Template Design Guide
🗓 Content Planning Sheet

Presentation (PT, 1920*1080px)

Template Type: presentation

PT04 Webinar Presentation Material

Template File Name
Template Type
Template Size
  1. Startup
To create a clear and engaging template for webinar presentations, helping presenters deliver their content smoothly
and keep the audience engaged.
Notes (Essential Components) for ALL PAGES:
General Image Usage: Please include the following text in 12-point font or smaller when using portraits or product images.
"Placeholder images are for reference purposes only - please replace them with your own visuals. Add your images in frames or backgrounds."
BASIC designers are free to choose any design style from the style guide.
Friendly Design Tips
Keep Slides Visual and Minimal: Use bullet points, icons, or visuals to simplify key concepts and keep them visually appealing!
Feel free to insert the header & footer (page number, presenter name, organization name or logo, etc) from the CPS.
You can view the essential components, dummy text, layout reference images, and additional design tips for each page below.
Page 1: (choose the title below)
Essential Components
Add a framed portrait image of the speaker.
(opening page)

Title: (choose 1)
Business Webinar Materials
Professional Slides for Webinar Success
Achieve Webinar Success with Slides That Deliver Results
Subtitle: Empowering Leaders to Navigate Challenges

Dummy text:
Presenter Name I Founder and CEO
Your Institution
May 15 2030
*Placeholder images are for reference purposes only - please replace them with your own visuals.
Page 2: Agenda
Title: Agenda
Body text:
Understanding Leadership
Risks and Response
Crisis Communication
Leading with Empathy
Evaluation and Growth
Page 3: Welcome & Introduction
Title: Welcome & Introduction
Subtitle: Setting the Stage for Effective Crisis Leadership
Dummy text:
What is Leadership?
Curabitur tincidunt, felis a elementum tincidunt, ex felis fermentum dui, eget pulvinar arcu eros eu eros. Vestibulum sollicitudin pretium velit, eget volutpat justo fermentum sit amet. Pellentesque in nulla in nisi dictum interdum.
Phasellus ac eros at urna condimentum lacinia. Sed at risus vel nulla consequat fermentum. Cras et nulla in turpis consectetur suscipit.
Page 4: Understanding Crisis Leadership
Title: Understanding Crisis Leadership
Subtitle: Key Traits and Roles of Leaders During Disruption

Dummy text:
Crisis and Managing Uncertainty
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam eu nunc non augue tincidunt suscipit. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer vel turpis sed purus scelerisque euismod.
Key Traits Required
- Trait A
- Trait B
- Trait C
✨ Tips and Recommendations
Use a lightbulb graphic or a flowchart to visually connect the traits to leadership roles.
Page 5: Identifying Potential Risks
Essential Components
Add a risk assessment matrix and leave the boxes empty.
Title: Identifying Potential Risks
Dummy text:
RIsk Assessment Matrix
Likelihood: Very Unlikely/Unlikely/Possible/Likely/Very Likely
Severity: Negligible/Minor/Moderate/Significant/Severe
Nullam vehicula magna sit amet magna ullamcorper, at dictum est gravida. Morbi nec magna at quam malesuada accumsan.
Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus feugiat massa ut tortor scelerisque, non dapibus nulla consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Page 6: Building a Crisis Response Plan
Title: Building a Crisis Response Plan
Subtitle: Creating Actionable and Adaptable Strategies

Dummy text:
Method A
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque sodales, velit nec euismod scelerisque, lectus est interdum eros, sit amet bibendum eros sapien in magna. Quisque suscipit ligula eu turpis dignissim, a eleifend ipsum cursus.
Method B
Curabitur tincidunt, felis a elementum tincidunt, ex felis fermentum dui, eget pulvinar arcu eros eu eros. Vestibulum sollicitudin pretium velit, eget volutpat justo fermentum sit amet. Pellentesque in nulla in nisi dictum interdum.
Method C
Phasellus ac eros at urna condimentum lacinia. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed bibendum, sapien a venenatis fermentum, mauris augue cursus turpis, vitae elementum massa orci sit amet massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
✨ Tips and Recommendations
Use a step-by-step process diagram with icons for each method.
Page 7: Communicating During a Crisis
Essential Components
Highlight the numerical finding and add either pie chart or bar chart.
Title: Communicating During a Crisis
Subtitle: Delivering Clear and Transparent Messages
Dummy text:
73% Studies show Communication is Key
Integer a ipsum vitae urna varius egestas. Integer laoreet, sapien eget vehicula vehicula, odio lorem scelerisque magna, nec gravida libero nulla eget risus. Nulla facilisi.
Donec at magna ut nulla pharetra cursus. Curabitur auctor, tellus in congue vestibulum, lacus lacus convallis justo.
Page 8: Leading with Empathy and Resilience
Title: Leading with Empathy and Resilience
Subtitle: Supporting and Inspiring Teams Through Challenges

Dummy text:
HR Communication Director
“Ut non orci in magna pretium consequat. Donec eget libero id leo congue venenatis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.”
Page 9: Post-Crisis Evaluation and Growth
Essential Components
Use a bar graph or line chart to compare pre-and post-crisis performance metrics.
Title: Post-Crisis Evaluation and Growth
Subtitle: Learning from Experience to Strengthen Future Readiness

Dummy text:
Opportunity for Growth
Nam tempor finibus lorem, nec varius arcu convallis sed. Praesent imperdiet magna ac ipsum cursus, ut fermentum turpis tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti.
(*include 2 comparison bars for each)
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
✨ Tips and Recommendations
Add headers like “Opportunities for Growth” above the chart and highlight improvements with upward arrows or green markers.
Page 10: Thank You for Listening
Title: Thank You for Listening
Subtitle: Any Questions?

Dummy text:

Reach us at
if you have more questions
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