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This feature allows you to change the color and shape of backgrounds, text, channels, and buttons. You can apply the theme to the entire site, or to specific pages or channels.
Preview of theme types
How to set up
Select the Theme icon from the toolbar at the top of the editing screen .
Choose whether you want to apply the theme to the entire site or just this page , and then select the Change button below .
Select from a variety of themes, see how they will be applied to your site in real time, and click the theme you want to apply.
The theme of all subpages and channels on the site is applied as set for the entire site. It is not affected by the theme of the parent page or channel of that page. Also, the color of text or buttons that you have changed directly will not change when the theme is applied.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. The site's theme looks different than what I set up.
A. If you do not set a theme separately or set it to the default system theme, your site will be displayed with a theme that matches the visitor's system settings. If you want to make it look just the way you want, you can choose a light theme, a dark theme, or another theme.
Q. Can I change the theme color to whatever I want?
A. It is not possible at the moment, but it will be added soon. Please wait a little longer.
Q. When will a theme be applied to a site that is already in operation?
A. The theme will be reflected immediately after it is applied.