i think have feature guest comment there, this likes magnet for people interaction until them also now about slashpage,and with happy join here. and hope informatin sum subribers and them ivon profil not show, on side bar in main page, something dnt interest if see, that subscriber its not many. how for subscriber can see only by admin web, than info subcriber in public, its change to viewer or bar rate, or subcribers only show title "grow up, advanced,good prospect,popular, recommended,best sites,"
1. Add a ∨ next to menu names: This creates a subtle hint that there's more to explore. Just be mindful that it will also appear on desktop views.
2. Enhance menu names with updates or counts: Add something like "ᴺ" directly to the menu name to indicate newly updated content (e.g., "Articlesᴺ"). Alternatively, show a number, such as "(21)" at the end of the menu name, to highlight how many posts or items are inside. This makes it more engaging and encourages clicks.