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Why Apple declined the offer to attend OpenAI's board of directors
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  • Haebom
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Hedging Antitrust Risks: Apple's Strategic Choices
Apple’s decision can be seen as a response to increased scrutiny from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and European Union (EU) competition authorities. With regulators’ recent interest in big tech companies’ investments in AI startups growing, Apple appears to be trying to preemptively block the legal risks that could come with joining the OpenAI board.
This can be understood in a similar context to Microsoft (MS)’s recent actions. MS has also made large-scale investments in OpenAI, but has shown itself to refrain from direct participation in the governance structure [6]. This approach is interpreted as a strategy to strengthen technological cooperation while minimizing the possibility of violating antitrust laws.
A new model of strategic cooperation
Instead of board participation, Apple is looking for other forms of cooperation models. Through regular strategic meetings with OpenAI, Apple plans to continue cooperation, such as integrating ChatGPT technology into its devices. This is a way to maintain technical cooperation without direct participation in the governance structure, and it is a glimpse of Apple’s struggle to avoid the net of antitrust regulations while not falling behind in the AI technology race.
The current board of directors of OpenAI is as follows. Ilya recently left the company and a picture like this...
Changes in the global AI ecosystem
Apple’s decision is not just a strategic choice for one company, but also an important signal of change in the global AI ecosystem. As the relationship between big tech companies and AI startups becomes more complex and regulatory scrutiny intensifies, companies face the challenge of finding a new balance between innovation and regulatory compliance.
Points to consider
Apple's refusal to attend OpenAI's board of directors may seem like a simple corporate decision on the surface, but behind it lies a complex background of strategic responses to global antitrust regulations and the search for new models for AI technology cooperation. This will be an important case that can be used to gauge the direction in which big tech companies' AI strategies will unfold in the future. How to strike a balance between the development of AI technology and regulation will remain a major challenge for companies and policymakers going forward.
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