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Animated movie

The blocks move differently depending on the scroll position and time, giving the effect of emphasizing the content.

Add animation

Click the Animation menu on the right side of the editing screen.
Hover over the desired block, click Add Animation , and select the desired animation.
The block to which animation has been applied will appear as a green background, as shown in the image. If you turn off and then turn on the preview mode option on the right side of the screen, you can preview the animation without switching to view mode.

Types of animation

There are three main types of triggers (actions to start animations), and each trigger can have different animations applied. Let's look at the examples under each name to see what effect they have.


The animation starts as soon as the block appears on the screen and runs for a preset duration, regardless of the scroll position.


Button Settings: Delay 0.3 | Duration 0.5 | Distance 50 | Direction Up | Animation CubicBezier
Image Settings: Delay 0.6 | Duration 0.5 | Distance 50 | Direction Up | Animation CubicBezier

Fade in

Button settings: Delay 0 | Duration 1 | CubicBezier
Image settings: Delay 0.3 | Duration 1 | CubicBezier

Scale in

Button Settings: Delay 0 | Duration 0.8 | Animation CubicBezier
Image Settings: Delay 0 | Duration 0.8 | Animation CubicBezier


As you scroll, the animation runs continuously along the scroll position, from when the block becomes visible on the screen until it disappears.


Button Settings: Distance 150 | Direction Left | Overflow Visible
Image Settings: Distance 150 | Direction Right | Overflow Visible

Fade in

Button setting: None
Image settings: None

Fade out

Button setting: None
Image settings: None

Scale in

Button settings: Direction Center
Image settings: Direction Bottom


The animation starts as soon as you enter the site and continues regardless of your scroll position.


Button Settings: Distance 10 | Duration 2 | Direction Center | Overflow Visible
Image Settings: Distance 50 | Duration 4 | Direction Width | Overflow Visible


Multiple images slide horizontally. Applicable only to the Image Slider block.
Setting value: Speed 2 | Pause on hover On