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Main interface

The things you encounter most in SlashPage are the Dashboard where you can see a list of sites, the Left Sidebar where you can manage your site, and the Site Edit screen. Learning about these interfaces will make it easier to use SlashPage.
1. The first screen you see when you log in
This screen shows the left sidebar with the basic menu and settings, and the dashboard where you can view the list of your sites. You can check it immediately by logging in. When you want to come back to this screen from another site on SlashPage, click the dashboard icon in the upper left corner.
1-1. Sidebar
Sidebar appears along with the dashboard when you log in. You can view basic menus such as account settings, dashboard, notifications, and discover, as well as a list of SlashPage sites you have created, subscribed to, or recently visited.
Profile image
This is the profile image of a logged in account. When you select it, you can check your account information and edit your profile image and phone number in a pop-up window. Additionally, you can set notification settings for posts and comments on your site, set the language to use in SlashPage, select a default theme, and more. You can also log out, delete your account, and check the terms and conditions here.
When you click it, the dashboard will appear on the right side, allowing you to check the entire list of sites you have created.
You can check notifications about new posts on your site and subscribed sites, direct messages, comments/reactions on your posts, etc. You can also check the notification here when you are invited to become a member of another site.
You can check out various SlashPage sites made by other users. You can get ideas for your SlashPage sites here. If you find a site similar to the one you wanted to create, try duplicating the site. You can build your site a lot easier.
My sites
You can create a new site by selecting + Create a site .
You can check the list of SlashPage sites created by you and sites created by others but of which you are a member. You can copy the site URL or delete the site by selecting ・・・ next to the site name .
Subscribed sites
You can check the list of SlashPage sites you have subscribed to. You can select ・・・ to copy the site URL or unsubscribe.
Recent visit
You can check the list of recently visited sites. Click 🗑️ to remove a site from the list.
1-2. Dashboard
Dashboard is where you can check the sites you've created and their status.
Create new site
You can create a new site. When you select the menu, a site is created and you are taken to the editing screen. A new site is automatically given a random URL.
This is the icon that appears on the web browser tab when you access a site through a web browser. If not set, the SlashPage logo appears.
Subdomain name
This is the subdomain name of your SlashPage site.
Site title and Last edited
Indicates the title displayed at the top of the site's root page and the time the site was last edited.
View mode
You can see how your site looks to other people.
You can find information and features related to Share options. You can copy the link and download the QR code to share this site with others, set 'share to search engines', or choose whether to allow others to duplicate this site as a template. You can invite others to this site by email or with link, and set their permissions. You can set the thumbnail image, title, and description that appear when sharing your site.
You can manage almost every element of your site. You can change the site URL, make it public, share it to search engines, import data from elsewhere or export data from this site, and more.
2. Site(Page) Edit Screen
A screen where you can edit the pages on your site. There are three ways to start.
Select the edit icon on the dashboard that appears when you log in.
Select the site you want to edit from 'My Sites' list in the left sidebar that appears when you log in.
Enter the site URL in your web browser to access it and select Edit .
2-1. Sidebar
This is the sidebar of the site edit screen. You can check the components required for setting up and editing your site.
You can check the list of members who have permission to edit the site, etc. In the member list , you can change permissions for each member or invite new members .
You can check the list of subscribers who receive notifications of site updates. In the subscriber list, you can check the subscriber's profile image and nickname, subscription date, and most recent visit date. You can also check and manage their site permissions. (Note: you can make a subscriber a member of the site.)
Site Settings
You can manage almost every element of your site. You can change the site URL, make it public, share it to search engines, import data from elsewhere or export data from this site, and more.
My posts
You can check post drafts, scheduled posts, and published posts in channels on your site.
You can check the list of channels or pages that have been deleted from the site. You can cancel the deletion by clicking the arrow in the list.
Page and Channel List
You can view all pages and channels on the site as a list according to their hierarchy. You can drag and drop pages and channels to change their order and dependencies. You can show or hide subpages and channels by selecting the arrows to the right of a page.
Direct message
You can check direct messages with others on the site. When you receive a new message, you can check it in the notification menu.
2-2. Toolbar
You can set elements related to page layout, such as page width, cover, icon, title, table of contents, and comments section.
You can apply a theme to the entire site, or only to specific pages or channels. This function changes the color and shape of the background, text, channel, and button.
You can add various elements such as pages or channels, text in various formats such as titles or toggles, elements such as parts and quotes or columns, media files such as images or videos, fixed bottom buttons or images to your page in the same way as entering / on the edit screen.
You can add different types of buttons to your page. The types of buttons you can add here include basic buttons, buttons with small images, buttons with large images, buttons fixed to the bottom, and buttons that appear as social icons.
You can add new subpages to your page.
You can add channels such as chat, blog, feed, gallery, etc. to your page.
You can add pre-made combination of blocks to your page. Types of parts that can be added here include blog, feature introduction, partner introduction, recommendation, indicator introduction, pricing, FAQ, grid-type feature introduction, banner-type button, and footer including social links.
2-3. Header
Permission settings
You can set the visibility of a page/channel and permission to write posts/comments.
You can find information and features related to Share options. You can copy the link and download the QR code to share this site with others, set 'share to search engines', or choose whether to allow others to duplicate this site as a template. You can invite others to this site by email or with link, and set their permissions. You can set the thumbnail image, title, and description that appear when sharing your site.
View mode
You can see how your site looks to other people.
See more
You can check various information related to the page and change page settings. You can adjust page information and settings such as share options, on-page search, analytics, presentation mode, notification settings, import or export, and permission settings.