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What Excel function should I use? If it was difficult
An interesting product was born in the UK. It is GPTexcel. To be honest, after the GPT API was released, many related services were released. Personally, most of them were in a hurry to fill in the contents of the cell. So I didn't use them much. In the meantime, the interesting thing about this service is that it creates functions, VBA, scripts, and SQL that we use in Excel, spreadsheets, etc.
For example, if you want to add all cells from A1 to A24, you can do it like this: =SUM(A1:A24). Simple formulas and functions like VLOOKUP and IF work well, so in some ways it is more practical. Function creation, function description, and regular expressions are provided for free, while scripts, SQL, etc. are provided as paid functions.
We learn again that solving problems locally rather than trying to do everything can sometimes result in more useful products.
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