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??? : Users view chat-type advertisements 1.8 times more.
According to a Microsoft advertising VP, click-through rates for ads in Bing Chat were 1.8 times higher than click-through rates for ads in traditional search. In particular, click-through rates for shopping ads in Bing Chat were 11% higher. Time on page (time spent) was also higher in Bing Chat than in traditional search.
Why Bing Chat has such a high click-through rate?: The Bing Chat interface is clean compared to the Bing Search interface. When you read text-based responses and see large shopping ads, images, and prices, your eyes naturally move to them, which is not the case with traditional search.
Why is the time on screen high?: The higher time on screen is explained by people interacting with the bot longer and reading longer responses.
I think this shows the potential of interactive advertising products. In Korea, this method could be used in KakaoTalk or CUE:, which was recently released by Naver.
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