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Baemin restaurant ranking analysis

Analysis of restaurant ranking status

You can track the status of stores that are listed on the restaurant rankings and stores that are not listed among all stores.
Check out the performance through the trend of restaurant rankings by week and the share of restaurant rankings by brand.
Usage Tips
→ Intensive management of brands with the highest rankings in restaurants
→ Identifying operational issues of stores not listed on restaurant rankings

Detailed analysis of restaurant rankings

Every Wednesday, we collect rankings of restaurants in up to 19 areas within a 3km radius of the store.
We support the establishment of efficient operation strategies based on performance such as listing and ranking in regional restaurant rankings.
Usage Tips
→ Establish operational strategies such as installing flags in areas with good performance
→ Check if customers are steadily coming in through indicator trends

Status of not being listed on the restaurant rankings

You can check the status of stores that are not listed in the most recent restaurant rankings.
Check the listing history and listing date by detailed category of the store to identify operational issues.
Usage Tips
→ Monitoring of operational issues in stores and categories not listed on the restaurant rankings