Announcement of Opening of Platform Cost Analysis Dashboard
Hello, this is DataPure. ☺️ A dashboard to analyze delivery platform costs has been opened. 🎉 Find out the platform fees and advertising expenses of Baedal Minjok and Coupang Eats. Guide to Key Indicators Platform Fee : Platform fee plus estimated advertising cost Platform Fee : Brokerage and payment fees for Baedal Minjok and Coupang Eats Estimated advertising cost : Advertising product usage fee for Baedal Minjok and Coupang Eats Baedal Minjok: Open List, Our Store Click, Ultra Call, Baemin Takeout Order Fee Coupang Eats: Coupang advertising usage fee (coupons will be added later) Data service period Provides up to 6 months of data New accounts are displayed starting from the month prior to the initial account registration date. The latest data is updated as of today, up to D-2 data. Configure the Dashboard Platform Cost Analysis You can get an overall overview of the platform fees and advertising expenditures of Baedal Minjok and Coupang Eats for all stores. Detailed analysis by store You can select a specific store to see detailed platform costs and profit and loss by advertising product.
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