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Template Design Guide
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🎨 Style Guide


The geometric design style is characterized by the use of clean lines, precise shapes, and simple, symmetrical patterns. It often incorporates basic geometric forms such as circles, squares, triangles, and polygons to create visually appealing and balanced designs.
Key principles
Basic geometric shapes
Structured patterns and grids
High contrast and bold colors
Repetition and rhythm
Symmetry and balance
Bold typography
* Use the following designs for inspiration only. Please do not copy the designs.

1. Basic geometric shapes

Use mainly primary shapes like circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles.
Basic shapes serve as building blocks for more complex patterns and designs, offering a sense of clarity and order.

2. Structured patterns and grids

Use grids or other structured layouts to arrange elements.
Create a sense of stability and consistency, with elements aligning neatly to enhance the overall order of the composition.

3. High contrast and bold colors

Use high-contrast color schemes, like black and white or bold, primary colors.
Often limited to accentuate the shapes, creating a striking and memorable visual impact.

4. Repetition and rhythm

Create rhythm and movement while maintaining balance.

5. Symmetry and balance

Distribute elements evenly around a central point or axis.
Symmetry enhances harmony and gives a stable, composed look.

6. Bold typography

Use clean, structured, and symmetrical fonts with a focus on shapes like circles, squares, and triangles.
Bold typography with thick letterforms matches the strong, defined shapes. The boldness helps the text stand out and creates a sense of stability and visual weight.
🔡 Font recommendations
Various style of fonts are available in the MiriCanvas editor. Try using them into your design.
Use fonts here

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