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Social buttons

This is a button that shows the URL as an icon. If you enter information such as Instagram, Facebook, __T1_____ (Twitter), Naver, YouTube, phone number, text message link, email, etc., an icon with a link will be automatically created.
Create a button
After entering /button in the blank space, select Social Button . Or , click + on the left side of the block and select Social Button .
Add URL or information
Click on the basic house-shaped icon, enter the site link in the 'Enter URL or search term' field and press Enter . Click the + icon to add a new button on the right .
To add mail, phone, and text functions, enter them as in the example below.
Mail → mailto: name@company․com
Phone → tel: 01012345678
Text → sms: 01012345678
Delete button
Click the - icon that appears when you hover your cursor over the button .