Finally, you can see your subscribers list! 😲
Did you ever want a little more than just the subscriber count?
Now, with just one click, you can access the complete list of your subscribers!
Discover when they subscribed to you and when they last visited your page.
The Subscriber menu is located at the top of the left sidebar of the screen. You can also access the Member menu together.
Only members with management permissions can access the subscriber list.
The subscriber and member management features will continue to improve in the future.
Feel free to share any ideas in the comments! 💬
    A great start. so I do not get access to the subscribers emails which is a bit of an isssue .. maybe
    We'll discuss more within the team regarding subscriber information. Thanks, mate!
Add a table of contents to your page! 📄
Add a table of contents when posting lengthy or crucial information. You can offer a glimpse of your page's content and enable users to skip directly to each section. Turn on the Table of contents in the Custom menu at the top of the editing screen. Headings 1, 2, and 3 blocks are automatically added to the table of contents! Try implementing table of contents in your service guides or manuals! It allows customers to swiftly navigate to the sections they're interested in. It's also suitable for documents like meeting minutes or proposals that require an overview at a glance. Depending on your screen width, Table of contents might appear on the right side of the page or just below the title. Tip: For better guides, Copy links for individual blocks! In addition to adding a table of contents, copying links of individual blocks ameliorates your guides. For instance, create a link in a guide document that directs to a specific block in another guide, like 'Click here to see how to view only the posts you've written!' Edit Mode: Click on the handle of the desired block, and select Copy link to block. View Mode: Click on the desired part of the table of contents, and copy the link from the address bar.
Online business owners, try this shopping block!
Simply paste the product link, and a page similar to an online store will be created. 📈Using shopping blocks, boost search traffic to your products. 👀 Spotlight flagship products and introduce your brand. 🛍️ Easily craft your unique shop's layout and design with a simple copy + paste. If prices change during a sale, update the product information by clicking ∙∙∙ > Refresh Link Preview in the top right of the block. Moreover, If you want to explore other preset styles, changing the theme will alter the design! The Shopping Block is available for products on Amazon and Shopify. (We plan to expand the list! If you're selling elsewhere, let us know in the comments.) Wait a moment! Buttons that lead directly to calling or texting are available too. Simply add tel:0123456789 or sms:0123456789 to the button's link!
3 Updates to make your blog easier to read!
1️⃣ Now you can add a cover image to your blog posts. Using a cover image can enhance the communicative power and comprehension of the content. Whether it's a travel journal, an introduction to a no-code tool, or valuable financial tips, try adding cover images that match your post's content or theme! 2️⃣ You can apply 12 different background & text colors to Callout blocks. Color options that will make the Callout block stand out have been added. Customize the colors to match your content—whether it's tips, Q&A, examples, or to align with your brand! Feel free to use emoji that are relevant to the content. Use 📢 for announcements, 🚨 for warnings, 🍯 for valuable tips, or express heartfelt sentiments with ❤️💛🩵. 3️⃣ The text and images in posts are now optimized to fit the browser width. We've applied responsive web design, allowing them to naturally adjust or resize based on the browser width. Whether it's a post with lengthy articles, columns, or images, it's much more comfortable to read now!