. Resources from nonprofit organizations and industry associations are also very helpful.
The most important thing is to continue to listen to educators. From the time you build your product until you release it, you need to keep asking teachers for their thoughts. Only by reflecting the real needs and concerns they feel in the field, can you create truly useful AI.
The ethical aspect should never be forgotten. Concepts such as transparency, fairness, non-discrimination, privacy, and educational appropriateness should always be considered.
Additionally, it is a good idea to apply the Human-Centered Design method, which is a method of designing products centered on the needs and experiences of users, and is especially important for educational AI.
Provide evidence for rationality and impact
Developers need to provide evidence that their product or service actually improves student outcomes . The Department of Education’s evidence framework is a good place to start, which outlines four levels of evidence.
Strong evidence : Results obtained through rigorous study designs, including randomized controlled trials.
Moderate level of evidence : Results obtained through quasi-experimental designs, etc.
Promising evidence : Results from correlational studies, etc.
Presenting a logical rationale : a rationale based on a well-designed logical model
When you first start out, you can base your product on scientific theories, and then gradually build up more rigorous evidence.
It’s also important to collect and analyze real-world usage data. Look at how your AI impacts a variety of students, especially those from underrepresented groups.
Consider also assessing the long-term impact of AI on students’ academic achievements as well as their non-cognitive abilities (e.g., self-directed learning, collaboration, etc.).
Promoting equity and protecting civil rights
We need to be careful that AI doesn’t discriminate against certain groups, which is called algorithmic discrimination , and that it doesn’t create inequities in learning opportunities or resource distribution.
You should also be aware of civil rights laws that apply to educational settings. It is important to design your AI to comply with these laws. For example, you need to make it accessible to students with disabilities.
The data you use to train your AI is also important. If you use biased data, your AI can become biased as well. You should try to use data that can represent students from diverse backgrounds.
Another good idea is to apply the principle of 'Inclusive Design' , which is an approach to designing products to include as many users as possible.
Safety and security guaranteed
Protecting student and teacher privacy is really important. You need to be aware of laws like FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), PPRA (Pupil Rights Protection Amendment Act), COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), and CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) .
You may also want to look at the AI Risk Management Framework developed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) , which provides guidance on how to identify, prioritize, and address risks.
Cybersecurity is also an important consideration. Put in place strong security measures to prevent AI systems from being hacked or exploited.
It’s also a good idea to apply the principle of ‘privacy by design’ , which is an approach that considers privacy as a core element from the early stages of product development.
Promoting transparency and building trust
We need to have an open dialogue with educators, students, and parents. Be honest about how your AI works and what its strengths and weaknesses are.
Please also contribute to improving AI Literacy . This means basic understanding and ability to use AI. Please tell us how AI can help in education and what we should be careful about.
Consider also implementing 'Explainable AI' technology, which is a technology that explains AI's decision-making process in a way that humans can understand.
Additionally, demonstrate that your AI is performing as promised through regular performance reporting and third-party audits . These efforts will add up to build trust in your AI.
Developing AI for education is a complex and responsible process. Here are five key areas covered in this guide:
Design for Education: Understand the value of education, reflect educators' opinions, and consider ethics.
Provide evidence: Scientific evidence must be provided and continually evaluated to demonstrate the effectiveness of a product.
Protecting equity and civil rights: Prevent discrimination, comply with laws, and consider diversity.
Safety and Security: Personal information must be protected and risks must be managed on an ongoing basis.
Build transparency and trust: Communicate with stakeholders, increase AI understanding, and conduct ongoing validation.
If we continue to improve while adhering to these principles, educational AI will be able to create true educational value and gain social trust.
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