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How do humans use 24 hours? (global average)
A recent study published in the American science magazine 'Scientific American' calculated the average daily activity time of the world's population to analyze how we spend most of our time. The study was conducted by Clara Moskowit and Studio Terph, and will be detailed in the November 2023 issue of 'Scientific American', which will be published on November 1, 2023.
What's interesting about this study is that it provides data on where people spend most of their time on average around the world. Of course, there are pitfalls to averages, but when the paper is published in the journal, we'll probably be able to learn more about how the statistics were calculated. (DOI:10.1038/scientificamerican1123-94) Of course, it's still true that on average, people spend about a third of their lives sleeping.
Note: It is important to note that these figures are averages and may vary depending on an individual's lifestyle, cultural background, and other factors.
Most of our time outside of sleep is spent on activities that are directly focused on humans, including eating, grooming, playing sports, watching TV, meeting friends, caring for children, and attending school or religious services.
Main categories of activities:
Meals: 1.6 hours
Experience or sensory oriented: 5.1 hours
The time spent experiencing a service or feeling a sensation. For example, food, drink, perfume, music, etc., means enjoying a product or service that provides a sensory experience.
Direct outcomes: 9.4 hours
Somatic maintenance: 1.6 hours
Deliberate neural restructuring: 1.3 hours
"Deliberate neural restructuring" refers to the act of intentionally restructuring the brain's connections. For example, this could involve strengthening certain parts of the brain or weakening others through meditation, specific learning strategies, or physical brain training.
Learning and research: 1.1 hours
Religious practice: 0.2 hours
The next most time-consuming activities are those that change the physical world. These include 'food provision' and 'non-food provision' activities such as farming, raising livestock, preparing and cooking food.
Main categories of activities:
Food provision: 1.8 hours
Maintenance: 0.8 hours
Technosphere Creation: 0.7 hours
The smallest category of activities is more abstract. Subgroups include time spent working in the government, military, trade, law, real estate, or financial industries.
Main categories of activities:
Organization: 2.1 hours
Human transportation: 0.9 hours
Allocation: 0.9 hours
Material transportation: 0.3 hours
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