Infographics (INFG, 1920*1080px)

Template Type: infographics
INFG18 The Value Proposition Canvas
  1. 1920*1080px
  1. Business
Create a visual tool to help businesses define their customer profiles, articulate their value propositions, and visualize the key value they create for different customer segments.
INFG19 Business Model Canvas
  1. 1920*1080px
  1. Business
Create a visual tool for early-stage startups to map out their business models, including key components like value propositions, customer segments, and revenue streams.

INFG18 The Value Proposition Canvas

Template Type
Template Size
  1. 1920*1080px
  1. Business
Create a visual tool to help businesses define their customer profiles, articulate their value propositions, and visualize the key value they create for different customer segments.
CPS Code: INFG18
Template File Name: 202501_INFG18_DesignHubNickname
Notes (Essential Components) for ALL PAGES:
Horizontal poster
Value map MUST be in square shape.
Customer profile MUST be in circular shape.
Friendly Design Tip
Designers are encouraged to freely add topic-relevant copies (content texts, including lorem ipsum) as needed. Please ensure that any additions do not infringe on brand properties, contain controversial messages, or provide misleading information. All content should remain relevant to the given CPS.
You can view the essential components, dummy text, layout reference images, and additional design tips for each page below.
Title: Value Proposition
Body text:
Customer Profile (*Right Side)
Customer Jobs: What is the customer trying to accomplish?
Pains: What challenges, risks, or obstacles do customers face?
Gains: What positive outcomes or benefits do customers desire?
Value Map (*Left Side)
Products and Services: What does your product or service offer?
Pain Relievers: How does your offering alleviate customer pains?
Gain Creators: How does your offering create desired outcomes?
(*add as much as you need. may change format - list, sentences, paragraphs..)
Nunc at quam elementum, laoreet neque vitae, euismod turpis. Ut convallis tellus sagittis velit porttitor tincidunt. Phasellus ac dapibus eros, id fermentum lacus. Sed diam nisl, convallis ac dignissim id, tincidunt a lectus. Donec et velit sit amet mauris consectetur placerat. Curabitur vulputate tristique ex a lobortis. Donec ut justo condimentum arcu ultrices cursus vitae ut neque.