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I found five letters from Datamorph.
Created by
  • Haebom
Created at
You don't have to ask me how these letters came into my hands. I'll just say that they were found somewhere in the modern world, in a digital maze. Sent by a mysterious demon named Datamorph to his nephew Glitch, these letters teach humans not to judge whether something is "true" or "false", but to judge whether it is "scholarly" or "practical", "old" or "new", "conventional" or "daring".
When we think of the devil, there are two errors that we humans tend to fall into. They are opposites in content but equally serious errors. One is not believing in the existence of the devil. The other is believing in the devil but paying too much unhealthy attention to it. The devil is very happy about these two errors and welcomes them regardless of whether they are materialists or charlatans.
We encounter many technologies in our daily lives, such as artificial intelligence, social media, virtual reality, and blockchain. However, the technology reflected in these letters is quite different from what we knew. Following Datamorph’s clever advice and instructions, humans are falling into the trap of technology without even realizing it.
You may feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar while reading this article. But perhaps it is because we have come face to face with a side of reality that we have not paid attention to. I hope you will read these letters with an open mind. And I hope you will discover a cross-section of ourselves and modern society in them.
First letter
Second letter
Third letter
The fourth letter
Fifth letter
This content is an homage to CS Lewis's <The Screwtape Letters>, famous for the Chronicles of Narnia, with a focus on software, computer engineering, industrial engineering, and service planning, without the Christian overtones.
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    Empty amber wind
    It's in the nature of the human to want for more: like some sort of permanent construct or congenital defect in its mind, it cannot help but strive regardless of how much it already has. The power of social media, then, is that it is able to synthesize infinite situations for a human to want. To want more power, to want more money, to want more things. Yet! It is also so infinitely entertaining that, despite feeling bad about one's station due to its use, they are unable to put it down. Slowly, softly, a degredation takes place. It is the very soul which is damaged over time.
    This is an opportunity for the uniqueness of the human to shine: this degredation takes place differently for each person. Inasmuch as these humans are unique in their despair, they can surely be sorted into one of many categories. My personal favorite is the human which rages. Day in and day out, the human has read material about the oppression of some group somewhere, with another group at the upper hand. Day in and day out their outrage is stoked over and over without resolution in sight. Then, because of the destruction of the meditative faculties of society, there is no outlet. This human has been transformed into a grotesque, always with a downward facing sneer due to their angst-driven superiority.
    Magnificent, and it requires only a gentle push. It only requires "telling the truth". It only requires showing them the worst of their kind. Slowly but surely their soul comes covered in tar, slick and sticky with hatred. A beautifully forked approach: the entire time, the human believes not only that their hatred is just, but anyone who has not their hatred is unjust. There is no resistance... it only requires time and patience.
    A cousin once told me this: "Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one— the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts."